I'd like to start by telling you a little bit about myself and how I decided to get into this wonderful world of Photography. I have always thought that I didn't choose Photography, Photography chose me. As some of you may relate, I'm 99% of the time behind the camera. Yes, there is a 1% in which I'm in front, so some pictures of mine can be found. As with many fellow Photographers, it started as
a hobby, but this was before I had my own children. I want to say it became stronger when I became an aunt (right about 18 years ago, which is the age of my oldest nephew). I have sure practiced a lot with them and I have a big collection of their photos that I treasure dearly. My experience has grown with the years and my cameras and equipment that I have aquired throughout the years have also been upgraded. Along with this, I love to put my creativity to practice by editing photos to make them look exactly as how I pictured them to be, even if I'm happy with how the picture turned out unedited. In 2008 my oldest girl Kerstin Soleil was born. And you guessed it right! As most moms (even the ones who are not photographers by profession) I have been clicking my picture taking device quite often almost every day of her life. And my photo collection has sure grown since. To contribute to the growth of that collection, my youngest daughter Melanie Claire was born in 2011 and sure enough! I have quite a large collection of .jpg files in my current computer, as well as my 2 external drives (yes! that's a lot, I know) What can I say? I can't promise it won't continue to grow. Especially since I really think my 2 girls are cute (which mom doesn't think that of their children? well, I'm no exception.) For the last couple of years I have been a Photographer for hire as a side business from my current main job: Proud Stay at Home Mom. My customers include family members, Friends and some Friends of Friends. Now, I have decided to grow a little bigger and be available to other customers. Every year our families look different: our childen grow, and some other changes may take place. This is why I think it is important to freeze the looks of our families or family members each year by taking the time to have our pictures taken. There are many options out there for this kind of business. Some people may be able to afford hiring a photographer, while some others may not. Every photographer has their reasons to charge what they charge. But I also have a reason to make my prices affordable: I WANT ANY FAMILY TO BE ABLE TO GET A QUALITY PHOTO SESSION WITHOUT BREAKING THEIR PIGGY BANK! So I'm here at your service offering what I enjoy doing: Making memories last for you and your family. So I do promise to continue to stay affordable and offer great quality at the same time. And thank you again, for considering using my services and allowing me to get to know you a little more by capturing your special moments. Wether is your maternity, newborn, children's birthdays, or Special Holidays through the year. I'm looking forward to being your family photographer! Marisol Uva.