The Pennsic War

The Pennsic War This page is held and managed by The Pennsic War and is considered the official presence of the event

Designed as a Medieval "War" between the Kingdoms of the East and the Middle of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Pennsic is also the largest SCA event, with activities include large melee battles, tournaments, archery, stage performances, dancing, and hundreds of classes on medieval topics.

Tech Services getting it done!

Tech Services getting it done!

Greetings from the staff of Pennsic University! For those of you out there using Thing 2.0 we are asking for your help. ...

Greetings from the staff of Pennsic University!

For those of you out there using Thing 2.0 we are asking for your help.

A user came to us with a problem she'd been having with the calendar download. She'd been having it for 3 weeks but didn't want to be 'that user.' A member of our dev team fixed the issue in less than 5 minutes.

Here's our problem: Thing 2.0 is new software, it's going to have bugs. It's written by a very dedicated, but very small, team of people. We don't have a QA team and we certainly can't think of everything.

We’re not promising everything can be fixed before Pennsic, but we can't fix what we don't know about. We want to hear from YOU! Really!!! Please reach out to us

[email protected] or
[email protected]

alternately, you can use the “contact an admin” button on the menu bar in Thing 2.0.

If you have feedback on design elements or content, we will be happy to take that AFTER Pennsic, We still need time to prep and pack after all.

Your Dedicated Pennsic University Team

Greetings from your friends at Pennsic University, the first day of school is fast approaching and we are so excited! We...

Greetings from your friends at Pennsic University, the first day of school is fast approaching and we are so excited! We know you are too!

Some of you are so looking forward to it that you have created most impressive schedules. Unfortunately this is creating a bit of an issue. Personal schedules with more than 500 entries are getting a timeout error and this is an issue we won’t be able to fix before Pennsic. So please, for this year at least, limit yourselves to only 2 or 3 options per hour. We suggest you triage the class list by going through the CSV and marking classes, then choosing a more reasonable number to add to your personal schedule.

Safe travels, and we’ll see you soon!

The Pennsic University Staff

Meet our Accessibility Coordinator!Greetings, My name is Helewyse de Birkestad, I am the new accessibility assistance co...

Meet our Accessibility Coordinator!

My name is Helewyse de Birkestad, I am the new accessibility assistance coordinator. You have no doubt seen a LOT of posts from this office but this time it is all about me and why I am a Pennsic staff volunteer.
I grew up in England and moved to the US in 1995, in 1997 I found the SCA through a friend. Two years later I was running the merchants at the big event our group held (Baron Wars), then I was the autocrat, I haven’t stopped serving since.
I enjoy bringing order to chaos and making the SCA a welcoming place for all. Last year I spent a lot of time behind the scenes of Pennsic as I was the Seneschal of the Middle Kingdom. I stepped down from that position in December but I had indicated to the incoming Mayor and the deputy Mayors that should they find a slot where I could use my talents for good I would be happy to help. Well needless to say they did and I have been working at listening to feedback and sharing information since.
I have found the SCA to be a source of joy and friendship, through Pennsic and my art I have met phenomenal people from across the globe. I am proud to be doing what I can to make Pennsic, an event at a rustic campground, a little more accessible. I’d love to have you stop on by and volunteer and say hello. See you in August.
Baroness Helewyse de Birkestad (OL, OP) most frequently known as Weezie by friends.

News from the Accessibility Assistance Coordinator please share widely. Volunteers, services and service hours:Volunteer...

News from the Accessibility Assistance Coordinator please share widely.

Volunteers, services and service hours:

Volunteers are needed to staff accessibility assistance from 9am-5pm daily throughout the war. During land grab (Friday 9am-5pm) we will be in the great hall where land agents are checking in. After that we will be in the usual location near the coopers store next to information point.

What do we do?

1) assist individuals with queries, we do have a book of knowledge about what services are available in the local area
2) Check in people who have reserved charging space and provide them with a tag or tags for their device/battery.
3) Check in service animals after 10am. Service animal check in is located at Troll from 8am-10am, further check in is handled at disability services
4) help to coordinate volunteers for CAWS with Silvertree Souq.
5) help to coordinate translators from volunteers who sign up
6) Sit in the shade, drink water, chat to friends, earn volunteer points, charge our devices.

