It’s been a freaking pleasure. After 7+ years of sharing in my favorite love stories, I’m closing up shop. This has been a well thought out and difficult decision, and here we are. At the beginning of this year I started quietly closing shop. Referring out weddings, streamlining my business, and (as some of you know) moving to Illinois. I’ve been trying to find the right time to make this announcement as I finished my final large wedding of the year, now is as good as any.
I’ve adored my time here and have made the greatest connections with vendors, peers, and of course… my dear clients. Who I will go to the grave believing were the best in the business. I’m so grateful for each and every one of you sharing your most important moments with me.
I’ve been a workaholic my entire life, and I’m finally to the point where I look forward to enjoying time with my family and loved ones, and focusing on myself. I can’t say I won’t severely miss the parties and happy tears, but I 100% know that this is what’s best for my future.
Again, from the bottom of my heart, I can’t thank you all enough. I’d love to keep in touch and am happy to have you follow me over at my personal
All of my love, Ari 🖤