Jazz At The Amp

Jazz At The Amp Jazz At The Amp is Central Ohio's premier outdoor summer jazz concert series presented by Westervill

Jazz At The Amp is Central Ohio's premier outdoor summer jazz
concert series presented by Westerville Parks and Recreation
and Jazz 98.5 FM, WSAX radio. This year's lineup offers jazz fans and live music lovers alike, some of the best talent in the country featuring saxophonist Paul Taylor, trumpeter Cindy Bradley, pianist Brian Simpson, saxophonist Jeff Kashiwa, guitarist Matt Marshak, Urban Jazz

Coalition, saxophonist Deon Yates, The Rick Brunetto Big Band, The Tommy Wade Orchestra, NexLevel and a tremendous lineup of our Homegrown jazz artists and groups.

Help us protect your rights.  Please sign our petition at www.myjazz98.com

Help us protect your rights. Please sign our petition at www.myjazz98.com


We hope you and your family are well during the current Coronavirus health crisis.  A number of years ago, you supported our effort to bring jazz back to the radio airwaves by signing a petition we provided then.  Because of your support Central Ohio now has a 24 hour FM Jazz radio station.  We'v...

Please support our effort to present jazz concerts in a Whitehall park by signing our petition.  Thank you and thanks fo...

Please support our effort to present jazz concerts in a Whitehall park by signing our petition. Thank you and thanks for helping keep jazz alive.

Whitehall does not offer culturally diverse entertainment events. They have allowed other individuals and groups to use the park but refuses to allow us to present our diverse celebration of the art of jazz.

Call the Whitehall Mayor at 614-338-3106 and the Parks and Recreation Director at 614-863-0121 to voice your support in ...

Call the Whitehall Mayor at 614-338-3106 and the Parks and Recreation Director at 614-863-0121 to voice your support in allowing us the use of John Bishop Park in 2021 to present our Jazz At The Amp summer outdoor concerts. Call them both NOW! If no answer, leave a voicemail message. Support our campaign and share this information.

No Plans For New Year's Eve?  Try This!

No Plans For New Year's Eve? Try This!

And Now A Jazz Thought For Today ...

And Now A Jazz Thought For Today ...

To everyone that understands what's going on ... to everyone who has tolerated and supported our stance, to give a voice...

To everyone that understands what's going on ... to everyone who has tolerated and supported our stance, to give a voice to the mistreatment of our jazz art form, the musicians that make the music and the exclusionary tactics faced by them ... THANK YOU. Don't let anyone tell you our fighting back isn't working ... or to divide us .. it is working! Sure, we'll get criticized but look at the recent pictures. They don't lie. If we don't stand up for ourselves, who are we going to call ... Ghostbusters? Now, let's get back to focusing on keeping jazz alive and on the radio! Our sincere thanks to you all!

From the Internet Archives we found that in 2012 Westerville had previously tried to present a jazz concert and from the...

From the Internet Archives we found that in 2012 Westerville had previously tried to present a jazz concert and from the pictures you can see it wasn't well attended. No wonder they were eager and receptive to us presenting a jazz concert series and with its success, take it over. All of our concerts had a packed Amphitheater audience. And the Director's statement that he had all of our contacts now makes sense of his plan to exclude us. They often asked how we got such a large audience to attend ... duh, we have a jazz radio station and we have a loyal audience. Don't be taken for granted and don't allow them to divide us!


Support The Effort

We know how much you love jazz especially when it's free to attend but you should TAKE A STAND and support your jazz station! DON'T BE TAKEN FOR GRANTED!

How do you stop bullying and how do you stop Westerville from taking advantage of groups by controlling facilities and the programming you enjoy most? You do so by NOT ATTENDING THEIR CONCERTS THIS SUMMER ... since they think they're responsible for your attending and downplay the roll of our jazz station and contributions to bringing jazz concerts and you to Westerville.

A Picture Says A 1000 Words. A Video Says Even More ... Priceless!  You're making an impact on Westerville Doing The Rig...

A Picture Says A 1000 Words. A Video Says Even More ... Priceless! You're making an impact on Westerville Doing The Right Thing! Real Jazz fans will not be taken for granted!