Signing up for service will be a bit different this year.

Provide your contact information by completing this form:

Then sign up for your desired shift by adding your name to this spreadsheet:

We are also assisting with CAWS volunteers this year, you may sign up here:


CAWS shift sign ups:

Service Animal check-in

If you have a service animal we strongly recommend that you fill out the service animal check in form prior to arrival. This link can be used through 7/24/24

This allows us to have an additional way to reunite your animal and you if they get spooked for any reason and leave your camp. Additionally, PA law requires proof of rabies vaccination and this allows us to verify this.
Service animal check in will be at Troll daily from 8am-10am. Friday of Land grab through Monday of War week. Outside of those hours please stop by Accessibility Assistance. Check in is for the safety of your animal and in accordance with site rules and state law. If you arrive after our business hours, just come and take care of it the next day. Failure to check in your service animal may result in sanction as determined by the Mayor/Seneschal.

The purpose of checking in service animals is to facilitate the return of your dog. And to ensure the safety of all service animals at Pennsic. Providing this information prior to check in at Pennsic will help to shorten your time in the line at Gate. AFTER 7/24/24 please just come to Pennsic. A cop...

Meet the Marvelous Mistress of the Maps, Baroness Kilde Jurgenstochtir, OP!In 1983, I was eleven. I wasn’t the kid every...

Meet the Marvelous Mistress of the Maps, Baroness Kilde Jurgenstochtir, OP!

In 1983, I was eleven. I wasn’t the kid everyone picked on, but I prayed that kid wouldn’t die. Today we would both be diagnosed as neurodivergent, but then we were just outcasts. I hid in books and cried into my locker. The same kids who scorned me at school picked on me at Girl Scouts.

A couple new to our church told tales of this great organization they met and married in. The focus was living history as it should have been - recreating past arts and sciences and culture while integrating modern ideals about equity. (Yes. Equity. Even then. We hadn’t achieved much, but it was a goal. Ask any female knight of today who played in those days what she was working towards.) Those two young folks became my SCA foster parents and I traveled with them to SCA events for my first five years. They led kingdoms; I helped behind the scenes.

The night before my first event was an adventure of new things. I traveled farther away from home than I’d ever been without my family. (Four hours.) We stayed n the coolest home (A converted church.) I stayed up until midnight. (I watched Johnny Carson!) But most amazing to me, I was hugged and welcomed as family by people I’d never met. I stayed for the people.

Most of you cannot imagine our SCA in 1983. A phone call to anyone for any period of time cost money. The only way to find the SCA was a flyer at the library or through word of mouth. Maybe you had geek friends in a D&D group. But there were no texts, no chat rooms, no cosplay, few gaming stores, no video game RPGs. No escape into fantasy except books. And the only way to connect with your SCA friends once you found them was that expensive phone call or reading about them in the monthly, printed and mailed Kongdom newsletter. It was lonely. Events made the loneliness disappear. Pennsic, Pennsic seemed a dream.

Because I was underage and without legal parents in our game, the rules at the time meant I wasn’t allowed at Pennsic until I was 18. Because I watched my guides and mentors in the SCA dedicate their lives and their sanity to their Kingdoms, the organization, and Pennsic, I made other choices about my activity level. I came and went from Pennsic and in and out of the SCA as I lived my life - went to college, had a family, built a career. I always loved my people, though, and when I came back each time, it was for you.

At that first event in 1983, I met more of the people who would by example teach me about service on a Society level and service to Pennsic. The motto of one of my households is Service is Love Made Visible and I have lived my life and SCA existance by that directive. Most of my service has been to supporting those in front - Royalty, Officers, Pennsic Staff. (I was likely in the room where it happened, but you didn’t see me because I was behind the throne or in the corner caring for the seneshal’s baby.) I only formally joined Pennsic staff a year ago, because there was a gap that needed to be filled, and I could step in.

