Wright Flower Company

Wright Flower Company Flowers for all occasions including weddings, Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, birthdays and all other reasons.

We were at Wendy’s in Rochester New York a few years ago. We have a large family and the manager came out to ask about u...

We were at Wendy’s in Rochester New York a few years ago. We have a large family and the manager came out to ask about us. We told her we were headed to the Palmyra pageant for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. She did not know anything about our church, and asked a few questions. I felt like I should share with her that we don’t believe in infant baptisms. That children should be at the age of accountability. At first I was shy and did not say anything but the feeling kept persisting. So I told her. Immediately she began to weep. Through her tears she said her daughter had drowned in the bathtub at two. Her religion had told her her child was in hell because she had not had her baptized. The relief I felt from her was tangible. As we continued talking I explained that little children are not capable of sin. So there is no need for them to be baptized. We believe they return directly to God when they die before the age of accountability. Our children and grandchildren are eight years old when they chose to be baptized. I am grateful for Jesus Christ who loves little children, and those of us who are accountable, and for His life and sacrifice for all of us young snd old.

I put away the medical supplies, today. I looked back, something I could not do. It has been too close, too painful. Sev...

I put away the medical supplies, today. I looked back, something I could not do. It has been too close, too painful.
Seven doctors told us Chad was dying and there was nothing to do. “Go home and live your bucket list”, “you are terminal”, “you are in denial” …just a few of the doctors words.
We tried everything we knew medical and everything herbal. At the end of August the tumor opened and began to bleed. Veins would open and shoot like sq**rt guns continuously flowing. One night the first week in September the bleeding started at 11 pm and we sat on a cold tile floor trying to stop it with pressure and cayenne pepper. We were exhausted. It looked like a war zone. At 4:30 am it had stopped enough that Chad slowly scooted to the bed and got in and the bleeding started again. At 6:30 am I called my son and said I can’t do this by myself anymore. I need help. Our daughter had her midwives number from 12 years ago. The midwife came within 20 minutes of the call. She calmed all of us. Then said it is Sunday, Cal ranch is open, you need to go get “blood stop”. She cleaned the tumor and then poured the blood stop on. Immediately the bleeding stopped. The bleeding would break through and we got some cauterizing sticks, that we would use, to stop the bleeding. The pain was terrible. The pain doctor gave the maximum drugs allowed by law, to “keep him comfortable”. As close to an induced coma as possible. Movement became harder, with unbearable pain. The tumor began to smell. It took Chads appetite away. He began to lose weight and rest more.
Ten days before surgery, Chad’s residual limb and leg were swollen so much that the physician assistant told us the cancer had gone too far and surgery would not be possible, “Come back tomorrow”. That night I spent hours massaging his legs with frankincense. The next day the swelling was down and the Doctor said he would do surgery. It took 10 days to schedule an open surgical room. It was as close to a induced coma as could be. He lost 15 pounds the last 10 days. His bowels had stopped functioning. As I put away the medical supplies today, I looked back to see the miracles we have witnessed. God bless you.

I have learned through Chad’s suffering my own lessons. The most important one is to repent faster and forgive sooner. I...

I have learned through Chad’s suffering my own lessons. The most important one is to repent faster and forgive sooner. I used to hold on to a hurt, let satan have my thoughts as his playing field, to conjure up reasons why I should hold on to the hurt. If I needed to repent, I have let satan use my thoughts to conjure up why I don’t need to recognize my faults, (surely it was someone else’s fault), why I don’t need to confess and ask for forgiveness. This would keep me from the most important, to let Jesus Christ heal my hurt and my mistakes. Our marriage has been combing two physical bodies to become one in soul. Chad and I have learned that we have to have prayer and the Testimony of Christ in our life’s everyday. We fear not reading the scriptures and praying everyday together because we know how fast contention can come in. Last night our son came from Nebraska to visit us in the hospital. My husband asked him to say a family prayer. He prayed and asked for a blessing on all of you who have been praying for us. The same words that my husband has said in his prayers over and over. We are humbled by your love, your prayers. We pray for you. We love you.

Thank you for your prayers. This morning Chad said “no pain, no pain”.  Tears fell. Yesterday morning as we drove into t...

Thank you for your prayers. This morning Chad said “no pain, no pain”. Tears fell. Yesterday morning as we drove into the hospital parking, Chad said, “God is so good to me, He has given me a chance to be a better man.” Sometimes we need hard experiences, and God, our Father, is kind enough to give them to us. Chad was at peace. God bless you for your love and prayers and concern for us. We love and appreciate you. Christ is the true healer.


