While our field embraces winter slumber, we are hardly resting! 1500 seeds are being planted weekly starting this week! So excited to see the new babies breaking through- and a couple super healthy rooted babies. Looking forward to a wonderful spring!
#foxhavenfarms #2025 #winterbreak #flowerpower #lovewhatyoudo #supportlocalbusiness
Some of our final arrangements of the year were delivered this week! This mixed greens with hydrangea, lilies and roses in a rustic SLEIGH-ed(!) at a holiday company event. Cheers!
#foxhavenfarms #lovewhatyoudo #flowerpower #winterbreak #supportlocalbusiness
What a year! Thank you for sharing in our journey this year- already dreaming of our peonies!
#foxhavenfarms #lovewhatyoudo #flowerpower #winterbreak #2025 #supportlocal
Humor goes a long way when working outdoor tasks in this weather- Let's go!!
#foxhavenfarms #lovewhatyoudo #flowerpower #happyfallyall #novemberskies#ICantPutMyArmsDown #humor
The colors were spectacular this morning- take this moment of peace to start your day.
#foxhavenfarms #victorny #lovewhatyoudo #novemberskies
As we continue to harvest, it’s hard not to find beauty in this season. At first glance it appears that the garden is lifeless, but looking deeper it’s easy to see that life is ongoing, and preparing for it’s next season.
It’s not always easy but it is comforting to know life comes full circle and is part of the plan
#foxhavenfarms #lovewhatyoudo #flowerpower #supportlocal #happyfallyall #november
They’re still standing! The babies in our high tunnels have lasted through the past couple weeks of windy and temperamental weather. True survivors- including our little fly by Mason bee 🐝❤️❤️
#foxhavenfarms #lovewhatyoudo #flowerpower #supportlocal #happyfallyall #november
Our cosmos are giving their last hurrah this week. Pinks, plums, and pastels gracefully dance in the wind while our Mason and honey bees do their best to contribute this late in the season.
#foxhavenfarms #lovewhatyoudo #flowerpower #florals #suppotlocal
As we continue to wrap up the season this frosty morning, we couldn't help but take a minute to enjoy the beauty of the sunrise.
As this space leans into its time to rest, we are reaping the joys of what's been nurtured, and looking forward to what's to come.
#foxhavenfarmsvictorny #LoveWhatYouDo #october #harvest #flowerpower #supportlocal
Not a paid actor❤️❤️
Our sweet little Kevin enjoying his slice of paradise.
October is the best time of year🥰#foxhavenfarmvictony #foxhavenfarms #florals #october #flower #lovewhatyoudo #octoberskies #Kevin
Hoop de hoop! Grateful this went together pretty quickly to extend the season for our little ones.
Bring on autumn!
#foxhavenfarmvictony #foxhavenfarms #florals #octoberskies #october #flower #foryou #frost