Bouquets available at Cowboy Bob’s Coffee and Donuts! Double lilies are here and the lisianthus, which look like roses! 😍 Cowboy Bob’s Coffee and Donuts
So many days of rain and mud! Harvesting flowers today and bringing fresh bouquets later for the weekend! Sorry to those who have asked about delivery! It has been too miserable in the cutting gardens for picking. Thank you Lord for sunshine today!
The bees are so happy for the sunshine too!
Farm fresh bouquets delivered today Cowboy Bob’s Coffee and Donuts Bright summer bouquets filled with sunflowers, rudbeckia, yarrow, feverfew, sweet William, strawflower, snapdragons, statice, and more! Grab a bouquet of sunshine to enjoy for the weekend or as a gift for someone special! 💐
Come out and see us for the Mothers Day event and make a bouquet at the flower bouquet bar! The Venue at the Star Theater!
The rain created havoc in my lower cutting garden yesterday. The rain was just too much! I tried to dig a trench in the pouring rain but just couldn’t get the water to drain. My husband got home from work and we managed to dig out a hole to put a drain pipe into and release the water. We were mud splattered and soaked through. 😆Ugh… the joys of farming… 😂
Bouquet giveaway!
Drawing the winner for the free bouquet!
Need a gift for Valentines Day? ❤️❤️❤️
A gift certificate for a flower bouquet subscription would be awesome! ❤️❤️❤️