We were at Wendy’s in Rochester New York a few years ago. We have a large family and the manager came out to ask about us. We told her we were headed to the Palmyra pageant for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. She did not know anything about our church, and asked a few questions. I felt like I should share with her that we don’t believe in infant baptisms. That children should be at the age of accountability. At first I was shy and did not say anything but the feeling kept persisting. So I told her. Immediately she began to weep. Through her tears she said her daughter had drowned in the bathtub at two. Her religion had told her her child was in hell because she had not had her baptized. The relief I felt from her was tangible. As we continued talking I explained that little children are not capable of sin. So there is no need for them to be baptized. We believe they return directly to God when they die before the age of accountability. Our children and grandchildren are eight years old when they chose to be baptized. I am grateful for Jesus Christ who loves little children, and those of us who are accountable, and for His life and sacrifice for all of us young snd old.