Big Announcement
Tune in now for our big announcement!
Freshly roasted tomatoes turned soup! It’s the perfect mate for an ooey, gooey grilled cheese on this rainy September day!
The garden is popping with lots of fresh tomatoes and zucchini so we had to create a Tuscan Zucchini soup! Bursting with flavor, you guys gotta try it!
Open 11-4 in the Jones 421 Market.
We have a big Saturday tomorrow!
First we start the day down at Falls Park Farmer's Market from 8a-1p and then we head over to Levitt Sioux Falls for the last concert of the season!! 5pm-9pm (or until it’s gone)
#421JonesMarket #eatmoregreens #ShopSmall #sufu #supportsmallbusiness #healthy #summer #lunch #supportlocal #605foodies #eatmoreplants #downtownsiouxfalls #brosiabowl #outdoor #dtsf #plantbased #buildabowlofgoodness #goodeatssiouxfalls #foodtrucks #605foodtrucks #summervibes #truckin #sufufoodie #fallsparkfarmersmarket
This soup is so light and fresh and popping with flavor!!
#vegan #soupseason #plantbased #jones421market #buildabowlofgoodness #yummy
This week only, buy one get one free! Taco Bowl, Curry Bowl, and salads!
We had a big week planned on the food truck, but due to extreme heat, the events were cancelled. Head down to the Jones 421 Market between 11-4 and grab some grub!
Offer is good in store only.
#brosiabowl #eatmoregreens #eatmoreplants #supportsmallbusiness #lunch #supportlocal #421JonesMarket #healthy #sufufoodie #ShopSmall #dtsf #buildabowlofgoodness #downtownsiouxfalls #summer #goodeatssiouxfalls #605foodies #summervibes #sufu #plantbased
We’re at Golf Addiction until 8! Come see us along with all the other food trucks!
Soul Train
Taqueria Juanita
Cheezy Noodles
SDSU Ice Cream
Windy City Bites
#605foodtrucks #605foodies #golfaddiction #foodtrucktuesday
Happy Thursday! We’re gearing up for a big weekend!
Friday we will be at Dakota News Now over the lunch hour and Saturday we will be at the 605 Summer Classic from 12-4!
We are open in the Jones 421 Market from 11-4 and will be featuring our yummy Taco Bowl and Summer Strawberry Salad! Hope to see you soon! Indoor and outdoor seating is available!
#421JonesMarket #brosiabowl #summer #605foodies #plantbased #supportsmallbusiness #605foodies #plantbased #healthy #foodtrucks #605foodtrucks #goodeatssiouxfalls #eatmoreplants #lunch #dtsf #outdoor #ShopSmall #sufufoodie #buildabowlofgoodness #summervibes #truckin #outdoorseating
We have a winner! Congratulations, Kristine Muko!You and a lucky guest get to have lunch on us tomorrow, March 18th! Woo hoo!
It’s windy!! No, it’s not! It’s Thursday! Ok, our jokes are bad but our food is always packed full of goodness! After all those burgers, give yourself a jumpstart and grab a delicious, freshly made salad down at the Jones 421 Market! Grab one of our Harvest Salads before they’re gone!
Can’t get away? Get it delivered on DoorDash or GrubHub!
#BrosiaBowl #dtsf #ShopSmall #eatmoregreens #eatlocal #plantbased #healthy #DTSF #uptownsoofoo #goodeatssiouxfalls #605foodies #buildabowlofgoodness #supportsmallbusiness #lunch #siouxfallssd #grains #grubhub #supportlocal #421JonesMarket #soupandsalad #eatmoreplants #doordash