If you've attended the Jazz At The Amp concerts in the past, have you noticed the decline in the audience attendance this year? That's the result of our working together to stop injustice, disrespect and exclusionary behavior. Thank you!

See the audience decline. Compare a recent audience to past Jazz At The Amp audiences. Look at the picture and look at this video that was inadvertently posted on the Jazz At The Amp page by a confused Westerville resident attending the Nick Colionne concert. https://www.facebook.com/martha.sweterlitsch/videos/10213902055253503/

People are discovering the deceitful injustice the City of Westerville has done and are showing their disgust by not attending their concerts. Westerville had no jazz brand until we, Jazz 98.5 FM, WSAX and you, gave them a jazz brand and presence. The City of Westerville and their Parks and Recreation Director showed their appreciation and respect by doing what they did, by using our contacts, excluding our involvement, and deceiving and confusing the public and your loyal patronage, hoping your love of jazz alone would keep you attending regardless of whether our station was no longer involved.

Some of our volunteers, as well as members of our management team are and were long time Westerville residents. We started our businesses and raised our families there, so we can appreciate loyalty to our home city but, right is right and wrong is wrong! I hope you'll agree and ask your friends to understand, appreciate our position and stop attending until they do the right thing. Thank you.

Thanks to all of you for supporting our effort to set the record straight about our exclusion from presenting our Jazz A...

Thanks to all of you for supporting our effort to set the record straight about our exclusion from presenting our Jazz At The Amp concerts in Westerville. The City of Westerville and their Parks and Recreation Director and staff have attempted to mislead the public and discredit us in the eyes of other communities to prevent us from presenting our concerts elsewhere. They also attribute your attendance and the popularity of the series to their efforts only. A special thanks to Jazz Columbus.com for their support and article about this issue. http://www.jazzcolumbus.com/wsax-statement-on-jazz-at-the-amp/

I know how much you love jazz especially when it's free to attend but you should TAKE A STAND and support our station! How do you stop bullying and how do you stop them from taking advantage of groups or controlling facilities and the programming you enjoy most? You do so by NOT ATTENDING THEIR CONCERTS THIS SUMMER ... since they think they're responsible for your attending and downplay the roll of our jazz station and contributions to bringing jazz concerts to Westerville.

In response to Columbus jazz fans' confusion, Central Ohio's 24 hour Jazz Radio Station, Jazz 98.5 FM, WSAX-LP, recently issued statements regarding their Jazz

To all of our Jazz 98.5 FM listeners and jazz loving fans, here's how you can be a part of choosing the artists you want...

To all of our Jazz 98.5 FM listeners and jazz loving fans, here's how you can be a part of choosing the artists you want to see and hear live in concert in our future concert events and especially at our 2020 Jazz At The Amp concerts. Start tuning in each and every Saturday from 3pm to 6pm and listen to our Saturday New Music Showcase where we feature only the New Music Releases from artists you know and from artists you'll want to know and see in concert. Check our daily playlists (http://www.myjazz98.com/playlist) for the name of the song and artist that played from 3pm to 6pm during our Saturday New Music Showcase. You Make The Call!

To all of our Jazz 98.5 FM listeners and jazz fans, here's how you can be a part of choosing the artists you want to see...

To all of our Jazz 98.5 FM listeners and jazz fans, here's how you can be a part of choosing the artists you want to see and hear live in concert in our future concert events. Start tuning in each and every Saturday from 3pm to 6pm and listen to our Saturday New Music Showcase where we feature only the New Music Releases from artists you know and from artists you'll want to know and see in concert. Check our daily playlists for the name of the song and artist that played from 3pm to 6pm during our Saturday New Music Showcase.

For anyone planning to attend a Westerville jazz event, what do you think Jeff Lorber and Jimmy Haslip would say or do i...

For anyone planning to attend a Westerville jazz event, what do you think Jeff Lorber and Jimmy Haslip would say or do if they knew about the deceit, deception and denial of allowing us to continue our Jazz At The Amp series in Westerville?


The 2019 Jazz At The Amp Concerts Are Canceled.

