Friends, I am ready for a return to green lights and open highways! Our lives of personal freedoms ... was that just eight or so weeks ago?...have undergone tremendous changes this Spring. Public health concerns, closed schools and businesses, pay cuts and unemployment have crippled our 'average American lives'. All of us wonder when, and if, life will return to normal. But hopefully, these weeks of downtime at home have yielded you some unexpected blessings, too. Many are gardening, walking, biking and simply sitting on their porches. And I've seen more American flags displayed in neighborhoods than ever before! For me, it's been extra time to plan a whopper of a Country music show for you as soon as COVID-19 restrictions are lifted! Jamboree co-producer Mike Shing and I will be following guidelines set by state and local leaders when venues can re-open, and we have had our fingers crossed for re-opening the Reilly Springs Jamboree in June 2020. If that becomes possible, the plans are already in place for Saturday June 20, 2020 onstage at The ROC in Sulphur Springs with special guest Monty Tipps, the Running Creek Band, Sentimental Journey Duo and other talented local performers. Whether this becomes a reality in June depends on protocol dictated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Other 2020 Jamborees will be held at the Reilly Springs Community Center on third-Saturday nights of the month. Keep checking here for dates and information. Meantime, let's all stay safe together now, by following recommendations by our elected leaders and medical professionals.