New Jersey at the Mor n Mor booth in Cedar Lake IN Dicks Building at Uncle John’s Flea Market
New Jersey at the Mor n Mor booth in Cedar Lake IN Dicks Building at Uncle John’s Flea Market
Now Uncle John's Flea Market inside Dicks Building at Uncle John’s Flea Market there will be Barber on duty!
#thundercats thanks to Bob from @Owl-iver Designs LLC for this 3D printed #SwordofOmens at #unclejohnsfleamarket
#dragrace #hotwheels #diecast #giveaway at #unclejohnsfleamarket and the rest of August 25-75% off
To 2 of the best customers turned friends. Charlie & Alia came by a couple weeks ago and gifted me this awesome #F4U #Corsair #GIJOE #Pappy #Not4Sale
#olympicspirit #coinflip #unclejohnsfleamarket
#coinflip @unclejohnsfleamarket bldg 8 at Mor n Mor resale
Kinda of a side story. His son set it down after the flip but it was not set down correctly. It fell hit the ground and some pieces came apart. Felt so bad!
#unclejohnsfleamarket #flipacoin #raggedyannandandy #collectables
#prankgonewrong @owliverdesigns my apologies my good sir! Tablet was sacrificed!
Building # 8 #unclejohnsfleamarket #MachoBoots