Hey guys!
After a longer than expected hiatus from the shop, we are back in business! The last few months have been nothing short of completely busy for the both of us, and we made the collective decision to take a step back from the shop until we both had our feet back underneath us to be able to contribute to our business as it deserves. But here is an update from us!
"Hey All! Ally here. Life has been super crazy over the last 6 months! Kim and I took a vacation to Disney and Universal Studios with our husbands in May, which started a whirlwind of craziness that followed in the next few months. During that time, my husband's father passed away, followed by my grandmother shortly after. Not very long after that, I continued to plug away with wedding planning and all of the events that that entails. My husband and I got married on August 28, 2021 with our best friends by our sides. I then decided to go back to school and I am super excited to continue with my education to become a registered dietitian. We are so fortunate to have the support system that we have surrounding us, and we cannot thank them enough! I'm so excited for Kim and I to pick up where we left off for you all!"
"Hey guys! It’s Kim, it’s been crazy lately with everything going on! We had our trip to Florida in May. After that we had focus on Ally getting married, work, and summer activities. We are so excited to be back and running our company again! I can’t wait to share all of our festive designs and get back into the shop with Ally."
Following that update, we are super excited to say that the design process is back underway! Though it is a little late in the season, be sure to expect some Fall and Halloween design drops, as well as a planned Christmas and Winter drop starting at the end of November! We can’t wait to share our ideas with you soon.
Kim and Ally