It’s Game Day Baby! A special thanks goes out to the Springboro Touchdown Club for letting my Studio Rock Out their Senior Banners!
FHS CHEER! Small Town Living 😎📸📸 #cheer #fridaynightlights #highschoolfootball #dontstopbelieving #journey
FHS CHEER FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS! #cheer #football #fridaynightlights #djjayknip #jayknipphotographystudios💯 #letsgo
Merry Christmas!
Wishing All Of You A Very Merry Christmas!
We had so much fun at the Studio shooting Springboro Cheer Portraits!! Make sure to bring your daughter in for the most Awesome Experience in creating her Senior Portraits!
This Memorial Day! JayKnip Photography Studios Is Proud To Present The Most Exciting News In The History Of Our Studio!
We Proudly Present Our Most Ground Breaking Senior Model Program To Date ( JCrew Model Elite )
Turn Up The Volume, Click The HD 1080P, And Watch This Short Senior Commercial I Put Together!
Call Us Today To Book Your Senior Consultation - And Let The Games Begin On June 4th As We Travel To The Mansfield Reformatory To Create Epic Portraiture For Today's Modern Senior!
Senior Model Application: or 513-317-9663 (Located At 405N Main Street, In The Heart Of Springboro!)
OMG 🤓📷📷 Come Take A Look At Why JayKnip Photography Is Rocking The Photography World! Let Us Make Your Senior Experience Something Epic! @Princessleah Lighting Up The Camera 🎥 #lights #camera #action #senior #model #grunge #fashion #hair #cincinnati #cincy #cincyrefined #cincymade #cincyigers #igers #bold #beautiful #attitude #jayknipphotographystudios💯 #booktoday #letsdothis #followme #picoftheday #yeahman
So What Are You Waiting For! #LetsDoThis #JayKnipPhotographyStudios #OneLife #OneLove #SeniorPhotography #SeniorStyleGuide #CincinnatiSeniors #DaytonSeniors #ColumbusSeniors 513-317-9663 #AwardWinning
Big things are coming to JayKnip Photography Studios! Call today and book your Senior Shoot , and hear the exciting news! 513-317-9663 #jayknipphotographystudios #awardwinningphotographer #senior #seniorpictures #seniorpictures #seniorclass #destinationphotographer #cincinnatiphotographer #columbusphotographer #daytonphotographer #la #miami #nyc #vi #letscreateforyou