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Claim it Take it is a false teaching and here is one scripture on why. "For all seek their own, not the things which are of Christ Jesus"


Unknown to me I had a serious issue that might could have been helped or even fixed, that came into effect over 30 years ago, with an accident in a car that should have, according to police and medical personnel, killed me. But I survived. Due to this accident I have through the years developed a slow disability that now has been found to give me FIVE different neuropathy issues. Which were caused by spacing in the lower back and mid neck sections. Unknowing to me and deciding to try to improve myself I got back involved with martial arts which I was involved with back from 81 to about 1990 and when returning in 2010 did not know I had these issues but did know that there was something wrong and thought well it's just because I'm overweight. It wasn't due to being overweight though that was part of the contributing issue but the main issue was overworking my neck and back. The continuous motions due to walking, riding bikes, swimming, and yes even martial arts especially martial arts according to my doctors, contributed in the issue which became and still is becoming worse. This led me to having issues doing my martial arts and was not able to perform as well as I should of course I did not know this at the time and to recent developments through neurology tests and other tests that I have taken in the past few months which has shown some very bad decrease in areas of my neuropathy. Some of which are so bad that the pain levels are increasingly above 9 and even sometimes above 10 on the scale of 1 to 10. And I don't like to admit this but sometimes they make me shed tears and it's not tears of joy. I'm only saying this because I want to suggest people if you've ever had in a car wreck even if it's only been 5-10 years ago, get yourself checked out from time to time to see if maybe something that may have happened sometime ago has developed into something else and perhaps they can get you fixed up because I cannot and I wish I did. I will continue to manage this as best I can and trust in the Lord of course because that's what I do I'm a person that believes in God, believes in and trusting in Jesus and that He heals, however I must also know that I possibly could have prevented this if I just, well found a doctor that was willing to listen to my issues and say let's figure out what is wrong. A lot of things that I tried to do that I failed in physically because I could not do it because of pain and muscle disorders that I did not know were the problem until recently. I used to be really good at breaking boards and that development started going downhill. I used to be very good at my balance and that went downhill. I used to be good at spinning kicks and jumping sidekicks and even though I was overweight I was able to do them but because of these issue it went downhill by 2015 it was so bad I didn't even realize how bad it was my doctor said just a few months ago that these issue started well over 20 years ago and it's been getting worse for the last 10-15 years and I did not know about it. I say this because people if you've ever had an accident of any kind you need to get checked as often as possible and once they find out something is wrong perhaps they can prevent anything from happening further on too late for me except for the blood of Jesus it's too late for me that is but for anybody else hopefully it's not too late. I have a place you can get I'm not advertising for this doctor and if you mention my name maybe he'll give me a discount on my next time I try to do some more physical therapy that he has for me which I can't do because insurance doesn't cover it because apparently they don't believe in neuropathies or issues even though it is a bad disability they won't cover the technology that helps bring the neuropathy issues back in order. The cost is well over $9500 and we just can't do it. You can get checked out and see Dr Lopez at Advanced Medical Solutions in Mobile Alabama for free consultation. And if anybody wants to help us with this I'm going to open up an account really soon and I'll post this account from time to time and see if I can raise the money to help me get this medical devices and therapies so possibly I could start walking at the very least again to exercise so I can well lose the weight and get healthier because until that pain is gone without drugs and with the other issues through the neuropathy such as the muscle weakness and all the other stuff that I've had for the last 10-15 years I need this therapy so if you're willing to help please message me because as soon as I start seeing messages I'm going to get this GoFundMe account started for $9,500 so I can get the therapy I need. Thank you everybody and God bless.

And BTW I was in a goal to become a Master in Martial Arts and was always in my goals. But my medical issues, I guess some folks just don't want to believe in that I had a problem or well as the neuropathy test said FIVE issues and they proved it was going on for over 15 years. Two of my doctors told me I should not have been doing martial arts without proper equipment and other medical technology helping me. And was told if they caught this back years ago they would have had me on limited training or as one Grand Master explained to me, modified training. But I did all I could feeling I should have been given the benefit of the doubt and always being one of truth people would have heard me, but they did not. I write this part to let folks know there is ill will towards anyone and that All is forgiven because Christ tells us we must forgive or the father won't forgive us so All is forgiven and I pray God speaks to you in your life so you will know His will in your life. Thank you for hearing and understanding and God bless you.


