⭐️ ⭐️ We just spent the afternoon with Mckenna and Family. We shared stories, we had laughs, we had tears of joy and for myself and Stephanie everlasting memories were made. From the bottom of our hearts Thank you to every one who contributed to our efforts this year to raise money for McKenna. From sharing posts, to Christmas pics in front of the lights. To weekends with the Grinch. Donations big and small. Friends, families and complete strangers all coming together for one goal. To help a family that to most are compete strangers. You all are so greatly appreciated. With your Help we raised an incredible amount of ⭐️ $16,077 ⭐️ in just 24 days. So truly Thank you to everyone for entrusting us, and helping us be able to do this.
Thank you from Justin & Stephanie Licursi
Bryan Kranek Meggi Howard Kranek