Every limousine owners (second) biggest fear. A broken side window. These are “almost” impossible to replace. Replacement windows almost always had to come from the original coach builder and most of them are out of business now. This is our “newest” car and I just happened to stumble on it in Kentucky a few months ago. It has 34k miles (which in the limo world, might as well be brand new)
A few weeks ago, we noticed that the side glass was shattered (rock from a lawn mower, we assume). When I tell you I was SICK to my stomach. Without a replacement window, it’s pretty much useless and ready for retirement. 🥴
By the grace of God, the coach builder for this car is still in business. I called down to Texas to LCW and after some searching, they found a NOS glass. I’m not sure that could ever happen again. We got it shipped up, Jack Morris Auto Glass, Jackson, TN came out and got it replaced for us and this morning, the AMAZING guys at Pro-Line window Tint in Jackson are getting it tinted so that it can roll out for a wedding tonight. To say that I am thankful would be a total understatement. I had prepared myself for this car being grounded and put out to pasture.