our naughty cat says we’re sold out and that’s that • thanks to all you lovers out there ✨
Today is all admin, no studio or else, so naturally first thoughts took a little tumble:
Proposal X ingredients need tweaking, more airy textures ~>
Was love in a puff ready by that week last year? Check garden notes/farm orders
~> oy, I miss just me and the garden in the early morning, how much longer, mercy
~> let’s find a photo and reminisce, a little break is fine
~> remember the bunny burrow? Was it just a dream that the mama bunny chose to nest under the love in a puff? And how sweet daughter was, pulling up carrots in case the mama needed a snack, and our old dog getting real low and quiet and just staring at the nesting babies
~> god that was sweet. Don’t forget the sweet moments
~> and the internet even told us what to do in those wild summer storms we thought would drown the bunnies (umbrella! saved them)
~> did I even order love in a puff seeds? Sh*t
~> probably this year we should plant them in a slightly sunnier bed and trellis better
~> missing my summer garden green, and no, a biblical number of houseplants isn’t cutting it, that’s my truth
~> what did farmer’s almanac say about a late frost this year?
~> grimy winters here are harder than in the frigid Midwest because there is so much wet gray and not enough snow, that’s my other truth
~> don’t need so many cosmos varietals this year, make a note and hang it and commit, surely I can be disciplined about THAT
~> why did this little edit take 15 minutes
~> must post more garden photos, screw the Insta conditioning of what gets more eyes. Using the fruits of my gardening labor spring to fall made this business. Harrumph!
~> okay that’s done, did do that •