There is no such thing as a DIY wedding.
It’s a complete misnomer.
Pinterest would have you believe that with a little creativity, a backyard, some garden lights, and a few shipping pallets you too can have a lovely wedding at little to no cost.
All fallacy.
I’m not saying you can’t have a beautiful wedding, without hiring acoordinator, a caterer, or booking a venue.
You can, but it’s not a do it yourself.
ANY wedding involves lots of people.
The planning, preparation of food, flowers, location, people, music, and all the “Pinteresty” details involve effort.
Dahlias and roses don’t miraculously grow.
Evenly spaced tables, chairs, and well groomed grass are not default.
Fairy lights don’t hang themselves.
Composing a portrait worthy of The Knot doesn’t happen just because you own a camera and click a button.
All of these things require people and a four letter word - work.
Quality people who work in the wedding industry know how to make all those things happen AND they sweep and take out the trash.
It might be pricey, but they are worth their salt.
DIY” is more like “DIWLFF”.
Do it with LOTS of family and friends.
Yesterday, my friends and family showed up big.
They set up chairs and tables, put out tablecloths, decorated them, RE-decorated them as the wind gusts tossed flower vases and lights about.
They directed parking, created Pinterest worthy charcuterie and cake tables, iced drinks, relocated leaky coolers, and made me lovely.
They picked up trash, moved chairs, hit play and stop when music was needed and not needed.
They did the jobs that at non DIY weddings would have been done by PAID vendors.
And that work began long before September 14th -
Killing and pulling LOTS of weeds
Making cookies, icing a cake
Growing vegetables and flowers
Checking the electrical system
Praying ... for everything and everyone
“Do It Yourself” weddings do not exist.
My friends and family gave selflessly to create a life long memory for my son and daughter in law.
My children received a “DWLLBLOP” wedding.
Done with lots of love by lots of people.
Priceless labors. And we are forever grateful.