Hear ye, hear ye! Let it be known throughout the land that the most esteemed title of Employee of the Month doth belong to the noble Vod! đ°đ Behold, a grand recounting of the many tasks and duties she hath valiantly undertaken throughout the month of February!
- Posted, marketed, booked, and taught 12 workshops
- Held 8 BYO Crafty Hangouts
- Scheduled and taught 8 private sewing lessons
- Held 5 sessions with teens referred from the Juvenile Court System
- Hosted a weekend craft retreat with 4 guests
- Had 2 appearances on local news-one live and one taped.
- Fielded 15 requests for off site workshops, booked 4
- Manually added 43 contacts from one software program into email newsletter software (that is 7 copy/pastes per contact)
- Invoiced Vendors for Januaryâs appointments
- Categorized all Januaryâs bank transactions
- Reconciled bank, square, and stripe accounts
- Maintained and updated website
- Planned Mayâs calendar of events
- Paid Januaryâs Sales Tax
- Maintained and updated Facebook events
- Maintained and updated announcements of events on Toledo.com
- Realized I did not file my 1099s in January-panicked and got them done
- Contacted my state representative Michelle Grim to help me understand why I need to pay for Workerâs Comp insurance when I have no employees. Spent several hours on the phone with top brass at BWC helping me through that debacle (hot take-I have to pay $120/year for nothing)
- Dealt with numerous issues with my domain email address and solved the issue with why I havenât been able to check my email from my phone for 3 years of this business (assisted by Steve)
- Dealt with changes with Stripe and their integration with my booking software TidyCal (assisted by Steve)
- Captured hundreds of photos and videos of workshops, student creations, project processes.