Floral class. October 4
Call 801-489-4219

Another day of work and joy. We can find joy everyday. That is Our goal.   !!

Another day of work and joy. We can find joy everyday. That is Our goal. !!

We watch as our two granddaughters are falling in love and getting engaged. Oh the joys and the excitement of a future l...

We watch as our two granddaughters are falling in love and getting engaged. Oh the joys and the excitement of a future life. Annicka and Belen both work for us so we see and experience with them this exciting time. They also get to watch as Chad and I go through some tough times. After 48 years of marriage, working together, raising a family together, our love is sweet and rich. The memories of hard times and fun times and quiet times flood our minds our hearts our souls. We are inseparable. Every moment together is sweet. Long gone are those, my way and your way moments. A nurse told us cancer is a refiner, a purifier of the soul. The pain and suffering Chad has had to go through is so hard, but the relationship we have developed and the love between us is priceless. When we were young snd I was having lots of babies(9) , Chad would always make sure I woke up to a clean house. He would cook dinner if it wasn’t done when he got home and then clean up. I cried at first thinking I was not measuring up, but he always reassured me that he loved to help. Now it is my turn. It is hard for him. I remind him, often, all he did for me. Our granddaughters lives will be full of experiences that can make their life’s and love full and rich. God blesses us with those experiences. Some have asked how Chad is doing. He has tumors in his residual limb. Some very large. They started growing very quickly after Chad had covid.

The text went out from one child to the rest, “Mom and dad need help“. They came...Daniel our son brought his son, helpe...

The text went out from one child to the rest, “Mom and dad need help“. They came...Daniel our son brought his son, helped me set up two Weddings, he delivered, & unpacked flowers. A couple of granddaughters helped with customers. Levi help me set up a different wedding. Micka came and helped get things for her dad. Seth and Jenna came swept floors, Jenn and Kaori came and helped stripe roses and answer phones. JC and Sam and Clara delivered. The family came and helped. God be thanked that I am a mother. That they love us enough to know when we need help and are there for us. I always have said to my children, “don’t get me a present, your good life and choices are all I want.” They give me those everyday. God be thanked “I am a mother”.

Five years ago when Chad was diagnosed with bone cancer, the prognosis was not good. We had raised  nine children on a f...

Five years ago when Chad was diagnosed with bone cancer, the prognosis was not good. We had raised nine children on a flower shop budget ( money was tight) and had never taken a vacation. I had always wanted to go to Israel and we did not know what was ahead. So we went. This is The garden outside of the tomb in Jerusalem, Chad is patiently waiting. Chads leg was fractured from the bone cancer and he could not climb into the tomb or walk down the flights of stairs to the pool of Bethesda. A year and a half ago his leg was amputated. Today, we testify that Jesus Christ is risen, the tomb is empty. We know “The soul shall be restored to the body, yea, and every limb and joint shall be restored to its body; yea, even a hair of the head shall not be lost; but all things shall be restored to their proper and perfect frame.” Alma 40:23 What joy we have that Christ has risen, with power to right all wrongs and power to heal, truly heal, spirit and body. Chad was a runner. Almost everyday of our married life he ran. I know he will run again, his leg will be restored. Christ is risen. He lives. He is our personal Savior. . From Joseph So much to celebrate on Easter morning! It was on this day on that sacred week when he finished redeeming us from the Fall of Adam by breaking the bands of death through his resurrection. All of us have already made the decision to accept this part of his atonement. We made that decision when we decided to come to earth and die. That was not an easy decision. But in choosing the Lord’s plan in the pre-mortal life we choose to accept death and ultimately to accept Christ’s resurrection. Nothing more need be done on our part (except to die of course). All of us, black and white, bond and free, male and female, all that have ever lived in mortality will attain an immortal body. There is no exception. What a wonderful gift.

Silence. In order to appreciate and feel the joy of what Easter Sunday brings we need to appreciate the silence of Easte...

Silence. In order to appreciate and feel the joy of what Easter Sunday brings we need to appreciate the silence of Easter Saturday. Jesus’ mortal life was over. His mortal body was dead. It lay in a tomb and his mortal voice was unheard. When I share Easter week with my children this is just what I say. Yes we know his spirit went to the spirit world, yes we know he organized his kingdom there as well. Yes we know he never rests in working on our behalf. But on Saturday let us be clear it must have seemed final to his followers. I wonder how quiet and lonely his disciples must have felt on this day. What a contrast to the rest of the week! Palm Sunday and his triumphant entry. This began the most recorded week in scripture. Did you know almost a third of the chapters in the four gospels are devoted to this week? The cleansing of the temple. The parables of the ten virgins, the fig tree, the talents. His teaching in the temple. The last supper. The garden. The trial. The cross. The tomb. And then nothing. We wait, we wonder, we hope. But for now on this day so long ago it would appear the grave had won. From Joseph

The picture was from our trip to Israel. ( We hold dear to our heart) From our son Joseph this morning.               “I...

