Final inspection and work being put into our very own food truck! Expect to see Dundaa's Kitchen on wheels early 2025!! So excited, if you have heard me talking about the truck at all, you know it has been years in the making. So much work, time, and money has gone into making this dream come true. I learned so many skills renovating this truck. Still wouldn't call myself an expert in any of the construction, plumbing, flooring, or electrical work but I did so much of it myself. My dad and brother helped sooo much with the passing of knowledge and with some actual hands-on help when they could. I got this far with their aid and with a little help from YouTube! Also had help from my bud Alex Roque, who gave me a stainless steel table and helped with the flooring for a day. Without Jaclyn Einfeldt's constant reaffirmations and vision, I would have sold this project a while ago and gave up on my dream, so thank you so much!!! Basically, takes a loving community to help make dreams come to fruition sometimes. And I am blessed with a lot of strong people in my life! I look forward to hittin' the streets with our food! Stay tuned...