How trivial are you? Find out by playing a round of Dan The Man (DTM) Trivia . Here are 12 questions about breakfast foods. The person with the top score wins a $10 gift card to Celery City Craft.
For more trivia, check out Dan The Man’s live shows:
7:15 p.m. Tuesday -
7:15 p.m. Wednesday -
-This online contest end 3 p.m. Monday, June 3.
-You’ll have 30 seconds to answer each question.
-Questions are a mix of multiple choice and text answer
-The longer you take to answer, the less points you’ll receive. If you take half the allotted time (usually 30 seconds), you’ll receive half the allotted points.
-Multple choice questions are worth a maximum of 100 points
-Text answer questions are worth a maximum of 200 points.
-SPELLING DOES NOT COUNT, unless it’s a spelling question. Here’s the deal, if you have a small typo for a text answer question, I have the ability to count it corret. I can even accept alliterative answers. HOWEVER, your answer must be close enough to the correct answer for me to count it right. For example, if the correct answer is “refrigerator,” I would accept “ fridge“ as a correct answer. But if your answer is “frigate” (a naval warship), I will not count that correct. You could even spell the answer phonetically, if that helps you. Bottom line, your answer must demonstrate that you know the correct answer. One other thing about spelling, since this is an 72-hour online trivia game, and not one of my live shows, I will not be monitoring the answers in real time. Therefore, if you have a typo, your score will not immediately reflect if I have given you credit for the answer. I will check the system, a few times a day to check answers, so you will need to check back to see if your answer has been accepted.
Answer correctly faster to earn more points!