The picture was from our trip to Israel. ( We hold dear to our heart) From our son Joseph this morning. “I woke up this morning with a sense of foreboding. I could not figure out why. Then it hit me. It’s Good Friday. In just a few minutes on a Friday so many years ago even Peter will deny Christ for the third time. It will take the Jews and the Romans short work, just a few hours in the morning, to miscarry justice and condemn the Savior to death. By noon all the scourging will be over and He will be hanging on the cross.
It’s one thing to die on a cross. It’s another thing to let yourself die on a cross. Remember, there was nothing involuntary about His crucifixion. He who healed the blind man, or fed the five thousand, or turned water in to wine, or calmed seas, or even created the earth on which He walked did not have to die. He could have uttered the words “it is finished” at anytime. But He did so when, and only when, he was certain that His suffering was complete and our ransom fully paid. I don’t pretend to understand how that all works. But He did. He understood how much He had to suffer so that we don’t have to. How grateful I am He came as a lamb. Willing to submit to it all. Willing to pay a debt He did not accrue. So today between noon and three as I am enjoying the beginning of a holiday weekend, I am going to try to remember Him and whisper a little prayer of thanksgiving that He did what only He could do that made it possible for me and all of us to call this day Good Friday.”

From our son Joseph, he has grown into a wonderful man.                                           “So I know that today ...

From our son Joseph, he has grown into a wonderful man. “So I know that today is April fools and you would expect me to do some crazy thing. But in my mind, today is a very holy day. Why? Because it’s the Thursday before Easter. Why is it so important to me? Because this evening marks the date when Jesus held the last supper and made his way to Gethsemane to suffer for my sins. I have always felt like we should do more on Thursday night during Easter week as members of the church. We know that it was tonight when Jesus sweat as it were great drops of blood to pay for ALL our sins. It was tonight that he pleaded with his father Abba (not God but Dad), to remove the cup. It was tonight that he submitted his will to the will of his father. He did not have to suffer. He did it out of love. Love for you and love for me and love for every one. The publican, the harlot, the murderer, the proud, the weak, the lonely, the lost, the hardened, the thief, the hateful, those in power and those that are powerless. All our sins were suffered for. All the price was paid. All this was done on a Thursday night on a hill overlooking the temple in a grove of olive trees by the only perfect person to live in mortality. And for this reason on no other day of the year do I stand more amazed.”

When your 70 you are supposed to retire and then when you have bone cancer and your leg amputated you think you would re...

When your 70 you are supposed to retire and then when you have bone cancer and your leg amputated you think you would retire ... But Chad always has said “my hobby is my work what would I retire to do?” He works hard and puts out gorgeous, trendy designs, with the skills of a master creator. So we keep working or doing our hobby. It makes us happy, and pays the bills. I hope all of you can find something you love to do to fill your retirement years. We started young and it just slowly happened. Of course our greatest joy is our family, our nine children, their nine spouses, and our 46 grandchildren and one great grandchild. Life is good. ( Chad has not been able to use his prosthetic for six weeks, after he had Covid. The Lymph glands swelled in his residual limb. He has been able to put it back on the past couple of days, but it is going to take awhile to get back to where he was. He just starting to run. )

More chandelier ideas!

More chandelier ideas!

We do  living Chandeliers!

We do living Chandeliers!

I just want to thank you so much for the bouquet! It exceeded my wildest dreams and i am in love with it! Our photograph...

I just want to thank you so much for the bouquet! It exceeded my wildest dreams and i am in love with it! Our photographer took an iPhone photo for us, and I thought I’d send it your way!

Our team of designers love to create beautiful in celebration of a union of a man and a woman, who then create a beautif...

Our team of designers love to create beautiful in celebration of a union of a man and a woman, who then create a beautiful family. If you notice in this picture the family chose to put pictures of grandparents and great grandparents on the tables as part of the decor. As a grandma I love to be recognized as a part of my grandchildren’s life’s. I hope my choices in my life have helped them to shape and create their unique and beautiful family.

Our team of designers love to create beautiful, in celebration of a union between a man and a woman, who then can create...

