OPEN RAIN, SNOW OR SHINE: Located across from White Lake State Park & Troop-E Police Barracks in Tamworth NH on Rt.16 (GPS address: 1799 White Mountain Highway.) ~ “Hope to see you soon!”
2018: YEAR-ROUND “Orlando Quality” LASER TAG ARENA (6,000 sq. ft. building) added.
FUN EVEN FOR SMALL GROUPS thanks to a very unique arena + custom game mods!
2004: Championship-Grade” 18 hole miniature golf added in 2004.
2002 (Grand Opening): Reversible go-kart track & small game room.
From Conway NH: Head south on Rt. 16 for 16 mi.
From Meredith NH: Head east on Rt. 25, then 1 mi. north on Rt. 16.
From Wolfeboro NH: Head north on Rt. 28, then 10 mi. north on Rt. 16.
From Cornish ME: Head west on Rt. 25, then 6 mi. north on Rt. 16.
"Walk-Ins" always welcome, or advance-booking laser tag (1+ days in advance using "Option#1") takes the worry out of having to wait! (Be sure to show up on time!)
It’s FAST & EASY with NO account setup & NO online payment required!
(The f/b “Watch Video” button takes you to our website & the booking engine.)
Note: During the summer season (July & August), we suggest you book laser tag sessions at the counter AFTER you arrive! (“Walk-In’s) ~ With so much else to do (good weather), you won’t have to worry about waiting.
Visit website for specials & so much more!