For those fans who have written to ask why we are not presenting our concerts and were told that we pulled out of doing the series by Westerville officials or residents, or believe that they have been misled or duped into believing we are still involved in presenting our summer concert series in Westerville, we are providing the following statement.

After three spectacular and successful years of presenting our Jazz At The Amp concert series, Westerville Parks and Recreation denied us the continued use of the Amphitheater so they could capitalize and take advantage of the success and popularity of our Jazz At The Amp concert series and present a separate jazz series. We’re asking our jazz fans and all others to join us in stopping this kind of behavior by Westerville officials or any other caretakers of public facilities that exclude certain arts groups from sharing in the piece of the pie.

Write to the Westerville Mayor, City Manager and Westerville Parks Foundation to express your opinion or concerns.

Craig Treneff, Westerville Mayor
[email protected]
Phone: (614) 901-6400

David Collinsworth, City Manager
[email protected]
Phone: (614) 901-6410

Jim McCann
Westerville Parks Foundation
[email protected]
Phone: (614) 901-6517

Jazz At The AmpResponse To Your Questions and ConcernsThanks For Your SupportAfter three spectacular and successful year...

Jazz At The Amp

Response To Your Questions and Concerns
Thanks For Your Support

After three spectacular and successful years of presenting our Jazz At The Amp concert series, Westerville Parks and Recreation denied us the continued use of the Amphitheater so they could capitalize and take advantage of the success and popularity of our Jazz At The Amp concert series and present a separate jazz series. We’re asking our jazz fans and all others to join us in stopping this kind of behavior by Westerville or any other caretakers of public facilities that exclude certain arts groups from sharing in the piece of the pie.

Write to the Westerville Mayor, City Manager and Westerville Parks Foundation to express your opinion or concerns.

Craig Treneff, Westerville Mayor
[email protected]
Phone: (614) 901-6400

David Collinsworth, City Manager
[email protected]
Phone: (614) 901-6410

Jim McCann
Westerville Parks Foundation
[email protected]
Phone: (614) 901-6517

A Message from Jazz 98.5 FM, WSAX ManagementWe wish to thank all of our listeners and supporters that have both supporte...

A Message from Jazz 98.5 FM, WSAX Management

We wish to thank all of our listeners and supporters that have both supported our station and attended our Jazz At The Amp concerts the past three years.

Many of our friends, listeners and supporters have encouraged us to speak out about a subject of which for many months we’ve chosen to take the high road and say nothing at all.

This summer in 2019, our organization will no longer present Jazz At The Amp in Westerville.

Since 2016, our non-profit organization, SEMM Foundation, and jazz radio station of dedicated and passionate volunteers, proposed, created, developed, implemented and managed the Jazz At The Amp summer concert series.

It’s often been said that imitation is the best form of flattery. Based upon the success and national acclaim received by our Jazz At The Amp series Westerville has chosen to exclude us, eliminate our involvement and present a separate jazz series.

We have been contacted by so many people that are either confused; are not aware of our non-involvement or misled to believe we continue to be involved; or have heard of our exclusion and want to take action to show their discontent.

Don't be confused. If you’re planning to attend this summer’s concert series in support of our station, we will not be participating and therefore, we will not be there. By attending the new jazz series, you are not supporting us or those truly interested in keeping jazz alive. While we’re not suggesting you not attend their new jazz series, before attending, perhaps you should ask yourself how much longer should we allow others to take something away from us that we’ve worked so very hard to build, and why should we allow others to benefit from the sweat and fruit of our labor?

Central Ohio’s real Jazz At The Amp concert series will return again in 2020 at a new location.

Thank you

Star BandEddie Baccus SrKeyboardKen BaccusKeyboardRoger BaccusKeyboard & VocalsCrescendo BaccusDrums & KeyboardMelody Ba...

Star Band

Eddie Baccus Sr
Ken Baccus
Roger Baccus
Keyboard & Vocals
Crescendo Baccus
Drums & Keyboard
Melody Baccus

Shirley Cook
James "Smooth" Elliott


The Baccus Brothers were born in North Carolina to sharecroppers Sunnie Oscar and Carrie Belle Baccus, who had 11 children. Five were born blind and all exceled in music to a greater or lesser degree.

