The Dented Can

The Dented Can The Dented Can is Maine's most unique music venue, housed in a vintage Swedish boxcar, conveniently located in the absolute center of the musical universe.

The "Dented Can" purposely looks pretty shabby on the outside but like a geode within the crusty exterior lies Maine's one of a kind gem of a performance space.


Friends, enemies, relatives , citizens if you do not want to miss onegem that drips from my keyboard go follow me on my Doug Nye Music page as I will be using that predominantly to simplify my life


This is LOnnnnnggg. Read it anyway. I now have insurance and a lease from the state on the tracks that the The Dented Can sets on and I am cooking up some new ideas. Some movies, History nights, geneology/ancestory sharing and a Talk on Acorns by a nutty friend. The first event I have will be a poetry slam in early march so go follow The Dented Can FB page and check out the website under the That's dot club not dot com.
Hey here is a copy oif a letter I sent to my woefully incomplete Dented Can/Doug Nye email list. If you are not on it shame on you. Drop me an email at [email protected] or PM me your email so you will not miss "what's happening" then you have a chance at becoming HIP.
Hey there friends of my music or of the Dented Can,
you may have all thought that by some stroke of luck you somehow were removed from my mailing list. NO SUCH LUCK MY FRIENDS!!! When I first "harvested" your email I promised that I would not inundate you with spam and so far so good.
So, what is up with me and the Dented Can? Well, a lot of cold stream water has passed under the Thorndike bridge since my last spam letter, oops I mean friendly personal email. Of Course, I need to mention Covid and the world wide hysteria that kept the rusty sliding door of THE CAN shut and padlocked. Also the last 2 years saw the end of my duo Cantankerous as we were apparently too cantankerous to continue on with each other in this rarified politically charged environment (to me our divergent ideas were at the core of our namesake and schtick).
As an overcompensating reaction to Cantankerous dissolving I then went on to form Right Wing Wacko Rockers the seminal conservative rock trio. We actually were sounding pretty good and were getting our act together ready to pounce upon the world when our first gig was aborted due to a covid case in the band. We never successfully recovered as a band due to other complications and consequentially I am left with a website, t-shirts and stickers but also a bunch of great new songs that I wrote during our ill-fated attempt at infamy.
Never one to languish from setbacks I then did a 30-week Facebook live video series that gave me an opportunity to stay mildly relevant and have a good time interacting with the few people that FB allowed to see my shows. I used it as an opportunity to archive 60-70 songs that I had no recordings of. If you missed the shows, they are all under the video tab on my doug nye FB page (we are friends right???)
Just prior to this interim period, where the world and time itself seemed to stand still, I also put together a book of my silly song/poems under the title "Doug's Dum Diddy Diddy Dumb Ditties" As fate so often responds by throwing a wrench in well laid plans my release party just happened to coincide with the beginning of the C-19 scare just as if I had planned it specifically. You can purchase one of these books for a modest price at my Doug Nye website
This brings you all up to speed on me. How are you doing? Let me know. I always considered the Dented Can an exclusive somewhat underground undertaking as my decision to forgo insurance to protect the interests of my friend who owns the land that the Can resides upon kept me from advertising as needed . So whether you recognize it or not if you got this email YOU ARE SPECIAL.
Ok I need to know if you all are back in the mood for some dented can shows and if so, I need your ideas on what type of shows those would be and any suggestions on how I can make this happen in a cooler even more fun way. We will be sticking with the Hobo campfire format before and after shows and also keeping the whole shebang somewhat underground.
Please do respond to this with your input . Also "like" the DC page and my new music page on FB "Doug Nye Music". you can also visit my website .Until spring , keep smiling and consider putting on a house concert reminiscent of the old "Cabin Fever Relievers" featuring me, your humble musical servant and jester, Doug
PS. if you want off of this email list you will just have to hunt me down and disable my keypad or possibly take even more severe actions


The best thing about facebook's "memories" feature is that often I get the opportunities to relive the conversations and exact moments when I unfriended some distateful "firends" . It is a joy to relish over and over .

Reading Daniel and was struck by this bit of "writing on the wall" and ordered a T-shirt with this design.

Reading Daniel and was struck by this bit of "writing on the wall" and ordered a T-shirt with this design.

SURPRISE ! SURPRISE !. This may be a novel idea to you my dear friends but I write and play music so that people can hea...

