Hermione the African tailless whip scorpion. 🖤 YES, this is a real one, unlike the fake, CGI one from Harry Potter. ⚡️While they look quite intimidating, they do not pose a threat to humans, and cannot sting or bite. While tailless whip scorpions can be found all over the world, this large one in particular is commonly found in Tanzania and Kenya and can have a leg span of up to 17 inches! 🙉 They feed on insects and love to hide in caves and between tree bark. When I bring her to events, people are usually both terrified and fascinated. 😏 Would you hold one??
#damonvariegatus #taillesswhipscorpion #africantaillesswhipscorpion #whipscorpion #harrypotter #harrypotterspider #longlegs #ilikebigbugsandicannotlie #educationalentertainment #thebuglady #bugsarecool #girlswholovebugs #bugsonwheels #bugsonwheelsexperience #arachnids #arachnidsofinstagram
Happy Valentine’s from Bugs on Wheels!! Who wants to show my little friends some love at their kissing booth?? A penny a kiss!! 💋😘🦂🪳🪲🕷️💕
#happyvalentines #ilikebigbugsandicannotlie #valentinesday #bugsonwheels #kissingbugs #kissingabug #bugkisses #bugsonwheelsexperience #thebuglady #bugbiz #womanownedbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #loveday #myfunnyvalentine #funnyvalentine #lovebug #educationalentertainment
Let’s hear it for jumpers!! This sweet little girl is more active than my other jumpers and has the prettiest colors to her! 🧡 I love how she genuinely seems interesting in getting close to me when I take her out to explore. 🥰
Adopted by @spood.crew
#jumpingspider #jumping #jumpingbugs #spidersthatjump #petjumper #petjumpingspider #thebuglady #bugsonwheels #bugsonwheelsexperience #cute #cutespiders #cutebugs #girlswholovebugs #tinyspider
Check out this gorgeous striped desert millipede! Aside from tarantulas, millipedes are my favorite! The way they feel when they crawl in you is such a fun sensation, and watching their little legs move is mesmerizing! I’ve got several of these little guys and my kids love watching them move. 🤎🧡
#millipede #millipedelove #manylegs #pede #bugs #buglove #lovebug #crawling #crawlingbug #thebuglady #bugsonwheels #educationalentertainment #entomology #girkswholocebugs #tickly #ticklybugs #cutebugs #cute #mypetsarecoolerthanyours #mypetiscoolerthanyours #stripeddesertmillipede
Check out these stages of a “tomato hornworm”! The larval stage of the five-spotted hawk moth is a pest to gardens, so they aren’t very well-liked, but their size is beautifully impressive! Growing up in the country, we had a huge garden and these big guys showed up from time to time. 🌿🍅🐛
#tomatohornworm #Manducaquinquemaculata #ilikebigbugsandicannotlie #bug #bugbossbabe #educationalentertainment #thebuglady #bugstages #hornworm #tomatoworm #tomatohornworm #bigbugs #moth #fivespottedhawkmoth #hawkmoth #bigmoth #entomology #bugsonwheels #bugsonwheelsexperience #metrodetroitentertainment #educationalentertainment
This beautiful mama worked on her ootheca for several hours and finished it after the sun had already gone down. She emits a type of foam from her abdomen that will eventually harden to house and protect the eggs until it’s time for them to hatch. Depending on the species, a female praying mantis can have up to 300 eggs in their ootheca!
**This is my original video that went viral 3 years ago with over 25 million views here on IG. Figured I’d try again. 😉**
#prayingmantisofinstagram #preyingmantis #chinesemantis #prayingmantis #ootheca #mantislayingeggcase #insecteggs #eggcase #mamamantis #insectmoms #insectmama #insectsofinstagram #bugsonwheels #educationalentertainment #layingeggs #bugmom #prayingmantises #bugsarecool #entomology #entomologist
I’m teaming up with my friends over at The Reptarium AGAIN to bring you the crawly AND slithery!! January 30th from 4-7, The Reptarium is hosting Bugs on Wheels, so you can get a chance to see my favorite little leggy friends as well as some amazing reptiles and other creatures! Book your hour slot ticket through The Reptarium and I’ll see you there! 🤩
#bugsonwheels #thereptarium #bugsonwheels #bugsbugsbugs #bugsandreptiles #creepycrawlys #animallovers #ilikebigbugsandicannotlie #holdingbugs #educationalentertainment #animallovers #michiganentertainment #holdingreptiles #winterfun #winteractivities #metrodetroit
Leonardo da Pinchi has some STRONG jaws! The females do as well-ask me how I know. 🥴 This stag beetle is huge and gorgeous! 🖤 Found in Taiwan, the Philippines, and surrounding areas, these guys can live 2-3 years. Also, before everyone asks, yes I have two different colored eyes. No, they aren’t contacts. It’s called heterochromia. 💁🏼♀️👁️
#dorcustitanus #stagbeetle #ilikebigbugsandcannotlie #thebuglady #beautifulbugs #bugs #beetles #beetle #educationalentertainment #bugsonwheels #bugsonwheelsexperience #bugsandbabes #abugandababe #babesandbugs #heterochromia
Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches!! These cuties come with me to every BOW Experience and kids LOVE them! Kids say they tickle when they crawl in their hand, and of course, sometimes they hiss! Think cockroaches are gross and disgusting?? Book me for an event and find out why they are so important to our ecosystem and why they really AREN’T gross!! 🪳
#cockroaches #cockroach #madagascanhissingcockroach #ilikebigbugsandicannotlie #hissers #hissingbugs #hissinginsects #roaches #roachesofinstagram #thebuglady #bugsonwheels #bugsonwheelsexperience #educationalentertainment #roachesareimportant #coolbugs #grossbutnot #notgross
These male and female elephant beetles are just 😍😍🐘.
#elephantbeetle #elephantbeetles #bigbeetles #bugsonwheelsexperience #thebuglady #bugsonwheels #educationalentertsinment #bigbugs #fuzzybugs #fuzzybeetle
I was putting up garland and Lulu loved exploring it! Jumpers are just the cutest and she’s no exception. She’s probably the biggest jumper I’ve ever had and usually the jumpiest! However, hanging out on the garland had her the chillest I’ve seen her and it was super cute. 🌲❤️
#jumpingspider #christmasspider #garland #cute #ilikebigbugsandcannotlie #jumper #regaljumpingspider #jumpingspidersofinstagram #thebuglady #bugsonwheels #bugsonwheelsexperience #bugsandchristmas #garlandandspiders
If playing with my bugs like this is wrong, then I’ll be honest-I just don’t want to be right. 🤷🏼♀️ My tailless whip scorpion is actually an arthropod that I used to not be super keen about, and even used to say I wouldn’t get one-even for the business. I’m so glad I changed my mind! 🖤#taillesswhipscorpion #whipscorpion #whipspider #harrypotter #harrypotterspider #arthropod #ilikebigbugsandicannotlie #weekend #playingwithbugs #idontwanttoberight #lovebugs #bigbugs #hugebugs #taillesswhipspider #africanwhipscorpion