Wildwood Springs Lodge

Wildwood Springs Lodge Est. 1922 in the heart of the Ozarks! Spring/Fall 2024 concert tickets on sale now at our website! There is something for everyone at Wildwood! Liefield and Wm. J.

For over 20 years, Wildwood Springs Lodge has been a prime spot for peace and relaxation, family fun and bonding, and incredible concert experiences. If you value history, then you will be inspired by the many stories and memories that are held within our 94-year-old walls. If you are an outdoor adventurer then you will love our walking trails through the Zahorsky Woods and the easy access to floa

ting outfitters for the Meramec, Courtois, and Huzzah rivers that flow through Steelville, Missouri. If you want to make new memories with your loved ones then you will enjoy our large outdoor swimming pool, various family games, and the chance to unplug from the distractions of the 21st century and reconnect with the people closest to you. If you love great music then you can’t go wrong with our fall concert series which has been known to feature acts like America, POCO, Ozark Mountain Daredevils, and so many more. Make us your destination vacation, and experience the magic of Wildwood Springs Lodge. Part of the aura of Wildwood Springs Lodge is the history. A History rooted in the people, hills, and rivers around Steelville Missouri. The lodge was built in the early 1920’s and was a large undertaking for that period. The contractor started construction on Jan 16, 1922. The doors opened for business Memorial Day of the same year. The people involved included A.O. Casey of the St. Louis Browns, Adam Bubb of the Brown Shoe Company, Wm. Reinert of the St. Louis Globe-Democrat, and Charles Raymond, publicity manager for Paramount Picture Corp. fil:///C:/Users/Bob/Videos/2016-Wildwood-History%20(1).pdf

Ides of March Oct 4.Good Morning EveryoneHuge News...Ides of March with Jim Peterik.  Oct 4.This is so exciting and a su...

Ides of March Oct 4.

Good Morning Everyone

Huge News...
Ides of March with Jim Peterik. Oct 4.

This is so exciting and a super long story about how it happened.
I will leave that for another day, but it had to do with the LA Fires and the
Beginning of Music at Wildwood - Brewer and Shipley.
As "old timers" would say... "What goes around, comes around..." They sure do.

Jim is bringing an 8-piece band with Horns, so that when He starts " Vehicle ".. the Room with Pop. Jim was also an Original Member of Survivor and wrote most of 38 Special's Biggest hits. This will be one hit-after-another kind of concert.
Tickets are online now, so Get to Buying...

We are only 20 some-odd-days away from Kieth Harkin at the Soda Fountain with Chef Eric fixing from what I have heard that... Filet Mignon is on the Dinner Menu.

Only 8 weeks till...

Michael Martin Murphy with Caleb Martin ( Part of the 1923 Yellowstone Cast )
Our own Singing Cowboy. March 29

Now most of you probably are just skipping over this show... But I can honestly say... This is going to be Special in many, many ways, which I Can not even begin to tell you, There are times when you just need to trust me... This is one.

Jim Messina and the Road Runners. April 5

Ozark Mountain Daredevils May 3. (Only 34 Tickets left.)

It's time..
My Story.
This morning, as Chloe and I left the House for a Short Walk (she is really growing up on me already and so well-behaved), we left our yard and headed over to the lodge yard. It only took moments for me to see what I wanted to write about... "The Sun!"

After the last 4 weeks of being encased in IceBergs, and ice-covered roads and driveways, most of them have finally melted and the Grand Old Lady finally had a Bright Sunny Smile shining on her... so bright. I thought,
it's worth telling a Story.

Yesterday might have been one of the Darkest Days in a long time. I don't like Negativity, but yesterday it came in Floods like we've experienced here not long ago and it was, just one bad thing after the next. I could feel my chest tightening and I just knew I was in trouble. So off I went to where in the "Perfect world" if I had a Choice to Die it would be there --- The Boathouse. It overlooks the Meramec River.

I just sat there for a while in my Truck doing some breathing routine that can help and tried to calm down, which I did over a few minutes. There is a Song, that I have always leaned on to help, so I turned it on. John Denver's " Sunshine on My Shoulders " I did what I have been known to do, just listening to it over and over. Listening to the Words. I was dreaming I was in the Mountains thinking about just how a simple Smile can bring Joy. And honestly, how nothing should ever let me get so upset. I must learn to just let it go... to embrace the Sunshine and love her, all I can.

As I was sitting there, the Eagle came flying upstream, majestically flying in the air... A Sign I'd Be Okay.

The rest of the day turned out to be Beautiful...

I love you all.. so Much.

