Thank you!
The last couple of months have been the busiest I've ever been, and it's thanks to all of you! After working nonstop since May (or as my wife says, the past eight years lol), I decided I need to sit down on Sundays and schedule posts. I cannot wait to start interacting again and showing you all everything I've been up to 🙂
Energy Service Technologies Residential Commercial
This was a very fun project to be a part of! I had the chance to work with The SBS Group on a commercial project for Energy Service Technologies that highlights their two divisions, commercial and residential. We completed a two-minute longer form video that covers both sides of the business, and then created two 30-second commercials that focuses on each one of their divisions. Bryan is a very dedicated individual and strives to help everyone with their energy savings in their home and business!
Ron and Sheila Family Fund at the Community Foundation
Last year, I assisted The Community Foundation with a very sentimental video that thanked Ron and Sheila Cuccaro for their family fund they started in 2006 to help assist human service organizations and programs that help individuals struggling with basic needs. The video highlights three organizations, but they've helped far more than that and made such an impact on the community!
443 Dutch Hill Rd, Frankfort
The past few weeks has been mostly real estate for me! I captured so many homes and this video as well. Fun fact, it is my first real estate video!! Cannot believe what the month of May brought to me already, but I am excited for the rest of the year 😀
The Mathias Wedding
These two are made to be together. They are both incredibly humble and wonderful people, and I was ecstatic when they wanted me to video their wedding! Mike Mathias and Tessa Victoria, you are going to have a perfect life together :-). I am so happy to finally share their big day!!
CABVI Holiday Appeal Commerical
Since I work full-time in public relations, I have the opportunity to put my skills to the test. My job tasked me with making a commercial, and I am glad they did! I used all of my equipment and made the commercial you see below. It's crazy to think I've come this far with a hobby I started just a few years ago!
Thank You Video
I personally want to thank you for supporting me on my photographic journey! The first half is sincere, the second half is comical lol.
Happy New Year!! Be safe tonight.