Getting a business established takes a lot of time, tenacity, grit, and consistency. Because of this, it can be hard to hit pause even when it’s the best choice for our business and sanity.
After a lot of reflection I've realized that I need to regroup. The past two years were challenging; if I am being completely honest a lot emotionally and physically. Everything has been feeling hard. Being a new mom, the full time head of operations, and the owner and sole operator of EAH has been a blessing but just too much. I put my heart, soul, and 110% into everything I take on and I realize I need to re-prioritize.
On top of this, as a society we’re going through a hightened time which has created a lot of angst, tension, and anger. Over the years, I’ve taken my fair share of misdirected anger; it’s always been a part of the job but that doesn’t make it right.Rudeness is a contagious disease that is its own epidemic.
I have a passion for people and events so EAH isn't shutting down but we are taking an intentional pause to reflect on where we go next…
We’ve been referring couples for the last 9+ months to our trusted and recommended colleagues ❤️
And we’ll continue to post our beautiful couples and designs ✨ so please stay connected.