So, let me get this straight. You are wearing a suite that cost nearly $3000 with shoes that cost over $1000 and have, what is being told on tax records one $12,000,000 plus mansion with two other mansions worth over $8,000,000 and worth, at least on tax records, Over $70,000,000 and you also own planes, helicopters and yachts, and while speaking on equality for all and saying your parents did not trust rich people or people who got more than they deserve, and you do not see the sin, ie irony, in this?


What is a real woke person?

A real woke person is someone who gets their butts up in the morning and goes to work to do what they're supposed to do to support their family and will always trust in the Lord and be in HIS Will. And we'll seek His kingdom and His righteousness first.

A real woke person in someone who has been awoken by the ignorance and stupidity of sin and is allowed themselves to be forgiven of such sins and live a sin free life.

A real woke person is someone who woke themselves up and said hey I'm living in sin I need to get out, I need to go and ask Jesus to forgive me because no man in a box with a shade between you and them can ever forgive you and will bow themselves down to the Will of God and not the will of man.

A real woke person is someone who knows what the Bible truly says and they are woke to the Word of God and is woke to the fact that the people who believe that they are woke are truly asleep because they do not know that they are in sin and/or do not care they are in sin and that they're on their way to everlasting damnation with the Lake of Fire.

A real person is one who here's the word, knows the word, is it newer of the word, it is truly in God's Will.


So many "Christians" including the leadership have it wrong. They constantly say pray for peace and ask Jesus to bring peace, but Jesus clearly said He did not come to bring peace but a sword. Matthew 10:34
New King James Version
“Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword."

He further said 37"For I have come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law’; 36 and a man’s enemies will be those of his own household.’ 37 He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. 38 And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. 39 He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it."

For those who are not putting God first is against Him. If a family member is not second or third or fourth but first, then they are putting them above God. God id First Jesus is First all others are second or third or fourth Etc. Division and A sword is what Jesus brought.

We also have many who pray against things that Jesus said would come before He does.

Example: Many prayed against Covid, OR they pray against one or more of those running for President, or against a natural event such as a storm or earthquake. OR they pray against leaders or countries engaged in war., OR they pray against the hate and things that are seen on the news and social media that we care about or do not like. ALL THESE MUST COME TO PAST. READ Matthew 24. In verse 8 He says, "All these are the beginning of sorrows." See 32-33 "Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near—at the doors!"

EVERYTHING that we are seeing now is the beginning of sorrow and the END is near.
'And though in our minds near could be a week or a month or a year, Near to God maybe a week, a month, a year, a decade, a score, a century, a millennium.

The KEY is..........................STOP PRAYING AGAINST GOD'S WILL.


But the main issue here is, Many who Call themselves Chrisitan are being deluded by the devil into thinking what is being taught about "CLAIM IT TAKE IT". or "PROSPERITY," or YES!!, Even "HEALING" and The "LITTLE GOD" Gospels and Doctrines being lied to in Church is the true whole Word. IT IS NOT! This is the biggest issue in the Church and It is CALLED "Doctrines of Demons" (1 Timothy 4:1, NKJV), and they are being taught to many churches ALL OVER THE WORLD and Especially the United States.

"Others Fell on Good Ground"

Jesus said this in Matthew 13:8, NKJV But many DO NOT KNOW what this truly means. What is the Good Ground. It is ..................


Yes, The Word of God, AKA, The BIBLE

Most People in the Church and this includes pastors and other leaders.


O yes, they can quote scriptures and make a good speech or give a sermon, but they DO NOT KNOW THE WORD.

God's Purpose in my Life. And I never thought this would happen to me, is to speak from His Word Daily to give His Word to those HE has called to be TRUELY GROUNDED in the Word. So that we can live by His Word, Be in His Word, Know His Word, and not just Hear some of it, But ALL. Paul said, ALL Scripture (2 Timothy 3:16, NKJV), Not Some, Not Just the NEW, Not Just NEW and Psalms Not Just What you like to propose some sort of new doctrine, which BY THE WAY, is told to be FALSE, and Not of God but as Paul pointed out in 1 Timothy 4:1-2, NKJV "Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron." This searing into their conscience is that they believe in the lie so much that it is the only thing they are able to believe. And though Paul said some, unfortunately it has become much more like MANY and in some cases, ALL.


This is what being in the Good Ground is about.

Hearing the Word, Brings us to Knowing the Word, which brings us to DOING the Word, Which Leads us to Being Truly in God's Will.

Thank you for reading and I hope to see you all come to hear the Word.


God's Family Home Church


Everyone proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord;
Though they join forces, none will go unpunished.


Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge,
But he who hates correction is stupid.


When PRIDE comes, then comes shame;


The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable,
But the mouth of the wicked what is perverse.


