Andy Goldsworthy’s #Spire
#andygoldsworthy #presidiopark
Hey friends! Remember #petalclays100days ? Looking back, I think it was my most significant artistic accomplishment of 2018. And for my second annual birthday giveaway, I’d love to give YOU a copy. Stay tuned 🙏🏻 I’ll announce the details in a few days.
(See story for more)
#giveaway #birthdaygiveaway
Some of the latest from the kiln gods. Feel free to reach out if you’d like to call one of these your own.
Hey friends, I need some help! In the last 20 days of this #100dayproject , I kind of stalled. From the concrete jungle of Tokyo, now back to the arid heat of Utah in July, my flower inspiration has dried up. I would be most grateful if you felt like sending a few flower pics from your part of the world my way. Just 20 more to go! 🙏 Thank you!
#petalclays100days #flowerinspiration
The #100dayproject in its traveling version: a few quick sketches of places and things that have inspired me on this trip: a black pine at the Japanese garden, a fern and orchid in the Conservatory of Flowers.
oh holding my breath until this shows somewhere in Utah 🙏
Speaking of new technology, what do you think about a VR experience of ikebana? Call me a Luddite, but i think some things (like nature) can never be duplicated by human hands and are best left alone 😅
#Repost @mikaotani_flowers with @get_repost
I participated in a new project and supervised Ikebana VR Experience. If you put on a virtual reality headset, you can experience Ikebana in a beautiful Tatami room. This new content will be showcased at SXSW 2018, a big interactive trade show in Texas! I hope anyone who live in all over the world can experience Ikebana and anyone can share the joy of Ikebana.
「バーチャルリアリティーいけばな」という新しいプロジェクトに参加し、監修を担当しました。やっと公開の時を迎えることができ感無量です!VRゴーグルをつけるだけで、美しい日本間にワープし、そしていけばなを実際にやってもらうというバーチャルリアリティー体験です。 ゴーグルとヘッドセットをつけると、別の世界に飛びます。そして、鋏を持ち、花を水切りし、まさに「いけばな」をいけることができます。「なんちゃっていけばな」がイヤだったため、草月流の基本花型を説明を受けながらいけていくプログラムとなっています。これからテキサスのオースティンで行われる世界最大規模のインタラクティブの見本市、SXSW2018でいよいよお披露目となります。(海外の方をマーケットで考えているので英語で作られています) 日本の美しい文化、「いけばな」を世界中の1人でも多くの人が体験できますように!
#vr #vrexperience #virtualreality #ikebanavr #ikebanavrexperience #ikebana #sougetsu #sxsw2018 #mikaotaniworks #ateliersoka #flowerarrangement #floralart #flowerart #japan #japaneseart #japaneseartist #japanculture #floralartist #
Just in case you are wondering what to do with the vase when you win it 😉💐
(See previous post for details)
Busy day today but grateful to do what I love!