I’m starting a new series as we gear up for the holidays! I know, I know. It’s way early but if you’re serious about saving up, finalizing plans early, and getting your mindset ready—this is the perfect time for that! I’ll be hosting a challenge soon to lead you through the process but in the mean time, stay tuned for my light tips and tricks for this season. ✌🏽
I really be catching life lessons from the pup 🥹 #goldendoodle #moneymindset
Money journaling exposed my Starbucks problem 🥴
Let me be clear, I support going to Starbucks and keeping your coffee in your budget. But at one point, my spending got out of hand! I was going through their drive thru too many times per week for my liking.
But what did this really show me with my money:
💡 I was spending without thinking or intention
💡 My actions were misaligned with my goals
💡 Something was most likely taking the hit in my budget
💡 I missed out on an opportunity to do other things with that money
All of these things became clear just in this one observation. That’s why I love money journaling, even if just occasionally. It helps me “flip the switch” on my money mindset. Even after being in the game for years, I can still have lapses. But this is the sure fire thing to turn that around for me.
Once I recognize things I’m not satisfied with in my spending, I make adjustments to make sure my bills are covered, savings goals are met, and then everything else can be indulged in to my hearts content.
What do you think of this strategy? Too strict, too loose, or just right?