As I look out my Window... the Sun's still Shining... I am going to go be with Her.

Ides of March:

Once again, we are "Steelville-proud!" Let us introduce you to our Local - Caleb Martin. Caleb was born and raised in hi...

Once again, we are "Steelville-proud!" Let us introduce you to our Local - Caleb Martin.
Caleb was born and raised in his quaint, little town of Steelville, MO. He was born of good roots and a cowboy-at-heart, with BIG DREAMS! When he wasn't bucking on a horse he was with his guitar writing and singing to his heart's content. And boy can he sing!
He also loved acting. And when he was old enough, he "rode off into the sunset" towards Hollywood. The rest is history!

Caleb Martin is known for his natural acting talent, likable personality, and outstanding work ethic. This has quickly earned him a great reputation among many professionals in the film industry. He is an experienced professional horseman and has been riding and training horses since he was young. He has also competed on the rodeo circuit as an “Award-Winning”, Team Roper since age 9. Recently he has had the opportunity to use his horse riding, musical vocals & stunt skills in the prequel to “Yellowstone”, “1923”.

He will be the opening act for Michael Martin Murphey this Spring - March 29th. You don't want to miss the legendary night with these two Legends!

Sing Cowboys Sing... order your Fun here:

(Photo Credit - Chad Stanton)The StormGood Morning Everyone!Well, remember in my last email I mentioned we were getting ...

(Photo Credit - Chad Stanton)
The Storm
Good Morning Everyone!

Well, remember in my last email I mentioned we were getting a bit of weather? Well, we did! I just looked outside and am not sure I can even get out of my driveway two weeks later. This has been a doozy. On the bright side, Chloe just loves it. We were out this morning, and she took off running and hit a slick spot. There she goes, total wipeout, and slides on her belly. It is nice to see Youth again.

Keith Harkin has been selling well (At The Fountain Emporium). Chef Eric is fine-tuning his Fabulous Delicious Tasty Artesian food. It will be a lot of Fun! Keith is such a nice young man and a great singer-songwriter, very entertaining! There are only 15 tickets left out of 50. So don't miss out.

Spring Shows

Caleb Martin with Michael Martin Murphy - March 29
Jim Messina and the Road Runners - April 5
Ozark Mountain Daredevils - May 3

All are selling well... and why not? We all want to escape to the Outdoors. I certainly have been cooped up for 2 solid weeks!

Fall Shows

I took a few weeks off and took lots of naps... but I'll get back to it and finish the lineup in a week or so. I plan to take a week off during the Fall Concert season this year. Eight weekends in a Row is just too hard anymore, maybe for all of us. But I am super excited about this lineup..!!!

Head East is celebrating the 50th year of "Flat as a Pancake", their debut album. We plan on doing the Hour Meet and Greet from 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm before Dinner, again. Answering Questions from the Audience, was a huge success last year.

My Story

During our encampment the past two weeks, Chloe and I, were able to walk over to the Lodge yesterday... Finally! We checked on the Grand Old Lady... during her hibernation. We entered the building and began the inspection. I always like to do a walk-through during the winter a few times, you never know if there are any leaks or shenanigans and honestly, I like being held by her graces. There is something about the stillness there. I always love to look out, over the Wintery Hills and see Nature as she has been for so many years.

While we were walking through the Lodge, I stepped into a room and gave it a look over. As I came to the Dresser there, I stopped and just gave it a look. These are the Original Dressers from 1922, bought for the Lodge, I am not sure if they were new even in this era of Time. I honestly believe most of the Lodge furniture had been bought second-hand, from possibly, an Old Hotel that was torn down. I conjectured this by the Original Invoice I own and it looks more like a second-hand supply store.

As I was gazing at the Dresser something came to my mind. There was a question as to the Drawers themselves and the stories they have lived. You know most of us have Dressers that have multiple Drawers. Some have three or four and some more, depending on how tall it is I guess. The Lodge dressers have only three Drawers. But in thought, it isn't how many Drawers they have, but rather... what is inside them.

We might put socks and underwear in the Top Drawer and maybe shirts or jeans in the Second one (I know at the Lodge we have an Extra Blanket in the Top and an Extra Pillow in the Middle), but it's the Bottom Drawer that caught my attention. What do we put in Our Bottom Drawers? Or... when was the last time you even opened the Bottom Drawer?

Life and Love can be in the Bottom Drawer. Maybe secrets and things to be hidden. Maybe Memories from long long ago, Wedding Albums..., Kids Pictures, maybe clothes that don't fit anymore. Our Past is hidden in those dresser Drawers most likely. Maybe, we don't want to look in them or maybe, we are afraid to. We live our lives one day or one hour at a time. It's the "Mystery of Life" we live with and makes life so wonderful and treasured.

