Waupaca County Youth Market Animal Sale is underway!! Located in the show ring of the Multi-Purpose Building! Bid high, bid loud, bid last! 🤩🐷🐔🐑🦃🐂🪿🐰
When your here don't forget to stop and check out the animal exhibits these kids have been working hard!
2 more chances to see these dare devils today! 3:30 and 5:30pm!
Ask stilt man to do his tricks for you!
August 25 8p Country HIPHOP BASH BELLA CAIN & TOO HYPE CREW- There is simply no band anywhere like the Too Hype Crew. It is a tribute to 80’s, 90’s, early 00’s hip hop, featuring all live music from a six piece band, accompanied by choreographed “Fly Girl” dancers. It’s a party band – it’s a show – it’s art – it’s a house party on stage – all packaged in an unprecedented and family friendly way. This high energy, interactive show features the sites, the sounds, the moves, the fashion and antics of hip hop’s most colorful era. THC has opened for countless hip hop and pop legends and has toured the country since 2002.
August 25 8p Country HipHop Bash BELLA CAIN & TOO HYPE CREW
Reminder! Calling all 2022 Superintendents of all Junior and Open Class areas, our annual meeting will be tomorrow August 1st at 6:00 PM. Please reach out with any questions.
One more reminder that the Junior Fair Entries deadline is TOMORROW July 1st, 2022. If you have any questions about the process, please contact the exhibitor coordinator [email protected].
Open class entries are due July 15th, 2022.
Calling all Waupaca County Fair Junior and Open Class Superintendents!
The WCF Exhibitor Committee is seeking to create an updated list of current superintendent contact information. If you are currently a superintendent of a Junior or Open Class area at the WCF and have not been in contact with Jennifer Moen or have not confirmed you will be returning please send her an email to update our information. We would appreciate this being done by JULY 1st, 2022. Please detail the following information in the email: your name, area of superintendency and updated contact information. Jenn can be reached at: [email protected]
LISTEN to FROG Country's 92.3 DJ Jay interview with Frankie from Brew City Wrestling. FREE show August 29 3pm.