Do any of you scratch your head about Valentine’s Day? It’s great we take the day to appreciate the people we love but shouldn’t that be 24/7/365? (Still, buy the card or you are toast.)
I feel that way about Earth Day. One day to celebrate the planet that gives us life? Arguably one can argue no love without life, but let’s not get into the details.
Earth Day is April 22. We here at Birdsong are celebrating all month. Specials will be going on every weekend at Bella On Lake Huron
This weekend find our popular Earth pots filled with our spring flowers. On special for $14.00. Hand tied bouquets of ranunculus and anemone for only $12.00.
A portion of our proceeds always goes towards habitat restoration so your spending choice really does make a difference.
Earth Day = Earth Month = Earth 24/7/365