Our tool exhibit isn't often open to visitors but today, June 9th, it will be open from 1-5pm! Stop by and even try some of the tools!
Upcoming events hosted by the Centre County Historical Society!
The sun is shining and it is a tour day! Stop by and visit us 1:00-4:00 p.m. Jude and Bill would love to give you a tour today!
Since the Centre Furnace Mansion and Boogersburg School have been open to the public, roughly 30,000 Centre County elementary age students have learned about iron-making, life in the 19th century Centre County, and going to a one room school. School tours help students by creating experiences that reinforce school lessons, by providing an opportunity to travel to a place they've never been- especially for those less fortunate, and by inspiring curiosity to learn more about these amazing places. Keeping the Mansion and School historic sites preserved and accessible to everyone is part of the Historical Society's mission and is supported by contributions like yours. Consider donating today at: https://centregives.org/organizations/26-centre-county-historical-society-at-the-centre-furnace-mansiony #lovewhereyoulive #givewhereyoulive #CentreHistory
The Mansion window restoration process is in full swing! The first round of windows have been reinstalled and the second round are on their way to the workshop!
So many newnitems in our Museum Store a the Mansion and online! Open for tours Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, 1-4pm by appointment or just stop by!
It's here!! After delays and suppy chain issues, it is here! If you pre ordered a copy, watch for an email about when they will be ready for pick up or when shipped.
We are pleased to announce that the Centre Furnace Mansion has reopened for tours by appointment. Tour hours are 1:00-4:00 p.m. Sunday, Wednesday, Friday. Schedule your visit at https://form.jotform.com/211735523759158 or call us a minimum of 12 hours before you would like to visit. Mansion tours are free and open to the public; donations are appreciated (suggested donation $4.00/person.) Please allow 1 hour for a tour.
The Centre Furnace Mansion serves as headquarters for the Centre County Historical Society. The Mansion, the ironmaster’s residence for Centre Furnace, has been restored and is furnished to reflect the period of residency of ironmaster Moses Thompson and his family, 1842-1891. A mansion in miniature, identical to the original and scaled one inch to one foot, is on permanent display.
Centre Furnace site includes the Centre Furnace Mansion, furnace stack, and surrounding eight acres. This National Register site represents a small portion of the late 18th-century ironmaking village once located here. Its interpretation is based on historical documentation and archaeological research, and includes carefully landscaped grounds with walkways and period gardens.
More information at: https://centrehistory.org/visit-us/visit/
We are pleased to announce that the Centre Furnace Mansion has reopened for tours by appointment. Tour hours are 1:00-4:00 p.m. Sunday, Wednesday, Friday. Schedule your visit at https://form.jotform.com/211735523759158 or call us a minimum of 12 hours before you would like to visit. Mansion tours are free and open to the public; donations are appreciated (suggested donation $4.00/person.) Please allow 1 hour for a tour.
The Centre Furnace Mansion serves as headquarters for the Centre County Historical Society. The Mansion, the ironmaster’s residence for Centre Furnace, has been restored and is furnished to reflect the period of residency of ironmaster Moses Thompson and his family, 1842-1891. A mansion in miniature, identical to the original and scaled one inch to one foot, is on permanent display.
Centre Furnace site includes the Centre Furnace Mansion, furnace stack, and surrounding eight acres. This National Register site represents a small portion of the late 18th-century ironmaking village once located here. Its interpretation is based on historical documentation and archaeological research, and includes carefully landscaped grounds with walkways and period gardens.
More information at: https://centrehistory.org/visit-us/visit/