33 years after receiving her heart transplant from UCLA she is riding the Rose Parade, Float from Donate Life & OneLegacy tomorrow on January 1. Happy New Year, and God bless you all.
Every day is a gift, it is not over until I decide it is over. It does not matter what others think. It only matters what you think about you. Change the thinking and change your life.
God bless you all. #nevergiveup #JimmyOwensSpeaker #GOD
If we would all just believe, 2025 would be awesome.
This is some of my most exciting moments in the year 2024, please enjoy. This is some of my most exciting moments in the year 2024, please enjoy. Jimmy Owens
A few of the boats in the boat parade at Newport Harbor last night. A quick thank you to John Limbocker, who took us on his beautiful 50 foot boat to watch the parade.#nevergiveup #nevergiveup #boatparade
At the home of @James Malinchak being interviewed by a legend. Teacher, Author, Motivator, Co-Creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul, and the Success Principals. Amazing day.
In Las Vegas being interviewed by James Malinchak, James Malinchak - Big Money Speaker Star of the Hit TV show on ABC the Secret Millionaire & Jack Canfield a motivational legend. The creator of the chicken soup for the soul book series which sold billions of books around the world.
Spending a week in Las Vegas, working on my new book and being interviewed by Major players in the speaking world. James Malinchak - Big Money Speaker ABC star from secret millionaire and one of the countries top coaches and Kevin Harrington original shark from Shark Tank and the creator of the infomercial. Such an amazing week. 
Another great moment from JMYO Entertainment.
God and UCLA gave me a second chance at life. Never never never give up.
Thredge setting up for their concert. That Molly Malone’s in Los Angeles.
To my good friend Sanford and his beautiful wife Gracie. Loved being the DJ at your wedding.
Thank you so much for having us at your mom’s birthday party last month as well.