I am privileged. I camp in the original X block, a gift from the Cooper’s to a household whose service to Pennsic has been constant since almost the beginning. I was raised by the peers who forged the kingdoms we live in and the game as we play it. I know a lot of history and who to go to if something needs doing. I also know the cost of not playing the game by everyone else’s rules. (My peerage path took me 36 years.)

As head of the maps department on the Pennsic planning and zoning team, I try to use that priveledge and my decades of knowledge to help everyone have the best camp space they can and the best land allotment experience possible. I still try to take care of others so they can play the game to their fullest ability and chase the achievements they desire. We still fight inequities.

I’m old though you won’t say so. I forget faces and names. But come talk to me and remind me who you are if I can’t place you. And if you have a concern with the map for your Pennsic block, send me a pdf of your block map with your suggestions to [email protected] and we will review it for Pennsic 52.

Yours in Service,

*Baroness Kilde Jurgenstochtir, OP*

EUROPEAN DANCE DEAN AND ASSISTANT DEAN OFFICE HOURSAre you an European dance instructor and want to test the audio equip...


Are you an European dance instructor and want to test the audio equipment in the European dance tent? Do you have a suggestion for European dance or an issue to discuss?

The European dance dean and assistant dean will be available after the last class of the day (usually 5 or 6 pm). We are happy to talk as long as necessary, but please be prompt as we will be needing dinner.

Hope to see you there!

A CALL FOR MUSICIANS AT THE PENNSIC OPEN DANCE BANDS!Calling instrumentalists – did you know that you could join the pic...


Calling instrumentalists – did you know that you could join the pick-up pit bands that play for the Pennsic European balls at the European Dance tent?

Instrumental musicians who are at the advanced beginner level or above are welcome to play in the pick-up pit bands. Period instruments are not required. It’s a welcoming, nonjudgmental and fun atmosphere, and you’ll meet musicians from across the Known World! It’s also a great way to advance your musical skills.

All music will come from the Pennsic Pile, a compilation of dance tunes used in the SCA:

Please print out your music ahead of time; limited copies will be available.

Balls are held in the European Dance Tent, located near Pennsic University. Bring a music stand and music stand light if you have one.

Some nights, the pit orchestra is closed, meaning that only pre-selected musicians can play. Find the schedule of revels and balls at:

The set list, or list of planned tunes, for each ball will be posted here.

Questions? Contact Jolicia atte Northclyfe at

[email protected] or on Facebook (Julie Washington).

Hope to see you at a ball!

Greetings from the Monarchs of the East, Middle, and Aethelmearc,We have decided upon changes to the Volunteer War Point...

Greetings from the Monarchs of the East, Middle, and Aethelmearc,

We have decided upon changes to the Volunteer War Point structure and Arts and Sciences War Point.

Volunteer hours will be counted at the Watch, Gate, Marshal Points, Heralds Point, Information Point, Pennsic University, and Accessibility Assistance. After an appointed shift, volunteers will provide their name, number of hours worked, the kingdom in which they reside, and the kingdom with whom they are allied. We deeply appreciate all of the time and effort that members of the populace donate during their vacation to allow the event to run smoothly.

In regard to the Arts and Sciences War Point, the number of entrants per Kingdom will remain the same. It would place an impossible burden on artisans to suddenly be required to produce work for this level of competition. Aethelmearc is invited to provide up to 10 judges for the competition although not required to do so. The East and the Middle accept the responsibility for ensuring an adequate number of judges for the competition.

It is our greatest hope that all members of the populace and all Kingdoms participate and enjoy Pennsic War.
In service to the Kingdom and the Society,

Tsar Ivan and Tsaritsa Katalena, Middle
King Tindal and King Emerson, East
King Murdoch and Queen Rioghnach, Aethelmearc

Please follow the link below:

Come one, come all to our revels and balls! Join us between Wednesday, August 1 and Thursday, August 8 for dance and rev...

Come one, come all to our revels and balls!

Join us between Wednesday, August 1 and Thursday, August 8 for dance and revelry at the European Dance tent! No partners, and no experience necessary!

There are some opportunities for musicians to join an open band, so check

for open band nights! All musicians welcome!

European Dance is excited to offer all ages dance classes at Pennsic 51!We have classes from Wednesday July 31 thru Sund...