All five of the blind siblings attended both the North Carolina School for the Blind (NCSB) in Raleigh, NC and the Ohio State School for the Blind (OSSB) in Columbus, OH.

They participated in the various music offerings of both schools. They are all graduates of OSSB.

The three brothers, Eddie, Roger and Kenneth, all became professional performers and composers. There is a wonderful sense of sharing among the siblings. Eddie and sister Vernell taught each other the music they learned; Eddie and Vernell taught Roger and sister Carolyn; Roger taught Kenneth and there was reciprocal sharing among all! There have been several Baccus Family concerts, the first of which took place around 1995 with approximately eight since that time.

We all started out playing the piano. “Dad always managed to get an old piano for our home. When we moved to Dayton, Ohio in 1957, Eddie bought a piano which we had at home. He started playing the Hammond organ at school. Eddie began playing the piano with Rahsaan Roland Kirk in 1959. He was dismayed with the condition of local pianos, so he bought a Hammond B-3 organ.

He has continued playing the organ, but, also began playing electronic keyboards, especially because of the mammoth weight of the organ! Kenneth was the first to switch to an electronic keyboard and Roger followed some years later. Eddie was the last to do so. All three brothers can play bass parts with their left hand while playing piano and other parts with the right hand.

Additionally, Eddie played the trombone in school. Kenneth played trombone, tuba, piano and organ. Roger started playing the piano, then trumpet and trombone. The band teacher wanted him to play the tuba. That tuba was a really old, smelly thing and he asked if he could play the string bass and was allowed to do so. Also, he played a little guitar, flute and harmonica.

Eddie, who currently resides in Cleveland, Ohio and Kenneth who resides in Dayton, Ohio, have been full-time musicians since adulthood. Ken is also a master piano technician. Roger, a resident of Columbus, Ohio, is the only one of the brothers who claims to be a vocalist. He also engineered and produced his first CD, Stepping Out Of The Box, re-released as, OverRuled!

During their individual journeys as professional musicians, they have had the opportunity to perform with a variety of internationally renowned Jazz, Gospel and R&B artists; such as Stevie Wonder, Rahsaan Roland Kirk, Wilton Felder, Kenny Berrell, Bobby Watson, Stanley Turrentine, Dottie Peoples, Sam & Dave, Richard Berry and more!

Melvin “Mel” Stewart is a 2015 Inductee of the R&B Hall of Fame, along side of Joe “Pep” Harris, and the other members of the Grammy Award nominated group, “The Undisputed Truth”.

Mel is a native of Columbus, Ohio, where he began his journey as a bass guitarist and vocalist, focusing mainly on becoming an outstanding soul and jazz artist. He mastered his bass techniques by playing within the local venues, yet gracing the stage with Millie Jackson, The Dells and others.

He landed an audition and signed his first major label contract with the legendary Norman Whitfield of Whitfield Records/Warner Brothers Records, as a member of the Motown recording group “The Undisputed Truth”, which launched his professional career.

Through collaboration with Norman Whitfield, Mel wrote “Shake Down”, “The Bomb”, and “Simple Love Song”, which was featured by the group “Dream Machine”, of which he was a member. His talents were highlighted when he recorded “Sail Away” with the Temptations and “High on the Boogie” from the Star Guard album “Back to Back”. His reign with Dream Machine ended when he signed as a solo artist with Bill Haywood, Vice President of the Mercury/Polygram Records.

Aka Mel Strong, his venue widened when he recorded overseas “Uptown Lady”. While developing his unique sound as a jazz bassist, he shared the stage with such greats as George Benson, Spyro Gyra, Ken Waters, Everett Harp, and many more.

Mel still shines as a celebrated producer, song writer, and artist, crossing all boundaries of music. His daily life is inspired by the quote, “Music is my passion and the world is my stage”.

For more than 20 years, Priscilla Woodson has proven she is an entertainer of immeasurable and diverse abilities. From singer and songwriter to musician and actress, she is the embodiment of talent.

