Grateful to be on the wedding Dream Team!
But @iamkevinstewart tore this serenade down!!!
Congratulations to The Pierce’s 💕
#yallgonnabesickofme #Imgonnakeeppostingtheserenade #ifitsnotsunglikethisIdontwantit
Happy Anniversary to The Joneses!
EST 2023 💕
#Ilovelove #clientsofacertaincaliber #venuesmatter
Tranquil Therapy!
Still working on these ankles yall!
Goooood Morning!
350 attendees for the two day conference!
“The most inclusive global sport event that Detroit has ever hosted!” Wow…what an event description!
#fabulousfabrics #fabulousframing #checksinthemail
#detroitpipe&drape #pipe&drape #godissogood! #gettingbackontrack #gettingbacktowork
#linenrental #detroitlinenrental #nfldraft2024detroit #letsgoDetroit #letsgooo24 #clientsofacertaincaliber
#communitycelebrations #communitycollaborator