Since I have been getting lots of requests for Custom Orders lately it's time I update everyone on what is happening with Spoil Me Sweetly...
Spoil Me Sweetly is still a thing, but I will not be accepting any new clients and will only be taking 1 or 2 orders a month. So consider it more of a baking themed account rather than a business.
With my new position of Baking and Pastry Coordinator at STLCC, and me being back in school myself in pursuit of a Masters, I have ZERO free time. If I take an order on, that means I am sacrificing my only off day for that week. I am LOVING the space I am in currently and I thought it would be hard to step away from orders, but my heart is so full teaching the next generation of successful Pastry Chefs and working on my own personal and professional development.
I hope you all understand, and you are still welcome to reach out and ask, but I cannot guarantee I will have the capacity in my schedule to take on anything additional. I want to make sure I'm serving my students to the fullest and taking care of myself and my mental health while juggling what's already on my plate.
I have had the best community around me in support of Spoil Me Sweetly, and my biggest hope is that you can turn that support to me in my current venture :)
Love you sweeties always 😘