White Ladies in Church
Yesterday I attended my first service at Metropolitan AME Church just a few blocks from the White House.
I found what I didn’t know I was looking for.
I did not have any expectations for what I would see or experience while visiting this church, but in sitting for sermon I heard what I needed to hear.
That someone else does agree with me,
that the time for organization is now,
that the time for leaders is here,
that it is not a single sprint,
but a marathon baton passing relay.
Your fresh, you go.
You need to rest, you sit.
And in the back of my mind I wonder if the elder elders have seen this time before.
If the elders elders remember when the white ladies started showing up to church because it was time to start uniting the masses.
Our fates are inextricably linked, we must work together.
So, people message me all the time, what can I do? I am waiting for a leader.
So, here is something you can do.
You can go to church.
Church or temple, synagog, mosque, any house of worship or neighborly gathering.
Go be in community.
Listen to what is being said, share what you are experiencing.
Mobilization in community must happen before any other action can be effective.
To my black friends, I really want you to go to Metropolitan AME, even if you just go once.
Or if it’s been too long since you went last.
While the congregation is substantial and the members full of spirit, there are still a few empty spots.
The energy is most powerful when it is all packed together, standing room only would be great.
To my white friends, you should also go, just be mindful.
Be mindful, learn, participate, listen and then carry that with you.
If you are looking for a leader, I’d start by looking at Rev. William Lamar IV.