Horse shows are nothing without our SQUAD are we right⁉️⁉️
↪️ If you’ve been at Colonial Classic the past few years, you’ve probably noticed someone from CoExist Stables, who undoubtedly have one of the largest (and most color-coordinated) groups we’ve seen!
#colonialclassichorseshow #coexiststables #horseshowsquad #squadgoals
Not ☝️, not ✌️, but THREE co-champions in today’s High Child/Adult Jumpers to make it the BEST SHOW EVERRR 🎉
#colonialclassichorseshow #jumperridersofinstagram
Kicking off Sunday fun with “bad, bad Leroy Brown’😍
Shout out to all of our amazing exhibitors and trainers - we are having so much fun watching you all ✨
#colonialclassichorseshow #kidsandponies
The runaway bride is back! 👰
If you were with us for last night’s Hunt Teams, you may have noticed TWO marriages go on - with the same bride; we caught up with the Vintage Oaks Equestrian rider to learn a little more about her *unique* costume inspiration, and how those weddings worked out 🎥
#colonialclassichorseshow #huntteams #horseshowfun
The baby greens brought forward their best this morning, but the part of the day everyone’s looking forward to most? … HUNT TEAMS🎉
#colonialclassichorseshow #babygreenponies #horseshowlife #horseshowfun