Characterized by class and a commanding presence, Woodson graces her audiences with vocal prowess in jazz, soul, classics, and gospel genres. Her chords pe*****te beyond the ears and touch the very soul of her listeners, creating a personal experience for anyone who truly hears.

Woodson began her music career at the tender age of 10, mesmerizing churchgoers with her strong soprano voice. Recognized as a vocal prodigy, she received formal training from Dr. Roscoe Speed, a renowned vocal coach and mentor in Miami, Florida. She went on to be named Outstanding Music Student for two consecutive years at American High School in Miami.

True to her never-quit essence, Priscilla continued her education at Miami-Dade Community College and, subsequently, enlisted in the United States Armed Forces. This service to her country afforded her the opportunity to travel globally and consume the rhythms and sounds of other cultures.

Priscilla Woodson is co-founder and lead singer of TP Project, a Gospel-Jazz recording group. With this band, Woodson has released three CDs: “The Message” (2003); “Trevitt & 169th” (2006); and “Juneteenth LIVE” (2009). Woodson has also released two solo compilations, “Christmas Expressions” (2011) to set the holiday mood, and most recently, “Songbird” (2011), a set of 20th Century Classics which showcase not only her voice, but her moxie as well. In the works are additional solo projects featuring traditional hymns and Christmas favorites.


A new study conducted by O2, a company which owns some of United Kingdom’s largest music venues, and Patrick Fagan claims that attending live concerts can help increase life expectancy and improve overall well-being.



  receiving an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from  ’s very own  ,   (1988) with  ,  , & many more by his side.

receiving an honorary
Doctor of Humane Letters from ’s very own , (1988) with , , & many more by his side.

My favorite Frank Sinatra quotes:The best revenge is massive success.Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the bible say...

My favorite Frank Sinatra quotes:

The best revenge is massive success.

Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy.

I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day.

May you live to be 100 and may the last voice you hear be mine.

C**k your hat - angles are attitudes.

✨ ✨

  ・・・Please join us Friday, May 10th for The Souls Shot: Portraits of Victims of Gun Violence exhibition at Rush Arts Ph...

Please join us Friday, May 10th for The Souls Shot: Portraits of Victims of Gun Violence exhibition at Rush Arts Philly from 6pm to 8pm. , Founder of , says “I saw the exhibition first with a friend Joe Brenman, a participating artist at his synagogue in Philadelphia. Joe has passed on since then, but his portrait carries on. This exhibition of portraits of the victims of gun violence resonated deeply with me. Everyone, of course, is aware of the impact guns have on our communities but these portraits put a face to it’s the victims. These thoughtful artworks added another layer of resonance with the addition of the artist’s vision of who these people were and what they meant to the people and communities left behind by the deaths. I feel this show and others like it should have a wide audience in every community nationally affected by these terrible tragedies.”


Ted "The Jazz Messenger" Murdaugh"Jazz For The Soul"SundaysTed takes command of the controls each Sunday morningat 9 a.m...

Ted "The Jazz Messenger" Murdaugh

"Jazz For The Soul"

Ted takes command of the
controls each Sunday morning
at 9 a.m. to deliver a warm
Sunday morning message in song from an inspiring collection
of jazz from the sub-genre that
gave us the elements and the foundation that you find in many other jazz sub-genres.

A fantastic music selection of uplifting and inspirational Gospel Jazz is coming your way and delivered by The Jazz Messenger via express delivery ... someone you can trust with your soul.

Jazz For The Soul promises to provide you with your great Gospel Jazz and Gospel Jazz Classics, along with the wonderful music of
our own Homegrown musicians, brewed just the way you like it.

Simply an uplifting jazz music program that will
light your way and lift your Soul!

Tracklist:My Old Friend [feat. Gerald Albright]Someday [feat. Dianne Reeves]Churchyheart (Backyard Ritual) [feat. Marcus...


