Venue set for 100 attendees.
Need a venue? Visit our Website at to book your next event or give us a call at 4044399347 if you have any questions.
#atl #atlanta #atleventvenue #atleventspace #babyshower #graduation #anniversary #graduation #quinceañera #wedding
Need a venue for an upcoming event?
Visit our website at to book your next event with us or to schedule a site tour.
Call us at 404.439.9347 if you have any questions.
#atl #atlanta #atleventvenue #atleventspace #babyshower #birthday #graduation #anniversary #sweet16 #wedding #quiceañera #weddingreception
Tomorrow is the last day of 2021.
Last day to book your event at the 2021 rate.
Click the link in bio to book your next event.
#atl #atlanta #atleventvenue #atleventspace #atleventplanner #atleventplanners #babyshower #graduation #anniversary #wedding
A beautiful baby shower held at out event center this weekend
Need a venue? Book our Gold Package to include center pieces and uplights for your event.
Click the link in bio to schedule a site visit or to book your next event.
#atl #atlanta #atleventvenue #atlbabyshower #atlwedding #atlweddings #babyshower #birthday #anniversary #atlvenues #atlpartyplanner #batmitzvah #quinceañera #sweet16 #wedding
Looking for a venue? Book Grand Experience Event Center for your next event.
Visit our website
Big announcement tomorrow!!!
Stay tune for updates.
#atlanta #atl #atleventvenue #atlwedding #atleventplanner #atlvenues #wedding #babyshower #atlparties #atlbabyshower #anniversary
2350 square feet of all white event space.
Can seat up to 200 guests.
The event center includes.
•Table linen
•Chair Covers
•Sound System and Microphone
Can’t wait to book your next event. Click the link in bio to book your event.
#eventplanner #eventvenue #atlvenues #atlpartyplanner #babyshower #atlanta #atl #atlbabyshower #banquet #atleventspace #atlweddingplanner #wedding #anniversary #babyshower