Give away time!!!!!!!!! Emily Hohman, you are the winner of the 2019 Sioux Empire Fair giveaway! Please contact us for Details!!!!
Good morning from the Sioux Empire Fair! The daily raising of the American Flag ritual! Last day of the fair so come eat at the Wagon and ride the Minihan Family Train!!
Will you help us reach 1000 likes?? Like our page, share, then comment ‘done’ and we will choose one person to win a $20 meal of food out here at the Sioux Empire Fair!! Feel free to tell us in your comment if you will be having a beef brisket or pork sandwich or if you are going to get messy and have ribs for your main course!! Winner will be announced once 1000 likes are reached!!! We have until Saturday night!
Now that's how you flip brats on the meat bunk!!
Did you know every day at 10:00am when the fair opens they have someone sing the Star- Spangled Banner? Come out and hear it sometime. And dad looks thrilled because he slept in a lawn chair in the wagon last night to keep brisket on over night. Talk about dedication.
Hungry yet!?!? #sefair14 #75anniversary #droolin