My Old Friend [feat. Gerald Albright]
Someday [feat. Dianne Reeves]
Churchyheart (Backyard Ritual) [feat. Marcus Miller]
SomeBossa (Summer Breezing') [feat. Gerald Albright]
Sweet Baby [feat. Allah Hathaway]
Every Reason To Smile/Wings of Love [feat. Jeffrey Osborne]
No Rhyme, No Reason [feat. Kelly Price]
Bring Me Joy [feat. Boney James]
Brazilian Love Affair / Up From The Sea It Arose and Ate Rio In One Swift Bite [feat. Dianne Reeves]
You Touch My Brain [feat. Dr. John]

Al Jarreau and George Duke were friends long before they became household names. They began playing together in the mid-1960’s in San Francisco as Al Jarreau and the George Duke Trio. The successes of these performances are what helped to launch both their careers. George’s tragic passing in August, 2013, inspired Al to record this loving tribute to his longtime friend.

With the exception of the fitting title track composed by Jarreau, all the tunes were written by George. Guest artists/collaborators include Gerald Albright, Stanley Clarke, Dr. John, Lalah Hathaway, Boney James, Marcus Miller, Jeffrey Osborne, Kelly Price, Dianne Reeves and Patrice Rushen. There’s even a song with George Duke playing on it!


Why should I invest in art?As art has no correlation to the stock market, it means paintings can go up in value even whe...

Why should I invest in art?

As art has no correlation to the stock market, it means paintings can go up in value even when the market crashes, making it a good diversification for an investment portfolio. It’snot just about having enough money to buy the painting in the first place.

In this film, arts economist Clare McAndrew looks at the extent to which different sectors of the art market are correlated with stock market performance.

Quick Facts. Ella Fitzgerald is known for having a remarkable three-octave range. Ella Fitzgerald became the first Afric...

Quick Facts. Ella Fitzgerald is known for having a remarkable three-octave range. Ella Fitzgerald became the first African-American woman to win a Grammy Award in 1958. Ella Fitzgerald recorded more than 200 albums throughout her extensive career.

Ronald Anderson is ONE of the featured artist for JAZZ DAY OHIO. Come and check out this awesome event filled with art a...

Ronald Anderson is ONE of the featured artist for JAZZ DAY OHIO. Come and check out this awesome event filled with art and jazz!
April is Jazz Appreciation Month. April 30th is recognized as International Jazz Day. On Saturday, April 27th from 11:00am to 10:00pm, in recognition of the United Nations UNESCO Herbie Hancock Institute Worldwide International Jazz Day Celebration, SEMM Foundation and Jazz 98.5 FM, WSAX proudly presents International Jazz Day Ohio.

International Jazz Day Ohio will offer an exciting all day celebration of the art of jazz. The event will feature a Tribute to the Life, Music and Legacy of Nancy Wilson, a spectacular professional and student art exhibition, vintage album exhibition, workshop discussions, awards ceremony, multiple vendors, keynote speakers, and an all star line-up of multiple live jazz performances, and dance and poetry reading performances, all on two stages throughout the day. Food and refreshments will be available, including an Eggs and Pancakes brunch.

Regional, national and international jazz superstars including saxophonist, Gary Bartz, trumpeter Eddie Henderson, drummer Greg Bandy, 2019 Grammy Award Nominee, pianist & organist Bobby Floyd, Vanessa Rubin, Priscilla Woodson, J. London & the Band of Friends, Copacetic, and a special big band show and dance by The Rick Brunetto Big Band, featuring vocalists Tia Harris, Michael Phillips and Jeremy Lahman. International Jazz Day Ohio will also showcase student performances by the Whitehall Yearling High School Jazz Band, Bexley High School Jazz Band and the St. Charles Preparatory Jazz Band.
Tickets are available now. All Access tickets are $15 for entry to all events, including late afternoon and evening auditorium performances. General Admission tickets are $10 for entry to all events except for late afternoon and evening auditorium performances occuring after 4pm. Student tickets are $5. Children under 12 are free when accompanied by a paid adult. Tickets for the Eggs and Pancakes Brunch may be purchased separately in advance.

April is Jazz Appreciation Month. April 30th is recognized as International Jazz Day. On Saturday, April 27th from 11:00...

April is Jazz Appreciation Month. April 30th is recognized as International Jazz Day. On Saturday, April 27th from 11:00am to 10:00pm, in recognition of the United Nations UNESCO Herbie Hancock Institute Worldwide International Jazz Day Celebration, SEMM Foundation and Jazz 98.5 FM, WSAX proudly presents International Jazz Day Ohio.