“For His eyes are on the ways of man,
And He sees all his steps.

There is no darkness nor shadow of death
Where the workers of iniquity may hide themselves.

For He need not further consider a man,
That he should go before God in judgment.

He breaks in pieces mighty men without inquiry,
And sets others in their place.

Therefore He knows their works;
He overthrows them in the night,
And they are crushed.

He strikes them as wicked men
In the open sight of others,

Because they turned back from Him,
And would not consider any of His ways,

So that they caused the cry of the poor to come to Him;"


Should one who hates justice govern?


Mediacom Cable sucks now. I say that because I used to have one internet router that had its own internal wireless connection had zero problems with it, zero issues with it unless there was a storm. But now all of a sudden, I have to get a new router that has no access because they have this new eero thing that you connect to your router so you can have internet wirelessly, but it doesn't always stay on. I've had mine go off at least 30 times today and it's still not the end of the day. I lost my connection like five times during my teaching which was just under thirty minutes long. I do not know who came up with this junk but Mediacom Cable needs to bring their routers that have their own wireless connection back. This eero is junk, Junk, JUNK!!!


Strange but true, God allowed something that people think is dirty for Israel used as a sacrifice. Do you know what that is?


Well, when I see the news, I start believing what I said last month. Things are going to come out.


Bob Wiley was the first at home worker and he did that in 1990-1991.


Well I finally have the knowledge of what's been wrong for the past 15 years perhaps longer. Peripheral neuropathy for the past 15 years. No wonder I had such difficulties in all the activities I used to do. Walking, riding bikes, swimming, and martial arts all had pain, balance issues, coordination, slowness in reflexes, muscle weakness, and even sensitivity to heat very much so where I would sweat not because of overweightness but because of the disability and now sensitivity to cold, which I never used to have. But I don't care what the devil throws at me because I'm going to keep teaching the Word, I'm going to keep teaching what God speaks and I'm going to keep on going strong as I can in HIS Will.


A lot of people are going to be surprised when something comes out. A lot of people are going to be so shocked that they won't even believe what they're seeing is happening. Forewarned everybody, it's coming and a lot of things are about ready to come out that nobody believed in when we were speaking about it during the past few years.


It is all going to start coming out now.


Hay Hulu subscribers is anyone having an issue getting on tonight?

Box turtle moved in under my generator

Box turtle moved in under my generator


A lot of people who are in church are living in sin, including pastors. And what happens in a church where a pastor is living in sin? Well, we can look at 1 Kings, 2 Kings, and 2 Chronicles to see the answers for this. For example; one such example is Jeroboam who made Israel sin. You see, Jeroboam was one of the Kings of Israel who made the whole nation sin. He was the leader of Israel, a leader of a Nation, a leader of a congregation who made the whole congregation of Israel's sin. So, when sin is in the pulpit the whole church is in sin. Now that's not to say that the whole congregations in sin going to hell but God punished the whole nation of Israel when the whole nation was considered in sin because of the leadership. And there were a few who would have gotten away from that punishment because there were a few who were still living for God we see this in other scriptures. And in a congregation of a church there will be a few truly living for God. My suggestion is, if your pastor is in sin you need to get out. My suggestion is if your pastor is not speaking against sins, you need to get out. There are several pastors who will go against the Word of God especially when it comes to Romans 1. Romans 1 tells us about several sins. One such sin is homosexuality and transgenderism. Because I speak against homosexuality and transgenderism, people call me a homophobic or transphobic. Phobic is another term for fear which would tell them that I fear them which I do not fear them for there is no fear in me because I do not have a spirit of fear but of a sound mind. BUT, I do pray for them that they will come to know the realization of truth of the Word of God. But, unfortunately in many cases they do not, because they go in looking for their sin to continue on with their sin as Lot's wife did. Lot's wife was punished for looking for her sin. What was called sin in the old is still called sin in the new. What was called sin 10,000 years ago, is still sin today. God has not changed His mind about sin. He has kept what is sin as sin and it will not change. If you are in sin you will be in hell. There is no alternative except to get out of sin to come to Jesus as Lord and believe in Him, and sin no more. You cannot live in your sin and still believe in Jesus and be considered one who goes to heaven because those who are in sin are unrighteous and unrighteousness will not enter the Kingdom of God. Are there scriptures for this? Yes there are a very many of them. I do not get on here every night to read the Word of God for the health of my throat. I get on here every night to read the Word of God for the health of your Spirit, Soul and Body, as well as for my own. It is not a physical need or mental need it is a spiritual need. Most people who call themselves Christians do not know even 5% of what the Bible says. They call themselves a doer of the Word, but they don't know the Word nor have they heard it. In order to be a true doer of the Word you must hear it and learn from it. James says that we are supposed to be doers not just hearers only, but most people have not heard it. You first have to hear it in order to do it in order to be in God's Will. This is what God pushed me into doing, reading His Word and teaching straight from it every day. As Jesus said some fell on good ground but the good ground is only those who are grounded in the Word. Jesus told Satan when He was tempted "man does not live by bread alone but by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." The mouth of God began in Genesis and has still continued today. God gave me a gift of speech and gave me a gift of teaching. I did not ask for it. I actually ran from it, but He opened the door for me to do it and so I'm on every day teaching His Word from His mouth through my voice. Come hear what He has to say, and though it's me who is speaking, it is Him who speaks through me from His Word. God bless you and I hope you come on and here to hear what God the Father says. ......... God's Family Home Church