European Dance is excited to offer all ages dance classes at Pennsic 51!

We have classes from Wednesday July 31 thru Sunday Aug 4. All classes are at 10 am in the European Dance tent. No experience needed.

Bring your children and dance with us!

European Dance at Pennsic is offering a way to call the dances in gender neutral fashion! We have sashes!Instead of usin...

European Dance at Pennsic is offering a way to call the dances in gender neutral fashion!

We have sashes!

Instead of using gendered terms to instruct the dancers, teachers can call “all those with a blue sash do a pirouette,” or “all those with a red sash do a dos i dos!”

This can easily be shortened to “red sash turn” “blue sash bow” (for example)

The sashes will be optional for the instructor and can be found in the European Dance tent.

Please do not remove from the tent, so other instructors can use them. Sharing is caring!

Meet the DM for Technical Services, and the Mayor for Pennsic 53!As the Talking Heads song goes: “How did I get here?”. ...

Meet the DM for Technical Services, and the Mayor for Pennsic 53!

As the Talking Heads song goes: “How did I get here?”. It all started Pennsic 35. Our 13 year old daughter had discovered the SCA on line and wanted to go to Pennsic. So we made a father daughter thing out of it and there we were, in B blocks overlooking the battlefield in our 1976 motorhome known as “Sir Gasalot”. We knew nothing and no one. I was wearing “garb”, the photos of which are well hidden. I called home once a day and all I could say was “Toto, we are NOT in Kansas anymore.”

After that Mom and daughter started attending local events in the East Kingdom and one day a frantic Chief of Staff who was fresh out of retainers for her Majesty saw them walking down the hall. They were Royal staff three minutes later and the rest is history. I ended up Chamberlain schlepping the stuff for several reigns, as well as building the sets for a number of coronations, with help of a lot of good people. Eventually I was elevated into the order of the Pelican for my efforts.

Somewhere around Pennsic 43 I was walking down the Serengeti and bummed a ride on a golf cart with a staffer I knew. I asked questions about staff and next thing I knew I was given the tour of the Staff area. This was right up my alley. I started working Watch shifts on carts, radio and desk, eventually promoting up to DOD (Deputy on Duty). Then one April I got the call asking if I wanted to be “Parking 2”, a full time job for two weeks, which of course I did. Two years later the DM Technical Services shanghaied me away and I joined that department.

Now, 6 years later,I am the DM Technical Services, and as of a few weeks ago also Mayor 53. Being retired from 32 years of flying airliners I now have the time to dedicate to these positions. I’ll be talking about “How Pennsic Works” in a class by the same name which I am teaching this year. Structure, organization, the setup/breakdown process and ways to become a part of Staff will be the topic….. i hope to see you there. And, if I don't, have an awesome Pennsic.

Yours In Service,
Baron Oscar Goerijs Goriszoon OP
DM Tech Services Pennsic 51
Mayor Pennsic 53

Greetings from your friendly neighborhood Pennsic Deputy Mayor of Technical Services. The clock to Pennsic is counting d...

Greetings from your friendly neighborhood Pennsic Deputy Mayor of Technical Services. The clock to Pennsic is counting down and preparations are in full swing both on our side and in the homes of the many we hope to see then. Many of you will be loading up your trailers with the parts and pieces to build your home away from home for two weeks. For many of you, however, this is one of a very few if not only times during the year that the trailer sees action. Please allow us to make a few suggestions to ensure your mission goes smoothly.

First off: Maintenance. Trailers are not complicated, but neglect can easily lead to a less than enjoyable experience on the side of the road. So pay attention to the following:

1: Electrical: Check that all your lights are working properly. Have an assistant operate lights, brakes and turn signals while observing from behind. If lights don’t work, work intermittently or do “weird” things there’s a pretty good chance that there is a bad trailer ground. Find and clean the ground to rule it out.

