Dreamland kiosk

Dreamland kiosk This page is 4 those who want to share what they dreamt at night

Another dream that I've delayed to write down. It came to me about 4days ago.I stood on the road and saw a tall structur...

Another dream that I've delayed to write down. It came to me about 4days ago.

I stood on the road and saw a tall structure that reached the clouds. It stood on top of the road and though I thought it had two feet, I only saw one, which was to my left side from where I stood.

I looked up to it's top and could see that its left and middle was covered in a cloud. But ironically, on its right side which wasn't covered in cloud, I saw sunlight that looked like evening sunlight, though on the ground it was actually night.

Now, as I looked, someone came and wrapped his arms around it and made it shake and it fell. It fell on some houses.

The person who made it fall got into a private van with others who wore uniforms that looked like city council cops' uniform.

They left and no one asked them anything.

Today, while walking on the road I saw in the dream, I stood where I had stood in the dream to see. And behold, right where the left foot, which had been made to fall, on the opposite side of the road, I noticed that there was a tank which was raised up on metal bars. It's one of those tall metal water tanks. It is located in a city council hospital.

So, when I walked around there again in the evening, I passed by and found a police man, who I told the dream and asked him to inspect the tank, especially in light of the fears or concerns of elnino rains.


I've delayed to write down this dream by about a week.

So, on one evening I stood on the road, outside where I lived before I moved where am living now. I was with a girl, and I showed her the water path, whose waters I had used for small scale farming. But then, it was dry.

During that night, I had a dream.

In my dream, I stood at the same place, but now water was rushing through and I exclaimed, "the water has increased." Then I remembered that it had rained at night. I think it rained not late at night but around 3am.

As I looked inside the compound, I saw clothes on hangers, but they were drenched. I mean it was as if the water had brought them here from somewhere.

I eventually got inside and saw gloves which looked like the gloves I own in real life. But when I started picking them up one by one, they kept increasing, like, 1,2,3,4... Though I only own 1 pair in real life.

This dream seems to explain further the last dream. For you see, years ago, during one afternoon, it suddenly rained. Though we may have expected rain, we truly didn't expect it to rain that much. And after the rain, I saw clothes which had been carried away from somewhere and were now lying on the road.


If you see a post beginning with 3 dots (...), It means it is a continuation of the previous post.

And if you see a post ending with 3 dots (...), It means the post continues in the more recent post.

I do this because sometimes a dream is to too long and exceeds Facebook's limit per post.


I don't remember most of my dream from last night. However, there is one part that I remember. I don't remember if there were other parts.

So, I remember, I went outside from the 3rd storey of the building I grew up in. And when I looked at the single storey, ground floor only, that is, the building across the road,

The flood had filled the room up to 3/4 of the room. I wondered what these people will do. I remarked that, "good thing we are high up here".

Then I continued to think that this wasn't a take-a-walk weather. I sincerely wondered what they would do if they had children.

I remember going inside though it didn't really feel like indoors. I told those who were there, "inje radar ni chafu. Radar ni chafu sana". A slang expression meaning outside things are really bad. I also remember personally talking to someone about this. At this time, I may have shed a tear.


... so i left and climbed a steep slope. So steep i had to support with my hands. Towards the middle, i looked back and saw them looking for me even though I was in plain sight.

A common theme from this part henceforth was the thought that, "if I try throwing stones or helping myself, i would neutralize God's help"

As i reached the top of the slope, they were coming up at me. But God never allowed them to get me.

I went back to the Tyson's group and there were only like 3 people there. I told them in my haste, "they are many, and they are furious". They scattered. One of them especially ran so fast. He must have been terrified.

It was a real battle from this point. I hid in several places but not for long. I remember at one point i entered a building and when I ran into a corridor but contrary to my expectation, there was no exit at the end. There was someone behind me an i might even have thrown a stone when I was stuck, but he spoke well to me as he opened a room to go inside.

In another place i was running on the streets and exclaimed to some people, telling them to go inside for they couldn't tell who was who. At this time I was carrying stones in both my hands.

I also remember I was carrying a stone in my right hand but one of the violents threw a stone at me from in front of me and i smoothly caught it with my left hand in mid air.

At this point, it was like all the youths in an estate were after us. Eventually, i saw cops on the road and knew that order would soon be restored. But when I ran to the end of the road, i realized that the violents were on their side of the river waiting.

I turned left and hid my face with my hand, but one of them shouted "we have seen you"..