I stood there with Chloe being a good Puppy and tried to take this all in. We were upstairs down a Hallway in the 33rd wing-Poolside. I have been lucky enough to view, feel, and experience many things, and maybe things I still do not understand nor will I ever in my lifetime.
But Love I do understand... Love can move mountains... Love can heal... To "Feel" the Love on a Concert night or to "Feel" the Love on a Family reunion weekend during the summer is so powerful. I just sat there, in one of the rooms on the 33rd wing while looking at that dresser and smiled. Even though it was cloudy and too slick to walk outside, that moment of feeling the Love, I felt being in the Lodge and my Memories of the 30-plus years of all of you.

That is what is in my "Bottom Drawer."

Happy New Year 2025... I hope I get to see all of you this year.
Love Always...
Concert Series Ticket Sales

2025 Spring Series

Keith Harkin at
The Fountain Emporium,
Feb. 28, 2025

Michael Martin Murphey
with special guest
Caleb Martin
March 29, 2025

Jim Messina
and the Roadrunners
April 5, 2025

Ozark Mountain Daredevils
May 3, 2025

2025 Fall Series
Richie Furay
September 13, 2025

Chris Knight
September 20, 2025

John McEuen &
The Circle Band Present
Will The Circle Be Unbroken
September 27, 2025

Marty Stuart
and His Fabulous Superlatives
October 11, 2025

Head East
October 25, 2025

Ozark Mountain Daredevils
Nov.1, 2025


In case you aren't on the mailing list for Wildwood's Newsletter...

And when you're not here, the Grand Lady sleeps, surrounded by Diamonds from the Sky.

And when you're not here, the Grand Lady sleeps, surrounded by Diamonds from the Sky.



🎶 Wildwood Springs Lodge: Spring 2025 Concert Series 🎶🌟 Enjoy legendary musicians amid the backdrop of Wildwood Springs ...

🎶 Wildwood Springs Lodge: Spring 2025 Concert Series 🎶
🌟 Enjoy legendary musicians amid the backdrop of Wildwood Springs Lodge, Missouri’s best kept secret nestled in the heart of the Ozarks!

🌸 Spring Lineup:
• March 29: Michael Martin Murphey
W/ Special Performance By Caleb Martin

• April 5: Jim Messina & The Road Runners

• April 12: Rayland Baxter

• May 3: Ozark Mountain Daredevils Final Tour

📍 Our 103 year old lodge, located in Steelville, Missouri, offers an intimate concert venue with seating for up to 300 guests. Enhance your evening with our concert, dining, and lodging packages, featuring cozy accommodations and home-cooked meals.

🎟️ Reserve your tickets now: wildwoodspringssales.com
📞 Call the front desk: +1 (573) 775-2400

🎫🎅These will make great 🎄Christmas 🎁presents, and there is a special discount for Rayland Baxter! Some of you are asking...

🎫🎅These will make great 🎄Christmas 🎁presents, and there is a special discount for Rayland Baxter! Some of you are asking who Rayland is. Here is a little read for you. https://cyties.com/sit-downs/rayland-baxter/

Happy ThanksgivingMy StoryThis morning I had a few guys cutting down a few trees on the road to the Boathouse. They were...

Happy Thanksgiving
My Story
This morning I had a few guys cutting down a few trees on the road to the Boathouse. They were dead and would be falling across the road where they would be of danger to Niles (the neighbor who lives down this road near the Clubhouse). I stopped to watch them cut down a Tree I had had nightmares over. Its top was dead for quite a few years, those are called "Widow Makers" and are very dangerous. Niles came out for a Conversation, He had just returned from Cambodia. We stood back while Dennis was cutting, I saw the top swaying, and I became very nervous. Finally, the tree was on the ground and all was safe.

Niles returned to his home, and the sky opened up with Snowflakes. They were slow at first, but soon, they came with a Flurry. I had my coat and black stocking hat on, and I decided to walk over to the Boathouse. There is no more beautiful spot in a snowstorm, so off I went.

On my way over, I scared a few Doe's and Yearlings... by the Clubhouse corner. I have decided that during Deer Season all the Deer come to my Sanctuary... on the hill. I turned the corner and headed to the Boathouse and guess what? There were the Turkeys... all Gobblers.
I counted 9 in total... but they didn't like me and flew off to the Valley below. I was still excited about seeing them in a Snowstorm. It was very cool actually. Then I came up onto the Boathouse, and Yes... I couldn't believe my Luck! Two Bald Eagles were flying in the Sky... dancing in play, and speaking loudly, but you could tell they were having a blast. A smile came to my Face... "Peace on Earth, I thought..."