SURPRISE ! SURPRISE !. This may be a novel idea to you my dear friends but I write and play music so that people can hear it and be touched by it. I would guess that out of my 907 FB friends that only a handful own or access my music . Ain't that a crying shame. Let us put an end to that travesty. I have a website, A facebook music page and my music is readily available throughout the typical digital music websites.
If each one of my friends would purchase one of my CD's or download some of my work I could move over to easy street. Yes this is shameless self promotion but I have never been accused of being bashful.
You can obtain a cd by visiting my website which is my name dougnye followed by the dot com thingy .
Alternately I am sharing a song with you all right here and now on Spotify here is the link to my song "DOUBLE MINDED MAN" off of my album "WHEN MONEY FAILED"

Doug Nye · Song · 2009


As a small town musician songwriter inhabiting the musical wasteland of Maine it is difficult to keep one's spirits up and gauge whether you are being successful in one's pursuit of the elusive goal of "making it". I have grown used to languishing in the obscurity of 20 people audiences and sporadic gigs.
That all changed on an eventful day a few years ago when in an unexpected shift in recognition for me a Thorndike junker/picker (antiques) told me that he happened to be at the Belfast recycling center and ran across a pile of old sheet music which he wisely knew had some value and brought it all home. AS he was sorting through the music to examine his treasure he came upon a handwritten copy of a song written by "Doug Nye". . yes that would be me.
One can never truly say you are a success of any measure until your work ends up in the junk yard so to speak. Now should I simply rest on the laurels of this achievement and bask in the glory or should I reach for even greater heights though I have no idea what that may mean.

So I hear monday is MLK day. Here is my tribute to Him. People forget that he was a Christian preacher and much of his o...

So I hear monday is MLK day. Here is my tribute to Him. People forget that he was a Christian preacher and much of his oratory for which he is renowned for was simply qutations from the Holy book fleshed out with his thoughts. The same thing applies to a lot of my songs. I read the Bible and it prompts me to put what I learn into songs. It is a beautiful poetic work especially in the King James version, which I am partial to

A song I wrote after reading some of Martin Luther King Jr's speeches. This is off of my CD titled "When Money Failed" by doug nye . This is a mixture of so...


for those of you prone to making resolutions here is the opening verse to my song "Motivated Man". The last line does not apply to me :
Gonna wake up early jump out of my bed
Listen to the Lord Go do what he said
Read my bible what’s more than that
Gonna do what it says gonna finally act
Treat everyone Like they wanna be treated
stand up tall stop acting defeated
Move my life off the back burner
go get a job become a wage earner


No expense has been spared. Only the choisest and most descriptive words and metaphores utilized ! The culmination of years of dilligent word smithing and research ! The combined efforts of all of Doug's multiple personalities! The distillation of countless hours of introspective note taking and ruthless editing! These elements have been artistically melded together in a colorful tapestry to achieve the highest calibre song known to humanity soon to be released on Doug's timeline titled "IF I HAD B***S" stay tuned and check back often

My Christmass song  with the manger sceneas the setting. I have a recording with barnyard animal sound effects but posti...

My Christmass song with the manger sceneas the setting. I have a recording with barnyard animal sound effects but posting on FB requires a video . Women hated my gotee so for this song call it a a goat t . you can watch the vid and still scroll Facbookie.

My Christmas song with the requisite mule, cow and sheep. No drummer boy and not an angel in sight.Wise men will watch and listen

If you happen to be in the village of Thorndike Christmas Eve listen for the Christmas music eminating from the Dented c...

If you happen to be in the village of Thorndike Christmas Eve listen for the Christmas music eminating from the Dented can Carillon bells that will be wafting through the festive air.


Due to the societal upheaval that occured over the last few years the dented can had languished in neglect. Previously I also did not pursue the venture as I could have as I did not have insurance and wanted to shield my friend 's interest on who's land it was parked. After some fancy fannegaling I now have a lease on the tracks that it sets on and a legitimate insurance policy.
That being said I am planning on hosting shows and events come spring with a regular schedule so if you are an entertainer entertain the idea of doing a performance at "THE CAN". It will be available for other uses as any creative soul might concoct.


I came from old Ohio with a banjo on my knee 50 years ago so I have graced this land for over 5/7ths of my life. I have sat in total comfort and neighborliness in the living rooms and kitchens of generational Mainers, imbibed and concocted real cider with a chunk of deer meat a floatin in the barrel, Cut, hauled and split , without a wood splitter, my own wood off my land all this time, Built my own home and fashioned many a chimney from good old Maine fieldstone, raised, killed and butchered every domestic farm animal there is, Have never had running water in the house, visit my outhouse religiously each morning and adopted nearly every conceivable Mainiac habit and life style attribute yet I still feel woefully just another flatlander and am quite sure I will never attain true Mainer status due in large part that I just have never developed an affinity or obsession with whoopee pies. Cursed be my soul.