So i was running along the river bank and could see them spread along the bank on the other side. My thought then became, "they are waiting for me there". So i thought to go to some other estate.

I heard sounds in the bush and crawled into the bush to hide. My dream ended there.


... this was very interesting. Normally, this is when I would pray and call out Jesus Jesus in a dream and wake up. But,

I started them off, "In the name of-" and they finished "- Jesus". "In the name of-" and they finished "- Jesus".

But their voices were so soft. So I told them, "your voices are too soft. Are you not men? Did you not come out here as strong men?" Then i repeated again, "In the name of-" and they finished "- Jesus".

Then, they were sitting down. And I noticed that behind me was an unguarded gap. I wondered and tried off. It was like they had let me go. Though it's not clear, i believe i came out of this place with at least two others...


... Tyson's coat, was a light purple coat; very sharp. Though i did not see this, it seemed like a 1 button coat. It seemed loaded. I mean with pocket squares...it just looked loaded. And it was laid open with the back facing upwards, and lay on top of other unnoticeable black clothes.

So, I told the group that I would go and see how things were going. What the situation was. Note, this dream is kind of abnormally long. I mean it's the same dream, same storyline, same people.

So anyway, I went. I reached, and behold, i wasn't in the room, the number of people who stood around me were too many to fit in the room. it was the violent group. They were waiting for Tyson and now had also made me their enemy.

I looked, and I was surrounded. There was no way to squeeze through. As I stood there, wondering what to do, I got an idea. I looked at them and saw an audience for ministry...


... okay. Tyson had really done him wrong. It wasn't over and the violent men kept increasing. As i left the room, i saw a roadside room where Godly praise was happening. I understood that Tyson was part of this group. They all wore suits.

Eventually, stood along an inner estate road and saw two canters (small lories) approaching. The two canters carried two bands of the musician group. I expected them to stop but the first canter went past and past, until it took the corner up on the road.

But before the second canter went, i called to them and enlightened them. And they stopped, for the room was just opposite the road to where I was standing.

It was as if Tyson had gone with the first canter. The people wanted to leave but I explained to them that I wanted the full group, many in number, to go with Tyson to pick his coat which he had left in the changing room. They understood, but unfortunately, Tyson wasn't there...yet...


... After this, i was gearing to take a shower and was unbuttoning...i gently woke up and I was feeling like, hey, i just want to unbutton and take a shower. Waking up this morning i found that i actually unbuttoned a bit.

So, as gently as i had woken, i smoothly went back to sleep without much thoughts.

So, I remember there was a room. Some sought of changing room. I remember i saw two people greet, and when I checked, one of them was Tyson. A smooth, brown guy, who i met in campus through my Tanzanian friends.

My hands weren't clean, and wanted to greet him with my elbow the corona style. However, he insisted and shook my hand.

Right then, some violent person was about to hurt him, using a log. I got involved and grabbed the log as he swung it. I knew I was in trouble. And now they were two logs; grabbing them with both my hands. And there behind me stood some of his violent friends.

I looked and among them was one very familiar face so I spoke and called them my friends. I inquired the reason for their hostility towards Tyson. Understand, it was a very strange thing that Tyson would have any ties with these low life criminals.

The guy told me why he wanted to hurt Tyson. He said that Tyson had used up his airtime...


The LORD's providence: On the mountain of God it shall be provided.

A very vocal dream I just had. There's a place I usually go to use some street WiFi. I was there last night. It really is a seemingly dark place, spiritually. The young people around there are violent and thieves. People who glory in violence. But I guess there's a ministry God has given me to be a light to them. Even as i left that place last evening their tendency for war, was clearly demonstrated as two were 'warming up' for a fight while the rest gathered around in anticipation.

Last evening, i needed some money and prayed to God. I checked my lipa na mpesa account and found enough there for my need. I was grateful and it made me think this week could be a week of God's providence.

So anyway, I lay down at around midnight and had a first dream, I think. I remember for some reason I wanted to take a bath and entered a room not my own. I don't even know where that was. I left my shoes outside, where there were a few people seated, but when I remembered, i came back for them as the last person was leaving.

In this strange room, i found soap and washed my head but had to look for water, even to rinse my head. I think i looked in two places and found a basin somewhere like the top of a building. It was rain water. Immediately, someone who was seated there wanted to share the water. I told him something and intended to share with him...


Dreams come back.


What i don't like about dreams is how you should listen to them and at the same time you shouldn't listen to them.