2: Tires: Most people never wear out their tires. They dry out, and then fail. On one side of your tires is a small oval containing 4 numbers. This is the date of manufacture, for example: 3512 would be the 35th week of 2012. If your tires are more than 5 years old take a very close look at them. Even if the tread is still adequate, if they show any signs of drying/cracking you may want to replace them. If they are OK, make sure they are properly inflated. Under inflated tires overheat and then fail. Owning a gauge is a plus here. The max weight at max pressure is also listed on the sidewall of the tire. It is to be measured COLD, as in after sitting for several hours. During driving the pressure will go up, sometimes quite a bit. This is normal. Do not adjust pressure. Bring a spare. Tractor Supply sells wheel/tire assemblies ready to mount. Bring the appropriate jack and tools. When stopping for breaks, feel the hubs (see below) and tires for overheating. A point and shoot thermometer is a great tool here. 20oF above ambient is not excessive. If they (or usually one) get HOT to the touch stop, and investigate.

3 Hubs/Bearings. The wheel rides on a spindle on two bearings. They need grease or they will heat up and fail. Most hubs will have a grease ni**le to add/replace the grease with fresh; once a year is not a bad interval depending on use. If there is no ni**le you can sometimes install one, or take it all apart and hand pack the bearings. If you go that far, note the model number on the bearings and races usually two different sets per wheel. They are cheap, consider carrying a set. They are not hard to replace and can shorten an en-route failure to minutes instead of hours.

4 Brakes. Most states require brakes on trailers with a GVWR (Gross Vehicle Weight Rating) of over 3000 pounds. If you have ever felt a heavy trailer pushing you as you were trying to stop you will appreciate the brakes very much. And then there’s the break-away system. If while rolling the trailer is disconnected from the tow vehicle the brakes will automatically be applied, powered by a battery mounted on the trailer. Make sure this battery is good. Make sure there is enough material on the brake liners and that they all work. Many states require inspections for trailers over 3000 # GVWR.

5 Coupling: Make sure the coupling is working properly. A little WD40 goes a long way here. Make sure the two safety chains are complete and working. Some states require you to cross them to the tow vehicle. Make sure there’s a safety pin on the coupling. If you have brakes, make sure the breakaway line is properly connected and free to “pull the pin” if the trailer breaks away.

6: Loading. Do not overload your trailer! (Yeah, I know). Hubs, bearings and tires will run hotter, and heat brings them closer to failure. There is a load sticker on the left front of your trailer listing the allowable weights. Find it and understand it. If it’s gone, the GVWR in on the title and/or registration. Don’t forget to subtract the weight of the trailer itself to come to the CCC

(Cargo Carrying Capacity). Your tongue weight should be 10-15% of the total weight of the trailer. And of course, never tow a trailer with a weight that is in excess of what the tow vehicle is rated for. Those numbers are in the vehicle’s owner’s manual, and on most vehicles on the sticker in the driver door frame.

If any of the above is above your skill set, find help. Again, these systems are not complicated but unforgiving of neglect or abuse. A little preventative maintenance can be the difference between adventure and ordeal.
Last but not least..... Driving with a trailer. Many of you don’t do it regularly and I have heard many express the stress of doing so around Pennsic. One word: Practice. There are tons of Youtube videos on the subject, I have included one below. And, there are plenty of empty big store parking lots where you can place a few markers to create a “spot” and then, without the pressure of the camp next door with their score cards, you can practice maneuvering, including communication with your spotter if you use one, so as to gain some skill and confidence.

Hope this helps!

Baron Oscar Goerijs Goriszoon OP
DM Tech Services Pennsic 51
Mayor Pennsic 53

Backing up a trailer is an important skill, and with some “know-how” and a bit of practice, you can master this skill. ...

Greetings from your Deputy Mayor Technical Services!There has been a lot of discussion of the Pennsic Water, including s...

Greetings from your Deputy Mayor Technical Services!

There has been a lot of discussion of the Pennsic Water, including some not-so-accurate information. In the interest of clarity and transparency I would like to share to following:

All Pennsic water is private, on site well water. This part of the country has underground water that is quite rich in minerals. The water is, however, tested monthly by the state and treated as needed to provide a potable, waterborne pathogen-free supply of water.

As far as mitigation is concerned: Filters, including carbon, remove various solid secondary contaminants but they do not remove iron. A water softener (ion exchange) works. There are small ones for sale in the RV world which you recharge yourself with salt. Some people rent Culligan bottles for two weeks.

