Dear Friends,
We are thrilled to welcome you to the 2021-2022 season of the Grace Church Concert Series—our 22nd anniversary season! The season begins in October with vocal fireworks provided by operatic singers Camille Zamora and Monica Yunus. We welcome the internationally-acclaimed British ensemble The King’s Singers in February. Finally, we close the season in April with a performance by The
Amit Peled Cello Gang. All performances will take place in the church, and will be followed by an artists’ reception in the Parish Hall. All of our events will follow the COVID-19 safety protocols set forth by the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia, including wearing masks indoors. We wish to express our deep gratitude to those participating in our Grace Church Angels program. Their support allows us to bring world-class performers to our community at a reasonable price for everyone. More information about the Grace Church Angels program and ticket sales can be found on pages 10, 12 and 13 of this brochure, and online at On behalf of the Grace Church Concert Series Committee and our generous volunteers, we look forward to seeing you this season! Sincerely,
Jason Farris, Artistic Director; Lena Scott Lundh & Gertraud Hechl, Co-Chairs Emeritae
Committee Members
Enid Adams, Landon Butler, Kenneth Garrett, Robin Pegler, Nancy West, Dana Westring
The Grace Church Concert Series is funded in part through the generosity of Mrs. Jacqueline Mars in memory of her mother, Mrs. Forrest Mars, who was devoted to music and loved Grace Church.