The Life of a Poet Featuring Celebrated Poet and Librettist Janine Joseph in Conversation with Poet/Editor Kyle Dargan
The Life of a Poet Featuring Celebrated Poet and Librettist Janine Joseph in Conversation with Poet/Editor Kyle Dargan
International Bestselling author Alexander McCall Smith discusses his work in Conversation with Award-Winning mystery writer Sujata Massey
International Bestselling author Alexander McCall Smith discusses his work in Conversation with Award-Winning mystery writer Sujata Massey
The Life of a Poet Featuring Celebrated Poet and Essayist Camonghne Felix in Conversation with Kyle Dargan
The Life of a Poet Featuring Celebrated Poet and Essayist Camonghne Felix in Conversation with Kyle Dargan
DC Council At Large Candidate Community Forun
Join us for a Talk on Capitol Hill here at Hill Center for DC Councils At Large Candidate Community Forum!!!
Revisiting Reconstruction in DC: Freedom Was in Sight! Historian Kate Masur Discusses her New Book in Conversation with Maya Davis
Revisiting Reconstruction in DC: Freedom Was in Sight! Historian Kate Masur Discusses her New Book in Conversation with Maya Davis
#DYK that Swanky Kitchen Band named themselves after a refreshing, Cayman Islands drink known as Swanky? In this video, they share more about it and how to make it!
They will be performing at Hill Center on Wednesday and you can get drinks (including swanky) at the performance thanks to Cotton & Reed Distillery being there! Get your tickets now!
Here's the simple recipe written down for ease:
-Seville Oranges (or small yellow key limes)
-Natural brown granulated sugar (not the molasses mixture)
>Mix to taste
As this is a traditional recipe, it calls for no alcohol.
#culturalvibrancy #swankykitchenband #electriccowbellproductions #hillcenterdc #concerts #music #musicians #dcconcerts #thingstodoindc #CaymanIslands #swankydrinks #drinks #summerdrinks #summerdrink Electric Cowbell
Poet, Novelist, National Poetry Slam Champion Elizabeth Acevedo in Conversation with Writer Ebony LaDelle
Poet, Novelist, National Poetry Slam Champion Elizabeth Acevedo in Conversation with Writer Ebony LaDelle
Former Architect of the Capitol, Alan M. Hantman, Discusses His New Book Under the Dome: Politics, Crisis, and Architecture at the United States Capitol
Former Architect of the Capitol, Alan M. Hantman, Discusses His New Book Under the Dome: Politics, Crisis, and Architecture at the United States Capitol
The Life of a Poet Featuring Critically Acclaimed Poet Regie Cabico in Conversation with Kyle Dargan
The Life of a Poet Featuring Critically Acclaimed Poet Regie Cabico in Conversation with Kyle Dargan
Ben’s Chili Bowl Co-Founder & DC Matriarch Virginia Ali in Conversation with Chef Jerome Grant and Ben’s Official Historian Bernard Demczuk
Ben’s Chili Bowl Co-Founder & DC Matriarch Virginia Ali in Conversation with Chef Jerome Grant and Ben’s Official Historian Bernard Demczuk