On to the infrastructure. Again, a lot of wrong answers on the FB pages. I will skip the history, but today the waterworks at CLC are as follows: There is a LARGE well/pump at the bottom of Runestone Hill north of the shower house. This is distributed throughout the campground. As I left CLC today I saw the pipes and equipment for the new main that will run up the Serengetti, to be done by this Pennsic. This project will improve pressure and flow to the northern areas.

As far as the Staff part in all this: We install 8 public, filtered Water Points, or Cows, located at Archery, Tortuga, Thrown Weapons, Youth Combat, Rapier, the NW corner of the Battlefield, Family Point and EMS.

We hope this answers all your questions.

See you soon!

Baron Oscar Goerijs Goriszoon, OP
Deputy Mayor Technical Services Pennsic 51

Greetings from Family Point!We are hard at work planning a full slate of activities for our attendees, and we need your ...

Greetings from Family Point!

We are hard at work planning a full slate of activities for our attendees, and we need your help!

If you are able to help with one of the following tasks, we would be deeply grateful for your service! You can also help us by personally reaching out to folks you know going to Pennsic who might be willing to help, or posting to your own personal pages to increase our reach.

YouthU and TeenU Teachers

What: Teach A&S Classes to one of our older age groups. They love hands on classes like block printing, illumination, fingerloop braiding, and sewing, as well as basic SCA knowledge, heraldry, persona specific and research classes. Often these are the exact same classes teachers provide to adults, just a second session aimed for Youth to lower stress/intimidation

TeenU - 12+ in the Regular Pennsic U Area: Enter the class in

choose Teen University as the track or email [email protected] for help.

YouthU - 8-14ish in our YouthU Tent at Family Point: Enter the class in

choose Youth University as the track or email [email protected] for help or to ask about premade classes.

Family Point Teachers

What: Teach classes and activities to those 10 and under in our main Family Point Tent. We have many premade classes that just need a facilitator, but we are always open to more ideas, especially for our youngest students.

Signup: Enter the class in

choose Teen University as the track or email [email protected] if you’d like to teach a pre-made class or need help with ideas.

Family Point Assistants

What: 3 hour shifts assisting teachers, teaching simple classes, preparing materials, and tidying up materials. No background check or special credentials needed, just a willingness to work with children and help out! Teen Volunteers are welcome!

Signup: #/

Family Point and TeenU Supervisors
What: 3 hour shifts supervising Family Point. Must have SCA youth clearances. Keep an eye on the smooth running of our three tents, direct assistants and teachers where necessary, and provide needed info to parents and families.

Signup: #/

Thank you!

Leonete D’Angely - Family Point Coordinator [email protected]

And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for! The Thing 2.0 Dev Team is happy to announce that the Thing 2.0 Student ...

And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for!

The Thing 2.0 Dev Team is happy to announce that the Thing 2.0 Student Module is live!

Students can search for classes, events, and martial activities by date, time, location, topic, tag word, and more!. You can create your own personal schedule and download it as a CSV or PDF! You can even download it to your calendar!

Check it out at

and set up your personal schedule today!

We at European Dance are looking forward to a wonderful Pennsic 51!Below is some basic information: 1. We have our own w...

We at European Dance are looking forward to a wonderful Pennsic 51!

Below is some basic information:

1. We have our own website, thank you to Master Gregory for updating the website!

2. Our schedule is pretty full and can be found here:

A. Note that 3 classes are in the Middle Eastern tent (this are highlighted in yellow)

B. Note there are some free slots! If you would like to submit a class there is room! Any classes submitted after today will NOT be listed in the printed book, but will be listed in the online system. I can schedule classes until July 20, after July 20 please go to Pennsic U to schedule a Euro dance class.

See you there!


Another installment of our ongoing series: meet the staff!

I'm Hrothny Rognvaldsdottir, this year's Head Troll.

I found the SCA via an essay in the back of a book I read in high school, "Warlock in Spite of Himself" but it took several years of looking before I found an actual group. Guess I was looking in the wrong places.