Our team of designers love to create beautiful, in celebration of a union between a man and a woman, who then can create a beautiful family.

Beautiful wedding!

Beautiful wedding!

brides bouquet

brides bouquet

Over the years I have noticed that Every flower  has a unique color, size, and shape. Each one is different.  Although a...

Over the years I have noticed that Every flower has a unique color, size, and shape. Each one is different. Although all red roses look the same, they are each unique. Slightly different shades of color, different petals shape, thorns or no thorns, thick stem or thin stem. Each Flower is here for a short season, to give beauty, to fulfill the measure of its creation. We too are each unique each of us a divine creation of God. We are His children created in His image. As we look in the mirror today I hope we can see our beauty, our uniqueness and our divine worth. Happy Valentines Day

Springtime planters are spring blooming inside your home. Hyacinths smell divine.

Springtime planters are spring blooming inside your home. Hyacinths smell divine.

These photos taken, in Rapid City South Dakota tonight have me hope. I am grateful for Americans who respect God and cou...

These photos taken, in Rapid City South Dakota tonight have me hope. I am grateful for Americans who respect God and country. Our son and his family live in Rapid CitySouth Dakota. They attended the rodeo tonight. They shared with our family their hope and joy with these pictures. God bless Americans. &pledge

When you get married you create your own unique world.  A world is like a snowflake no two are created the same. Here ar...

When you get married you create your own unique world. A world is like a snowflake no two are created the same. Here are the worlds that have been created by children created in our world. . We are grateful for our experiences together. The last picture is the next generation of worlds. Our grandson and his wife and now son to be great grandchild. We are missing a few babies. We had 6 this year!! !

Beautiful Day! Chad and I set up this wedding today. We were grateful to be working together today. One year ago today C...

Beautiful Day! Chad and I set up this wedding today. We were grateful to be working together today. One year ago today Chad went in for the amputation of his cancer riddled, fractured tibia, (above knee) Four years ago when we found the cancer, the doctors told us Chad would not live 6 months if he amputated. They told us the cancer would metastasize. We are celebrating a year of cancer free. God is good, we have seen miracles. We have had ups and downs, pain, and learned patience. Here is to another year of working on earth together.

Fun unique gift that will put a smile on faces!Succulent and Pumpkin arrangements.  They will last through the season an...

Fun unique gift that will put a smile on faces!Succulent and Pumpkin arrangements. They will last through the season and you can plant the succulents after.

This granary was on the platt map in 1898. You know it is a granary because in that century they put the frame on the ou...

This granary was on the platt map in 1898. You know it is a granary because in that century they put the frame on the outside so they would have smooth walls to store their grain. Another name referred to in the New and Old Testament, for this structure, is garner. These structures have been used for millennial. They are referred to symbolically for the gathering of God’s children, to Christ. This granary is built with a cellar with a stone foundation, that the pioneers laid. As we celebrate, our nation and our state of Utah’s birthdays, we are reminded of the foundation and work that our forefathers have done for us. God bless America! God bless our state of Utah! And God bless all of His children with peace! Thank you forefathers!!

Getting married?                 You can call and set up a consultation! 801-489-4219. A  price consultation takes about...

Getting married? You can call and set up a consultation! 801-489-4219. A price consultation takes about 15 minutes, we will go over your numbers and floral decor items you would like decorated with florals, there is no charge! If you are ready to plan your wedding, a wedding consultation will take about an hour! We will go in the cooler and pick out your flowers, put different combinations of flowers together that you like, and get exactly, your unique style and flower combination. A wedding consultation is a unique and wonderful experience! Brides that say they don’t know what they want when they come in, are so happy to realize there are certain colors and combinations of flowers they love. Because we are a wholesaler and a retailer we have this unique experience to offer you! Also, because we are a wholesaler (buying direct from farms) and a retailer, and have a floral school, we can show you how to do some of your own flowers! These are quick tutorials, that have inspired many to take our floral school! Remember!! It is essential you know your budget before you come! We can work with any budget! We raised our 9 children on a Florist income! We know how to budget and make your wedding beautiful! A deposit for your wedding is due at the end of your wedding consultation. We are excited to work with you! Call us!! 801-489-4219 set up an appointment! A price consultation,free! Or the most fun, a wedding consultation! Deposit required.


460 N Main Street
Springville, UT

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 6pm
Tuesday 9am - 6pm
Wednesday 9am - 6pm
Thursday 9am - 6pm
Friday 9am - 6pm
Saturday 9am - 3pm




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