The Fabulous Martin Mora Quartet!
The Taft Jazz Band played their hearts out today! We truly appreciated the fabulous live music! Thanks to all of you for spending your Saturday supporting the Fort by showcasing your talents!
The Fort Preservation Society wishes you a Happy and Safe HALLOWEEN!
We are very excited that our south courtyard palm tree at The Fort is now a beautiful focal point for our fall weddings. Thank you again to Cooper’s True Value Hardware for your generous donation. #supportthefort
The south courtyard palm tree at The Fort is a “Pretty Thing” now!
We are excited our fall weddings will have prettier views for photos.
There’s still time to come watch The Taft Jazz Combo and grab a refreshing drink at the Fort Flea! #supportthefort
Wising the bride and groom a wonderful life! #maythe4thbewithyou. Thank you for choosing The Historic Fort for your wedding reception.
The Fort Preservation Society, Nancy Bonner, and Lisa Kindred would like you to that all our vendors for a fabulous day. We have very much enjoyed working with you all! Thank you to the Fort Board and volunteers for a long day of cooking great food! Thank you to all of the community members who came down to visit, eat, and shop. It was great to see you all. This was our 2nd Flea Market and it was even better than the first! Mark you calendar for the Summer Flea in June. More information soon! NEXT FUNDRAISER- Cornhole Tourney in March.
Having a great time at the Fort Flea!
Vendors at the Fort Flea. We’re here till 3 TODAY!