Well praise the Lord my friends I can't believe it I went and posted what I posted yesterday and I decided you know what I could do $5 a day for $25 for 5 days and send a message out to other people through the advertising and see if anything happens I have now 125 followin. So take that Facebook (devil). I have at least a hundred people to go on live and I praise God Almighty I praise Jesus our Lord and Savior that He has put it through so that we can be live every day. PRAISE THE LORD!!!!


Due to Facebook's liberal nonsense and because it's an attack by the devil himself through Facebook's liberal nonsense I can no longer post live on God's family home Church page. Why? Because they said I have to have 100 followers before I can do live videos which doesn't make sense because I've been doing live videos on that page for what over 2 years. So friends please tell your friends and family to follow God's Family Home Church, so that I can get a hundred followers and you don't have to send money, you don't have to do this or do that, just click follow so I can continue doing God's work and continue doing His Will by teaching His Word. Thank you and God bless.


Alabama's 19th annual sales tax holiday for school-related items begins at 12:01 a.m. Friday, July 19, 2024, and ends at midnight Sunday, July 21, 2024


If you're wondering why there is a short stick like device on the left side of your steering wheel, it is for you to push up for your right turn signal to go on when you are preparing to merge over to the right lane or soon to turn right on another road. AND to push down for your left signal to go on to merge to the left lane or soon to turn left on another road. It literally takes .5 seconds OR LESS to push it up or down AND it is NOT the hard to do. Please use it. For it WILL help prevent accidents. Thank you and may God bless you.


he United States has never been a true democracy, an idea where the power is exercised directly by the people. Even the founding fathers thought the best form of governance for the new country was a mixture of democracy, aristocracy, and monarchy. To be accurate, the United States is far closer to a constitutional republic than a true democracy and is labeled a representative democracy, where its government is elected by the people. (For a more paranoid bent, discover the most unbelievable conspiracy theories.) In truth it is the Democrats that coin the phrase that we are a democracy. This is done in order to convince people that because we are a democracy they should elect democrats. It has always been a "scam" you might say to subvert people into their believe.


Usually, you would see grades along with four As being three Bs but not with my boy it is Four As with Three Cs. BUT I am good as long as he tried and did what he is to do to move up to Second Grade. Good Job Daniel Jr Ie DC.


We need Prayer most of all, but we also need ACTION. I need people to contact the Governor, News stations, and Papers and post like crazy, asking WHY is the State of Alabama making their DHR Case Workers work hours of more than, in some ways 80 PLUS hours without any kind of compensation or time off, or benefits. There is no indication in their “employment book” that states they have to work more than forty hours without extra pay. In other words, they should be getting overtime, which is called upon by Federal Law. Furthermore, not only are they not getting paid any more than what was “signed,” but are now being forced to work seven days a week and are not being allowed the time off for religious services, which again is against Federal Law. This also is bringing strain on them and their families as they are not home to be with their families and can bring a division in the families of these workers as they too could become a case for DHR. Many of the workers are home in a sick cry, wondering what to do and have become too distraught to even get up and get to work. Many are quitting, which leaves a lot of cases not worked, to where another worker has to take over putting even MORE strain on them. While other State officials get Monday through Friday and even have other days off, DHR Case Workers are not being allowed this AT ALL. So, I implore you to ask the Governor, Ask the News, Ask people, WHY they are so hard-worked, and do not even receive any extra compensation, or any benefits, or why are they nor allowed any time off? Ask This, Help us get this out there and let people know that they are being treated worse than some of the people they are trying to help and that this comes from Montgomery and Our State Capital and Our Governor needs to do something about it.


That stinking swarm is back


Theodore, AL



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