Hitting the punching bag, running, sprinting, gym, hiking, running beaches, or mountains always put things in perspective. No matter how much I'm stressed, or sad, suffering, frustrated, hurt, angry... at least I have my health and the strength, courage, mind, heart, spirit, and perspective to fight another day, another hour, another minute, another second.
Training has truly saved my life. Again and again and again.
After witnessing my Mother disappear and drown in a waterfall... I woke up the next day and ran in Hawaii for miles. Tears, sweat, anger, loss, and sadness were present in my run. But I transferred the energy into motion and used it instead of letting that energy sit inside me and attack me mentally and physically. The energy had to be moved. And when I couldn't run anymore, I fell to my knees and cried. Then I got up and sprinted. In the end, I knew that the loss, frustration, and sadness didn't and wouldn't disappear. But I knew she was proud of me for not sitting in tears, drinking alcohol, or trying to get out of it the way that would destroy me. I used that energy to help me. I transferred a loss into a gain. My energy worked for me until it was spent. I was so tired afterward that I showered and slept instead of being stuck in terror.
My only challenge since that day has been to make the same right decision during those difficult moments. Consistency and discipline are key. Because that same darkness has come back to test me, and I have fallen. But not for a long time... I'm still here, still fighting, still winning, stronger than ever, and in the end, those trials have kept me young. Because I used those dark times and tests to train, train, and train. I overcame, and my body became stronger, as has my mind and spirit.
Train train train until you cannot anymore. Especially when you're down or stressed. Transform the energy that emotion gives you into your asset.
Remember... what does not destroy you becomes your superpower. If you find a way out of a hole, you can now help others come out of the same hole. That service, is joy.
I love you life. Whether difficult or joyful, this physical experience, this journey, has been enlightening.