Hello everyone- I wanted to provide a quick update since I’ve been MIA the past several months while the business has remained temporarily closed.
I started graduate school at Simmons University in 2020 to pursue my masters degree in social work. I began my field placement internship this past May, which will continue through 2022. I am currently being supervised while conducting individual and group therapy with children and adolescents and I absolutely love my placement location and my role at this time.
Deciding to "press pause" on the company that I had built and the role that truly consumed every part of me for over 4 years was one of the scariest and most difficult decisions to make, and I went back and forth contemplating the pros and cons for months in preparation for my internship. I ultimately came to the conclusion that I would never be able to allow myself to carry on with business as usual if I could not continue to give 110% of myself to my company, my performance and my clients. If trying to juggle school, internship and running a business was going to come at the cost of sacrificing either the customer service or quality, I was not/am not willing to make that exchange. I expect the best, I hold myself to that standard and I truly believe that is what you all deserve when hiring a professional for these once in a lifetime moments. Although we are still closed for the time being, there are several other amazing local companies that are able to offer similar experiences at this time, and I hope the magic continues to spread while we are away. Especially in times like these.
While social work is my focus right now, I definitely won't say no to putting on a ballgown and glass slippers again one day. However, at this point in my life I am appreciating the current opportunity I have to spread magic through social work and the mental health field.
I appreciate your patience, understanding and continued support. Thank you all so much.
See you soon!