They keep you in a dilemma so that you just find that it has already happened.

Call +254729733660. Everyone has dreams.


...and most if not some of them, especially to my left hand wore mostly white.

So, I told them, in fact, I swore to God that when they had first called me out, i had seen someone like the girl. And they couldn't dispute. So, one of them said a few words and concluded that it was as if she had taken them to Eddy Orphan and not Eddy Dj.

I was about to say, "there. She's hidden him. She probably loves him with all her heart". But i guess the dream ended.


Just had a dream and thought I should write it here so that if it does come to pass, i can show someone and say, here.

I was waiting for a 3rd cup of tea. I finished the first, but the second mistakenly got poured out as i talked to my mum. As i waited on the maid, i thought she would give me her own cup but insisted no. So she kept doing what she was doing.

My younger brother and sister, were drinking tea without milk. Just then, my cousin came in, jovial, happy smiling and laughing a lot. As i stood waiting for tea, he grabbed the flask and went out with it. I hadn't known there was tea left in that small flask. So the nanny went out after him telling me to wait a bit.

As i waited, someone told me i was being called outside. I peeped through an opening and saw someone who looks like my ex. Then she got inside the open space leading to outside the compound.

When i came outside, i didn't find her. Instead I found at least 7 boys who looked so much like her. I guessed right. They were her brothers. But in real life i know she only has one brother, who was also among them. And i wondered where all the others had come from.

They were all young boys but i took the eldest to talk to him alone. But the others kept following though they eventually settled down. I explained to the boy the relationship between me and his siz and that we weren't together any more. I told him how and why the relationship had ended.

So after the talk, he asked to make a call and as you wouldn't expect a boy of his age to have a phone, my sister was there and i asked her to help him. Just then, an international call came through my phone, though it didn't ring long enough for me to pick.

We went back to where the other boys were sitting and they seemed fewer, like some weren't there. They had also spread a big piece of clothe like muslims do and i went past them.

After being briefed by the elder boy, they came to where I was. Now there were even more of them. At least 10...


...now, the dream has ended. Here's some extra relevant information from my real life.

I've been wanting to marry this young girl, 10yrs younger than me. But her mom won't have it. And just a day before the day me and the girl had planned to talk to her mum, her mom sent her out and she came and stayed with me for 3 weeks.

This happened 2 weeks after she had spent a night at my place and her mum had called the cops on me. Now, after she's lived 3weeks with me, i finally got a reason to go speak to her mum. That was after i swore firmly against her religion, Muslim, because her mum made it seem like a prison.

So, I went and met with her mum on Sunday and we spoke for 10-15 minutes. Then cops appeared behind me and I was taken to the police station where I had to call the girl who came and was forced to go home with her mother. They made her take a pregnancy test and it turned negative.

The girl didn't eat anything. I was released at around 7.30pm and we agreed I would come back the next day at 12pm. When I came, I was told the girl had been there maybe thinking that I had spent the night there. She had waited 3 hours for me up to 11am. She had left and told the officer to call her when I arrived.

When I tried calling her, her phone was off. Though I had her phone, she was carrying my other phone. So the officer told me to call him once the girl called me. Before leaving that area, which is close to where her mum stays, the girl called me and said she's at my place. So, I called the officer and told him and he said he would call me.

Two nights later, he hasn't called me, and the girl is still with me. But, am supposed to go see him on Friday, same time.

In this story, there's one guy who works at the chief's office, a friend of the mum, I don't trust him. I stopped trusting him when i realized that the first time, he had made me think he was someone I knew, when I had never met him. He is a short guy, but he makes me think of the guy who was at the bus stop.


...i emerged on the road where public transport vehicles were passing, but unfortunately, when i emerged there was no vehicle. I cursed.

I continued walking along the side of the road, trying to hide my face. But I felt like I was attracting too much attention, though I didn't actually see anyone paying attention to me. I continued thinking I should have never left my place.

When I stood at one bus stop, i saw someone who had been my neighbor a few years ago. A man who knew how to talk but he was an absolute liar. A tall and clever man who lived a poor life. A very cunning guy. He was standing at the bus stop, i think speaking on the phone. I saw him and ducked inside the building behind the stop. But i had to come out coz I thought I'd be mistaken for a burglar.

So, I came out and creeped away from the bus stop which was rather dark. I walked away and soon there was a truck that hid me from that view. But, as I was walking away from the stop, i think I saw the person I was fleeing away from cross the road from the bus stop. He was looking for me I guess.

