And we’re back with more from yesterday’s Vegetable Gumbo making session; starting with my roux and then adding the Holy Trinity!
#kindcafeandcatering #veganbusinessowner #todaysveganmenu #kindfood #veganrecipes #roux #vegangumbo #chicagovegans #kindtopeoplekindtotheplanet #hubkitchen
I look forward to sharing my ‘Kind’ food with you soon. Visit to learn more and buy tickets for Bite Nite and Souper Bowl 2025!
#kindcafeandcatering #kindfood #veganrecipes #veganbusinessowner #vegancatering #veganfoodiechicago #WestchesterIL #chicagovegans #todaysveganmenu #kindtopeoplekindtotheplanet #myveganlife #biteniteoakpark #oakparkchamberofcommerce
Visit to place your order of these savory small plates and more!
#kindcafeandcatering #kindfood #veganrecipes #veganbusinessowner #vegancatering #veganfoodiechicago #WestchesterIL #todaysveganmenu #kindtopeoplekindtotheplanet #holidaymenus #veganholidaymeals
Visit for the best hostess gift, my soup jars!
#kindcafeandcatering #kindfood #veganrecipes #veganbusinessowner #vegancatering #veganfoodiechicago #WestchesterIL #chicagovegans #todaysveganmenu #kindtopeoplekindtotheplanet #orderveganfood
Why not start Thanksgiving with the pumpkin?! Try my Thanksgiving sweet treats, such as this pumpkin muffin (GF optional), available to order on now! Not only is it a delicious and great way to get the day going and holiday started, it also makes a lovely hostess gift. Don’t forget ingredients can be customized based on your preferences! Visit my website for more details and to place your order today. I look forward to sharing my ‘kind’ food with you soon!
#kindcafeandcatering #kindfood #veganrecipes #veganbusiness #vegancatering #veganfood #veganfoodiechicago #veganfoodie #westchesteril #todaysveganmenu #kindtopeoplekindtotheplanet #holidayrecipes #veganholidaycooking
My favorite holiday is just around the corner - Thanksgiving! I’ve been hard at work putting together a menu to offer you for the holidays, now available on my website! Today, I’m featuring the main entree, a mushroom-parsnip pot pie! Share Kind Cafe And Catering with your guests and loved ones this season and order your holiday meal today! Visit now. #kindcafeandcatering #kindfood #vegancatering #chicagovegans #todaysveganmenu #veganfoodiechicago #kindtopeoplekindtotheplanet #westchesteril #veganthanksgiving
Strawberry Jame Biscuit for the Win!
Thank you, Misty, for the kind words about my kind food at today’s Fall Market in River Forest!
Last Tomato Tuesday of 2024
Sadly, the garden is coming to an end for the season. Today's last Tomato Tuesday for this year is a double-feature and highlights the Green Tomato & Cherokee Purple Tomato! Follow me over the next few weeks and into the winter to see what I'm making with the last of my tomato harvest. I look forward to sharing my 'Kind Food' with you soon; visit for more!
#kindcafeandcatering #kindfood #consciousfoodie #vegan #veganrecipes #veganbusinessowner #vegancatering #chicagolandfoodie #chicagoland #WestchesterIL #chicagovegans #todayshaulfromthegarden #Tomatoes #gardenlife #tomatoseason #chicagolandgardening #greentomatoes #cherokeepurpletomatoes #lasttomatoharvest
And The Winner Is . . .
Thank you to everyone who came out and supported me for my launch party! Now, on to the raffle. And the winner of my Kind Cafe And Catering t-shirt raffle is . . . Watch this video to find out!
For more info and to place an order please visit
#kindcafeandcatering #kindfood #veganrecipes #veganbusinessowner #vegancatering #veganfoodiechicago #veganfoodchicago #WestchesterIL #chicagovegans #todaysveganmenu #todaysvegan #veganlaunchparty #launchpartychicago