International Jazz Day Ohio will offer an exciting all day celebration of the art of jazz. The event will feature a Tribute to the Life, Music and Legacy of Nancy Wilson, a spectacular professional and student art exhibition, vintage album exhibition, workshop discussions, awards ceremony, multiple vendors, keynote speakers, and an all star line-up of multiple live jazz performances, and dance and poetry reading performances, all on two stages throughout the day. Food and refreshments will be available, including an Eggs and Pancakes brunch.

Regional, national and international jazz superstars including saxophonist, Gary Bartz, trumpeter Eddie Henderson, drummer Greg Bandy, 2019 Grammy Award Nominee, pianist & organist Bobby Floyd, Vanessa Rubin, Priscilla Woodson, J. London & the Band of Friends, Copacetic, and a special big band show and dance by The Rick Brunetto Big Band, featuring vocalists Tia Harris, Michael Phillips and Jeremy Lahman. International Jazz Day Ohio will also showcase student performances by the Whitehall Yearling High School Jazz Band, Bexley High School Jazz Band and the St. Charles Preparatory Jazz Band.
Tickets are available now. All Access tickets are $15 for entry to all events, including late afternoon and evening auditorium performances. General Admission tickets are $10 for entry to all

Joining the list of bands for Jazz Day Ohio is musician Eddie Henderson.Jazz trumpeter extraordinaire Eddie Henderson re...

Joining the list of bands for Jazz Day Ohio is musician Eddie Henderson.

Jazz trumpeter extraordinaire Eddie Henderson received his first informal lesson on the trumpet at the age of 9 from Louis Armstrong. As a teenager he studied trumpet at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music and performed with the San Francisco Conservatory Symphony Orchestra.

In 1957, Eddie met Miles Davis for the first time. Miles, a family friend, admired the strikingly beautiful tone and musicality of Henderson’s trumpet playing and encouraged him to pursue a career in music. As a family friend, Miles has been a major musical influence on Eddie throughout his life. That culminated in May of 2002 with the recording of So What, a tribute to Miles that features songs associated with the legend.

As Henderson puts it, “Miles is so very special to me because when I was in high school he stayed in my parent’s house when he came through San Francisco. I was going to the conservatory then studying classical music. I saw him do all these songs live that I recorded on the tribute album.”

Eddie had the good fortune of meeting many famous musicians growing up (including getting those early tips from Satchmo) because his parents were both entertainers. His mother was a dancer at the original Cotton Club and his father a member of the popular singing group Billy Williams and the Charioteers. His stepfather was a doctor to people like Miles, Coltrane and Duke Ellington, so the association with musicians continued. In addition to excelling on his instrument, Eddie excelled academically enough to go to medical school and become a doctor.

From 1968 until the late ‘80s, Henderson mixed music and medicine. He received his first major musical exposure as a member of Herbie Hancock’s trailblazing Mwandishi sextet, an ensemble that also included young innovators such as Bennie Maupin, Julian Priester, Buster Williams and Billy Hart. From 1969 through 1973 they recorded Mwandishi and Crossings for Warner Bros. and Sextant for Columbia. His experiences with Hancock exerted a profound influence on Henderson as reflected in the music on his first two solo albums, Realization and Inside Out, recorded in 1972 and 1973 for Capricorn Records.

After leaving Hancock, the trumpeter worked extensively with Pharoah Sanders, Norman Connors and Art Blakey’s Jazz Messengers. Eddie returned to the San Francisco Bay Area in 1975 where he joined the Latin-jazz group Azteca and fronted his own bands. The expressive rhythmic thrust of Henderson’s jazz/fusion experiences manifested itself on his Blue Note recordings Sunburst and Heritage and in 1977, he broke through with a single on the Billboard charts, “Prance On” (from the album Comin’ Through).

Eddie has also performed with such notables as Dexter Gordon, Roy Haynes, Jackie McLean, Joe Henderson, Elvin Jones, Johnny Griffin, Slide Hampton, Benny Golson, Max Roach and McCoy Tyner.


Westerville, OH


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