So, I thought maybe I need to relocate from these sides, coz he seems to only be looking for me in this estate. I remember while I was on the path coming up, i had prayed to God to help me relocate...

But, as i was walking away from the stop, i met a woman I did not know. She stood outside a pub and i think I saw some men seated inside. The woman told me, "I have a message from mum." And i responded, "yes?" And she answered, "That's what she has said." I i answered, "Okay."

I think the dream ended a few steps after that...


...Now, it was like I was making my way back to my place. And I kept thinking like why did I even come?

I remember walking up the road from where I was and I met someone. And I was nervous that they may tell of my presence there. So, before reaching up where the road turns, I removed my orange t-shirt and hid it in my side pocket so they wouldn't easily identify me from a distance. As i reached the corner, i remember there was a truck that blocked my view of where I was coming from so they couldn't see me.

So i turned at the corner walked a few meters and noticed a path on the left and took it to avoid the open road. After turning I realized there was a smaller path on the left which seemed to have no one walking on it and took it as it would lead me straight to where i could take public transport to my place...


I've just had a dream. That me and my grandmother's little brother have had a terrible scuffle. He used a needle on me and I fought back with other bigger needles.

Since he used his first, i don't remember him getting to stick another one on me. I punched him several times with multiple needles at a time, in the chest. When I saw that he didn't calm down or surrender, I increased the severity. But he didn't die.

I remember, i came back to somewhere very close to where he lives and was speaking to locals who know both of us. And as we spoke, i told them, "I wanna kill someone." They didn't know who. So I asked them, "Is there any family member of mine around?" And he answered with his name in a nickname form. And I answered, "It's him I want to kill." I don't remember his reaction.

So, I left that place...


...had burnt some grass inside the room area. Somehow i made a small fire start somewhere by blowing on some things.

Soon, Monica appeared. She was no longer wearing the nice dress she had had on before. Now she was wearing something like a swimming costume. And it was also abnormally pulled up, like you expect of someone who had been through a lot.

I was sitting on a bench and she came and sat besides me. I had my hand inside my pants and was erected inside there. She must have noticed but given the situation, it was negligible.

So, i removed my hand as she sat down and lay her head on my chest. Seconds later, we were both weeping bitterly. But as a man, i took the weeping gaps where you try to strengthen your heart. I think it helped her too.

All this time, i remembered I still owe her half the money.

This dividing money in two makes me think the dream could be about my girlfriend, who I've been talking to a lot about marriage. I was even with her in the evening.

Otherwise, it was a dream. I couldn't assume it because of the terrible disaster that hit my friend.


Last night i decided to follow up on a text i had not replied to, from an unknown number. So, i purchased a few minutes to call them but couldn't hear them well. When i called again, it kept saying line busy till i gave up and send them a text saying wrong number.

So, i looked for someone to call with the remaining minutes and called a girl friend of mine. She's called Monica. She told me she's rushing to finish an exam which was due in 2 hours, the exact time my purchased 25 minutes were supposed to expire. She said she would call me back then. Waking up this morning, she didn't call.

Note, i was full and the dream may be as a result of that.

So, i guess among other things, i dreamt we were somewhere, and we were increasing our money. Monica was like my partner in whatever we were doing. It's like there were others too.

I took the first turn and finally left it for Monica to continue. At one point, i wanted to leave and went to were she had kept the money and found out that she also made a good sum, which i picked up and arranged but did not count it. We were now supposed to divide the money into two.

But somehow it took time to do that and i was already on board a vehicle leaving the venue. I think i suspected that I didn't have my phone in my bag and alighted. But it was really there, i think.

So i went back to where I had left Monica coz I reasoned she must be there because it was a Sunday. And since she was dressed very smartly, i knew was was ready to spend the whole day there, in church.

I remember somewhere along the road either when I was going away or coming back i saw someone but can't remember who she was.

On reaching where i had left Monica, i was told she's not there, that there had been a fire at her place and she had gone. I remember thinking and wondering what exactly she was doing there. Coz i felt like she had spent long there.

So, i reached her place and saw several rooms' foundation setting and could see something like a fire that...


I dreamt that my neighbor was calling me at least twice.

This morning, i hear that someone broke his padlock and stole from his house.


Too much dreaming isn't good. Especially when you're only dreaming of earthly things.

Even if you dream about heavenly things, those things are fixed and you can't do anything to change them.


South Bend, IN





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