Ocean State Foods Website
We finalized our new website today; and we’re loving it! We did a complete redesign to streamline & simplify the ordering process for our customers; while highlighting our focus on pickup & deliveries. This upgrade brings a new look, better performance, and ease of use to our customers. In addition to the convenience the site brings, we’re looking forward to the future developments it will allow; things that were put on hold in anticipation of a stronger core
Additionally we’re running a massive sale on our improved store until either supplies run out, or the end of the month. Now that the site is set, we’re going to be advertising a lot more; and this sale is a kick-off of sorts. We’d really appreciate if you left us some love on any of our sponsored posts you may see; and don’t forget to shop that sale & preorder for this week’s markets! Details available online; details will also be announced in a future post
Check it all out at oceanstatefoods.com; link in bio
We made butter the other day, because we had a ton of extra cream from Wright's Dairy Farm & Bakery (official site), and some extra time in the kitchen. This stuff is so fresh and good, and we can’t wait to use it in something soon; along with the buttermilk we got from the process. If you see “RI butter” on our menu, this is what we’re talking about!
If you’re not familiar with the process, butter is made by whipping or churning heavy cream until it separates into butter and buttermilk.
We included a few short videos (on instagram, facebook only lets us post one) of the different stages of the process; from cream, to whipped cream, to separation, to strained and pressed
Making your own butter isn’t typically cost effective, and in today’s world it would have been cheaper to literally throw away the cream and go home early; but that’s not how we do things here. We made the best of the situation and now we have another quality local ingredient to work with. We hope you enjoy whatever we end up making with it!