Heavy Metal Challenge
Roger MacInnis, Milan Mazanec, Tommy Bradley, Dannon Tessmer Steve McCrossan
Heavy Metal Challenge
Roger MacInnis, Milan Mazanec, Tommy Bradley, Steve McCrossan, Dannon Tessmer
Brody Duescher searching for all the grip that turn 4 had to offer!
#shortcourseracing #offroadracing #iodaoffroad #gravityparkusa #ShortCourseOffRoad #offroad #IODA
Tommy Bradley sending in off the table top in test n' tune yesterday! #shortcourseracing #ShortCourseOffRoad #offroad #iodaoffroad
A quick stroll down pit row and a lap around the track for our fans! We're excited to see everyone this weekend and watch some great racing! 🏁
#offroadracing #iodaoffroad #shortcourse #gravityparkusa
We had a little extra time waiting for day 2 of the fall classic to start so Milan Mazanec decided to turn a few hotlaps to entertain the crowd!
Milan Mazanec was out turning some great lap times in test and tune!
Antigo tuff trucks round 2 @Bradley Racing holds the top spot going into round 2.