First warm day after freeze babies able to go outside and play !
Beyond Right And Wrong, I'll Meet You There...
Celebrating our new additions to the retreat center!
Come and see our new fuzzy friends at our consciousness expanding Monthly Class tomorrow.
Our topic will be: Beyond Right And Wrong: How To Move Beyond Right And Wrong Into Freedom and Liberation.
Our free ranging hens are very excited about their
Morning Meal ...
We had Awesome FUN with Kids Yoga this week.
We enjoyed an Amazing experience at our Labyrinth Dedication Saturday.
Thank you to our Musicians
For their superb performance as we walked the Labyrinth!Our Labyrinth is Blessed !
A Heritage Turkey Shows his big Fan of feathers this morning.
We enjoyed cool weather this past weekend and the beauty of our natural environment during our Retreat.
Two Mom Turkeys who committed to sitting in Hen Eggs- got four little chicks hatched! π£
We had FUN with an outdoor Sacred Body Language Class Today! Thank you Arttemis Keszainn for teaching this month's Conscious Language Community Class.