If the image, sound and vision that Detroit-based artist TYLR_ shares with the world could be described in three words, they would be deep, hard and gay. There is absolutely nothing shy about this tour de force artist, and he is as much at ease behind the decks as he is on the dance floor. His mission is to create inclusive and immersive experiences that resonate with people from all walks of life
. TYLR_ has spent his time in Detroit soaking up the city's unique and diverse culture, meticulously molding his multifaceted experiences into a one-of-a-kind sound. He has had the honor of playing alongside and learning from many legendary artists. As those who have had the privilege to learn from the greats often do, TYLR_ has found a penchant for teaching and is passionate about mentoring emerging talent, especially within the LGBTQ+ community. No stranger to the stage, TYLR_ has played clubs both mainstream and underground in Detroit, San Francisco, Miami, Chicago, New York, Pittsburgh, and beyond. He has graced the stage at festivals such as Movement, Motor City Pride, and Charivari. Additionally, TYLR_ along with his partners, have created legendary parties such as BAK DØR, Porno Disco, HUNNI, and HUSH under their BLDG01 and The Detroit I Love brand. He has been a staple in the music community in Detroit for more than a decade and currently holds residencies at SPKRBOX, Spot Lite, and TV Lounge. TYLR_ is proud to represent the queer community as a gay artist and he stands squarely at the intersection of creativity, innovation and inclusivity. Whether he is lighting up the sound rig in a small dark room, or curating an event to perfection, very few artists show such a comprehensive affinity for the underground music culture in Detroit and beyond. As a performer, producer and promoter, TYLR_ has consistently demonstrated a clear vision and has played an integral role in creating positive and affirming atmospheres for people of all backgrounds. With artists like TYLR_ at the helm of innovation, I think we can all sleep easy knowing that dance culture is alive and well, and will continue to be for a long, long time.