Jews in the news . Here is a song of mine concerning their historical plight that you may be able to glean some wisdom from for your own red sea.

Pharaohs’ army was Hard on our trail
Approaching the Red Sea . Would our God fail
Worn out and weary there on the brink
Hopelessly trapped. What else could we think
We thought we were freed from our slavery
We visioned a new promised land
Had God forsaken us maybe
Had he let us slip from His hand
We cry out for your power
Show us your strength once again
You are our strong tower
We call to you humbly (broken) as men
Down on my knees I guess that’s where you want
With all of my strategies gone
My personal Red Seas They daily confront me
My efforts seem feebly wrong
I thought we were freed from our slavery
I visioned a new promised land
Has God forsaken me maybe
Has he let me slip from His hand
Copyright 12/2/2010 by Doug Nye
All rights reserved.


Listen to the single double minded man on iTunes

Hey here is a copy oif a letter I sent to my woefully incomplete Dented Can/Doug Nye email list. If you are not on it sh...

Hey here is a copy oif a letter I sent to my woefully incomplete Dented Can/Doug Nye email list. If you are not on it shame on you. Drop me an email at [email protected] or PM me your email so you will not miss "what's happening" then you have a chance at becoming HIP.
Hey there friends of my music or of the Dented Can,
you may have all thought that by some stroke of luck you somehow were removed from my mailing list. NO SUCH LUCK MY FRIENDS!!! When I first "harvested" your email I promised that I would not inundate you with spam and so far so good.
So, what is up with me and the Dented Can? Well, a lot of cold stream water has passed under the Thorndike bridge since my last spam letter, oops I mean friendly personal email. Of Course, I need to mention Covid and the world wide hysteria that kept the rusty sliding door of THE CAN shut and padlocked. Also the last 2 years saw the end of my duo Cantankerous as we were apparently too cantankerous to continue on with each other in this rarified politically charged environment (to me our divergent ideas were at the core of our namesake and schtick).
As an overcompensating reaction to Cantankerous dissolving I then went on to form Right Wing Wacko Rockers the seminal conservative rock trio. We actually were sounding pretty good and were getting our act together ready to pounce upon the world when our first gig was aborted due to a covid case in the band. We never successfully recovered as a band due to other complications and consequentially I am left with a website, t-shirts and stickers but also a bunch of great new songs that I wrote during our ill-fated attempt at infamy.
Never one to languish from setbacks I then did a 30-week Facebook live video series that gave me an opportunity to stay mildly relevant and have a good time interacting with the few people that FB allowed to see my shows. I used it as an opportunity to archive 60-70 songs that I had no recordings of. If you missed the shows, they are all under the video tab on my doug nye FB page (we are friends right???)
Just prior to this interim period, where the world and time itself seemed to stand still, I also put together a book of my silly song/poems under the title "Doug's Dum Diddy Diddy Dumb Ditties" As fate so often responds by throwing a wrench in well laid plans my release party just happened to coincide with the beginning of the C-19 scare just as if I had planned it specifically. You can purchase one of these books for a modest price at my Doug Nye website
This brings you all up to speed on me. How are you doing? Let me know. I always considered the Dented Can an exclusive somewhat underground undertaking as my decision to forgo insurance to protect the interests of my friend who owns the land that the Can resides upon kept me from advertising as needed . So whether you recognize it or not if you got this email YOU ARE SPECIAL.
Ok I need to know if you all are back in the mood for some dented can shows and if so, I need your ideas on what type of shows those would be and any suggestions on how I can make this happen in a cooler even more fun way. We will be sticking with the Hobo campfire format before and after shows and also keeping the whole shebang somewhat underground.
Please do respond to this with your input . Also "like" the DC page and my new music page on FB "Doug Nye Music". you can also visit my website. Temporarily the Dented Can website is under reconstruction waiting on all of your good ideas to come in .Until spring , keep smiling and consider putting on a house concert reminiscent of the old "Cabin Fever Relievers" featuring me, your humble musical servant and jester, Doug
PS. if you want off of this email list you will just have to hunt me down and disable my keypad or possibly take even more severe actions

Check out my latest music and upcoming events!



Gordon Hill Road
Thorndike, ME


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