All week long across the Valley over at The Cobblestone Lodge, a guy was sawing, clearing dead trees as well. I knew it because his saw had been pretty loud all week long. Then I noticed all the saw had come to an end.. a quiet ora had come over the land. I could almost hear the Snow falling.
I thought about Niles and his trip to Cambodia. My First thought was Vietnam. My Emotions were becoming all confused. My neighbor Ken had fought on Hamburger Hill. My Customer Carl, a helicopter pilot, had road three that's right, three different... Hueys to the Ground, barely surviving all three crashes, and to a really good friend who had just gone to Vietnam last week for Vacation... Peace on Earth.. in just my lifetime... I can remember just like it was Yesterday, sitting on our living room floor watching the News with my Dad and it always started with the news of the War and the Dead.

My mind was still spinning. And then I started to think about just our lives today. Conflicts within our own country.. Right vs Left. Is anyone "really" happy? Can there be peace within? Then all of a Sudden... I could hear the Church Bells from downtown, they were Ringing... Loud and Clear. The Snow was falling heavier and heavier. The Bells just kept ringing... "Peace on Earth... Peace on Earth... Goodwill to men." Can you hear the Bells ringing...?? Just listen with me.. they are there. They are beautiful.

I heard the Bells on Christmas Day (Christmas Bells)

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 1864
A Song about the Civil War.

Please read the lines and then listen to Casting Crowns.. version below and the original melody below that...
This was written in 1864.. Maybe it was just written for us.. today..
Merry Christmas.. to all.

Christmas Bells
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
1807 – 1882

I heard the bells on Christmas Day
Their old, familiar carols play,
And wild and sweet
The words repeat
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!
And thought how, as the day had come,
The belfries of all Christendom
Had rolled along
The unbroken song
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!
Till ringing, singing on its way,
The world revolved from night to day,
A voice, a chime,
A chant sublime
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!
Then from each black, accursed mouth
The cannon thundered in the South,
And with the sound
The carols drowned
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!
It was as if an earthquake rent
The hearth-stones of a continent,
And made forlorn
The households born
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!
And in despair I bowed my head;
"There is no peace on earth," I said;
"For hate is strong,
And mocks the song
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!"
Then pealed the bells more loud and deep:
"God is not dead, nor doth He sleep;
The Wrong shall fail,
The Right prevail,
With peace on earth, good-will to men."

Casting Crown version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F756Mjxxrvc
Original Melody by Cat Jahnke: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTmt_PQb8DA&ab_channel=CatJahnke

Please... here is the current lineup.

There is nothing better for Christmas than Dinner and Concert Tickets...
Come in the Spring and Fall...

Tell our friends. It takes you... Open up your heart.

I love all of you... Peace on Earth

Concert Series Ticket Sales

2025 Spring Series

Michael Martin Murphey
with special guest
Caleb Martin
March 29, 2025

Jim Messina
and the Roadrunners
April 5, 2025

Rayland Baxter,
April 12, 2025

Ozark Mountain Daredevils
May 3, 2025

2025 Fall Series
Richie Furay
September 13, 2025

TBA September 20, 2025

John McEuen & The Circle Band
Present Will The Circle Be Unbroken
September 27, 2025

TBA October 4, 2025

TBA October 11, 2025

TBA October 18, 2025

Head East
October 25, 2025

Ozark Mountain Daredevils
Nov.1, 2025

Merry Christmas everyone! Here’s a song to remind us to look for the light, hold on to hope, and be the best we can be. Pass it on! xo___Visit my Patreon pag...

🎁💝🎄It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! OH... HO... HO... how happy you could make those special "Someones!"🎅   ...

🎁💝🎄It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! OH... HO... HO... how happy you could make those special "Someones!"🎅

Due to recent heavy rains, there may be road closures on the way to Steelville, MO for the Wildwood concerts this weeken...

Due to recent heavy rains, there may be road closures on the way to Steelville, MO for the Wildwood concerts this weekend. Review your route, and plan accordingly. Allow extra time if needed and stay safe.

The Modot Travelers Map may be helpful.


Love you all



125 Grand Drive
Steelville, MO

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 3pm
Tuesday 9am - 3pm
Wednesday 9am - 3pm
Thursday 9am - 3pm
Friday 9am - 3pm
Saturday 9am - 3pm
Sunday 9am - 3pm




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