I've been a part of Pennsic staff since Pennsic 21 and have enjoyed serving in a multitude of departments, even being the founder of one, the Quartermaster's Office. Which now far exceeds my rudimentary start of it.

I volunteered in the Troll Booth at my first Pennsic and loved being there, becoming a deputy and then later spent five years as a Head Troll before moving on to the Quartermaster gig. I returned to the Troll Booth for Pennsic 49 as a Deputy, then Head Troll last year and this year. So in a way I’ve bookended my Pennsic life with Troll service.

I love what used to be called "Early Period" Northern Europe - Viking Norse, Anglo-Saxon, early Ireland, Wales, and the developing Scotland. And a weird interest in Mongolian conquest culture because when you’re in the Great Dark Horde, you also get sucked into learning about a fascinating medieval culture or two.

Greetings! As we have had a bit of confusion over opening weekend in general and Friday in particular,  we would like to...


As we have had a bit of confusion over opening weekend in general and Friday in particular, we would like to be more clear.

The Battlefield will be open no earlier than 9:00am for Land Agents/Proxies.

If your group has a proxy set, this overrides the land agent for Land Grab purposes. If you have a proxy set, then they are the only official representitive for your group for Land grab. In this case, only the proxy will be permited to troll in before nooon. If you are a land agent and will be on site for land, grab, DO NOT SET A PROXY

There is no parking, stopping, standing or sitting along Currie road for safety reasons.

Site opens to one vehicle per camp. Those vehicles can have at least the Land Agent or Proxy for one of those groups and up to one other adult spouse/partner/helper etc, and any minor children.

Please enter the Battlefield through the B-block gate where you will be directed into a parking area. If you have a disability hanging tag, please display it as you pull in; it will help us get you to the proper area for aid.

To those who have mobility issues and do not have handicap plates or tags: we will have some other options. Help will be located at the corner of the Battlefield across from Main Gate and outside of Troll. As resources are limited, please only use these if you need to, and be patient.

After exiting the car, Land agents/Proxys please keep your party together until you have all trolled in and have site medallions. This will allow us to confirm your status as your camp’s representative, and get you to where you need to be as quickly as possible.

No one will be allowed any further on to site than the Battlefield and Troll until you have trolled in and are displaying your site medallion.

We will have staff at the corner of the field across from Main Gate to direct you. Again, do not line up along Currie Road.

Those who have reserved RV spots, cannot troll in until after noon on Friday, unless they are Proxy for a land group. Your RV spot is not a land Group.

Per Cindy: Merchants cannot Troll in until after Noon on Friday, unless you are Land Agent/Proxy for a land group. Your merchant booth is not a land Group.

If you are camping in Disability Camp, you cannot Troll in until after Noon on Friday, unless you are acting as Proxy for a land group.
Singles Campers (those not registered with a group during paid pre-reg) cannot troll in until Sunday after land grab.

No vehicles other than those needed for mobility aid (with disability plates or hanging tags and a land agent/proxy in them) will be allowed on site until your block is settled. You are not permitted to start setting up camp before your block has been signed off.

If you are one of the groups fortunate enough to finish land grab before noon, you will be given a special pass to drive your vehicle onto site, and 5 extra passes for your camp (good only after Noon on Friday). The 5 passes issued by the Land office once your block has been signed off are not valid in until afternoon and all parties in said vehicle have trolled in.

Non-Land agents/Proxys who need to be there on Friday may begin arriving no earlier than 11am to park and get in line on the Battlefield in preparation for Troll opening at noon.

Land grab does not end until the majority of the blocks have been settled; this could be as early as noon Friday, or it could be as late as sometime Saturday. If your block is not settled, you will not be allowed to setup camp on site. You will not be allowed to setup tents or structures on the Battlefield. This is why we say if you do not need to be there on Friday wait till Saturday.

These rules apply to everyone.

Failure to follow these rules or abusing a volunteer will result in possible loss of land seniority, loss of square footage if your camp/Kingdom has a preset land allotment, or even removal from the event.

We hope that helps!


Cooper's Lake Campground, 205 Currie Road
Slippery Rock, PA


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