Banana Walnut Muffins
#bakedgoods #bananawalnutmuffins #goodeats #yummy #summerbaking
Double Blueberry Bagel
#blueberrybagel #creamcheese
Marinated Argentinian Shrimp Pasta
#argentinianshrimp #spicedup #marinated #angelhairpasta #chefschoice #cheflife #weekendcooking #cali #sfv
Mad Dog Meatloaf
#meatloaffordinner #maddog #chefschoice #cheflife #verdebeef #organicbeef #spicedup
#homemadetopper #goodeats
Cheezy Eggs over Easy with Shine and Spice
#thorsday #cheezyeggs #overeasyeggs #tastyfood #spicedup #cheflife #homehotsauce #preweekend #goodfood #goodvibes #cali
Game On, It’s National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day
#texastoast #sourdough #goudacheese #mediumcheddarcheese #hickorysmokedbacon #whippedbutter #castironcooking #cheesygoodness #cheflife #nationalgrilledcheeseday #gameon #goodeats #goodvibes #tastyfood #calilife #ilovecooking #cateringchef
Teriyaki Marinated Rib-Eye w/ a Homemade Miso Butter
#bringonthebeef #ribeyesteak #seared #misobutter #teriyakimarinade #castironskillet #goodeats #cheflife #justwingit #protein #ilovecooking #quarantinelife #sfv
24 Hour Slow Cooked Beans Extravaganza
#slowcookedbeans #myowntwist #24hourslowcooked #justwingit #pintobeans #smokedbacon #arrayofspices #homemadebbqsauce #crockpot #deliciousfood #goodeats #ilovecooking #kitchenlife #cheflife #getyourcookingon #goodtimes #cookingismytherapy #goodvibesalldayeveryday #caliliving #sfv
Garlic Buttered Chicken Wings
#baked #garlicbutter #chickenwings #spicedup #foodforthesoul #yummyfood #cheflife #kitchenlife #ilovecooking #caliliving
Baked Honey BBQ Wings
w/ @nyrp in the background, a Huluween Special
#bakedwings #honeybbqwings #chicken #goodeats #weekendcooking #cheflife #ilovecooking #calilove #hocuspocus
Slow Cooked St. Louis Ribs
#10spicedryrub #slowcooked #stlouisribs #spicedup #porkribs #cheflife #kitchenlife #caliliving
Egg Noodles, Dubliner, and Creamy Havarti in a Wok
#makingaroux #cheddarhavarti #eggnoodles #wokcooking #homemademacncheese #cheflife #carbtastic #cheeselife #cheeselover #cookingforthefamily #california